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无忧文档网    时间: 2020-09-30 08:46:25     阅读:
















Practicality is now our great idol, which all powers and talents mustserve.Anything that is not obviously practical has little value in today'sworld.


In today’s society idealism seems to become an ideology that ismarginalized and practicality is our great idol, thus, the speaker asserts thatanything that is not practical bears little value. I admit that being practicalis the wide-accepted dogma in order to survive in this world, but by going toofar to claim that anything that is not practical has little value is against theempirical observation as well as the general stimulus that push the humansociety forward.

Admittedly, practicality has become a cult in today’s society. Too often dowe hear people talk about being practical whenever they come to make importantdecisions or choose between several alternatives. The deep-rooted causeunderlying this phenomenon is that with the development of modern society, theemphasis is placed more on financial gaining, quick fame, sensible choice and soforth. Our society is rather stable compared with that of the last century whenwar, violence, human right movements has become the symbol of that period.People are enjoying this peaceful environment with less crucial missions restedupon them and as a result, they shift from idealism to struggle for the commonwell being of mankind to the practical concept of individual achievement.

This ideology has its merits since after all the disaster and upheaval thatour human race has undergone, it is judicious to focus on the economic aspect ofthings in order to tackle the most important social problems such as poverty,hunger and environmental problems which all deserve us to sit down and work outpractical solutions. On the personal level, being practical is how a personwould possibly succeed in his career or personal life. One is likely to makesensible decisions for his education and job choice on the basis of practicalconsideration of his own strength and weakness and careful analysis of theprospect of research direction and job market. Even those in power andintellects need to consider practically since hasty decision built upon pureideal meditation would hardly find its way in the modern society and is doom tofailure.

Agreeing with the speaker that practicality has become the great idol inour society, I am strongly against his point that anything that is not practicalhas little value. Even in today’s society, idealism is by no means relegated tothe place of total neglect and disregard. For one thing, in history, so muchachievement is the outcome of several generations’ struggle such as fighting forequality for women, human rights movement,etc. In today’s society, practicalityis the way we can obtain our goal but idealism offers the philosophicalexplanation of why we should set this as our goal and the clear the ultimatevalue of our pursuing. What is more, by totally fixed one's eyes upon thepractical aspect of things, we face the danger of neglecting one important partof our pursuit, that is the mental enjoyment brought out by idealism. If we havea clear goal set in mind and put practical endeavor at the same time, the resultwould be more satisfactory and valuable.

To sum up, I agree with the speaker insofar as the wide acceptance ofpracticality is considered. Being practical is the tenet of modern society andit does shed light on the wise way of doing things and obtaining goals, nomatter in the personal or social level.But the speaker goes too far by claimingthat it is the only valuable ideology in society.I am strongly against this ideasince in history or at present, we human beings still need the philosophicalexplanation to clear our goal and to provide motivation. In this aspect,idealism would never be replaced with pure practical consideration.Otherwise,human society will be replete with insensible people directed byeconomic profit and quick fame and recognition.


The goal of politics should not be the pursuit of an ideal, but rather thesearch for common ground and reasonable consensus.



I safely agree with the speaker's argument that the search for commonground and reasonable consensus is the goal of politics. But I am reserved tosupport his or her idea that the goal of politics should not be the pursuit ofan ideal. The pursuit of an ideal is not doomed to conflict with the search forconsensus.

Politics, as it was defined is an art of balancing, that is to keep subtlebalance between different parties, which represent vested interests of differentgroups, hold different ideologies, to harmonize disparate social organizationsuch as Green peace organization and Arms manufacture association, to concertdifferent development plan and the like. Various interests of different groupsintertwined together, forming a huge net. It is this net that restrains anyindividual part's self-intention and possible partial proposal, makes theleaders think over before leap. In this way, the policy making would be morestable and reasonable, meanwhile the majority’s interests could be taken careof. A convincing example in this point is the nomination of the candidate ofPresident in certain party. One must be selected from tens of candidates who areon the behalf of different groups. At first, every group may name his ownrepresentatives,but the winner is single. After seeing his nomination is notsupported by the majority,thus has no chance to win, they will compromise on thepremise that their core interests are ensured, select the one who can beaccepted by most groups if not all to reach reasonable consensus, Thisinteracting relation is the fundament of democracy, which marks a country'scivilization degree and propel the society to forge ahead.

When it comes to another point of the speaker’s argument, namely the goalof politics should not be the pursuit of an ideal; my attitude sharply variesbetween different explanations and comprehensions on the key word- ideal. Ifideal was defined as impractical ideas- castle in the air, of course, it shouldnot be the base for the policy-making. The leader with hollow ideal may lead hispeople to abyss, such as the former Iraq president ‘s dream of his “Arabempire”. However, if the ideal was defined as certain ground and reasonableambition, it could even be argued that the very difference between politicianand statesman comes from the pursuit of ideal. Politicians do with the ideal,statesman without. The most brilliant politicians in the history are those whoare harboring holy but ground ideals, cherish their ideals as the source ofcommitment.

In a sum, politics has its specific trait, once an individual steps on thepower stage; he (or she) will greatly influence the rest of people, and his (orher) decision impacting the interests of various groups are unavoidable to bethe result of compromise, a wiser politician will pursuit their reasonableideals and move ahead on the process of compromise.







