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无忧文档网    时间: 2019-10-04 08:05:07     阅读:

2018年12月英语六级作文常用句型表比较和对照关系 | 手机站 2018年09月19日 11:01:19 英语六级作文常用句型表比较和对照关系如下,大家快来看看都有哪一些区别呢 2018年12月英语六级作文常用句型大全 英语六级作文常用句型:表示比较和对照关系的句型 1) a is to b what/ as c is to d(a之于b犹如c之于d). 2) just as., so. 3) a and b have sth in common. 4) a is similar to b. 5) the same is true of,the same can be said of(也是如此). 6) the advantages of a are much greater than b. 7) compared with b, a has many advantages. 8) the advantages outweigh the disadvantages(利大于弊). 9) wonderful as a is, however, it has its own disadvantages too. 10) although a enjoys considerable advantage over, it can not compete with b in. 11) contrary to widely accepted views, i believe that. 12) what people fail to consider is that. 13) it is one thing to insist that., it is quite another to show that. 14) nothing can rival(是无与伦比的). 15) has drawbacks as well as merits. 16) a is superior(inferior) to b. 17) .varies from person to person(是因人而异的) 18) a is just the opposite (to b) 19) a differs from b in that(a不同于b在于) 20) is not the same (as) 好了,就说这么多,希望对大家有用.我是你的学习顾问王敏,选课有问题,快来找行家,我会为你匹配最适的课程,欢迎大家 在选课过程中如需帮助,您可以加我微信:18560125702,我将为您提供全面专业的选课帮助,让我们一起开始美好的学习之旅吧. 无






