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Unit 1 How Tall Are You? 教学设计 【教材分析】 六年级的学生正是好奇心极强的时候,对恐龙十分感兴趣,这课就是以谈论恐龙开篇的,所以我在课件中多加了几张恐龙动画片,把重点句型和词汇让恐龙说出来。接着教材又用萨拉询问埃米她穿多大号的鞋,这是学生日常生活中常见的。

【学生分析】 我所带的两个六年班,学生整体素质二班比一班强一些,基础薄弱是这两个班学生的共同之处,鉴于这一课开始学习比较级和最高级难度大,我准备这样设计教学环节和教学方法,完全让学生自己操作,多准备几个尺子和小称,亲自测量,把重点句型使用多媒体反复播放。

【教学内容】 中心话题:询问身边的人或事物的年龄、身高、重量及长度并做比较。


1.句型:1.That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 2.It’s taller than both of us together. 3.---How tall are you ? ---I’m 1.65 metres. 4.What size are your shoes,Mike? 5.Your feet are bigger than mine. My shoes are size 37. 6.---How heavy are you? ---I’m 48 kilograms. 2.词汇 younger,older,taller,shorter,longer,thinner,heavier,bigger,smaller,stronger dinosaur,hall,metre,than,both,kilogram,countryside,lower,shadow,smarter,become 【教学目标】 [知识目标] 一、词汇 younger,older,taller,shorter,longer,thinner,heavier,bigger,smaller,stronger dinosaur,hall,metre,than,both,kilogram,countryside,lower,shadow,smarter,become 二、句型 1.主语+be动词+the+形容词最高级+其他. 2.A+ be动词+形容词比较级+than+B. 3.How+形容词+ be动词+主语? 4.主语+ be动词+数字+单位/其他. 5.What size + be动词+其他. 三、四会句型 1.That’s the tallest dinosaur in this hall. 2.It’s taller than both of us together. 3.---How tall are you ? ---I’m 1.65 metres. 4.What size are your shoes,Mike? 5.Your feet are bigger than mine. My shoes are size 37. 6.---How heavy are you? ---I’m 48 kilograms. [能力目标] 1.能够用形容词的比较级和最高级来谈论人或事物。


[情感态度目标] 关注自己身边的人、事物及自然界中与我们共同生活的其他生命。

[学习策略] 训练学生的角色扮演能力,在调查、比较和分析的过程中反思该如何扬长避短,让自己做得更好。

[文化目标] 了解有关鞋子尺码的知识。

【单元重难点】 1.本单元的教学重点是让学生在联系日常生活的对话中运用比较级。

2.本单元的教学难点 a. 各类比较级词汇及相应问题的掌握。

b. 比较级不规则变化和写法的掌握。

六、单元教学课时安排建议:六课时 第一课时:Part A Let’s try / Let’s learn / Let’s talk 第二课时:Part A Ask and write / Let’s spell /Choose , write and say 第三课时:Part B Let’s try / Let’s learn / Let’s talk/Do a survey 第四课时:Part B Read and write / Let’s check/ Let’s wrap it up 第五课时:Part C story time 第六课时:
第一课时 (Part A Let’s try / Let’s learn / Let’s talk /Let’s sing ) 教学目标:
1、使学生能听、说、读、写有关比较级的单词older、younger 、shorter、taller 、stronger。


3、了解cm、kg分别表示长度和重量单位,并知道它们的读音,会回答句型:How tall are you? How heavy are you? (二)能力目标:





Step 1.Warm-up ( revision ) ( 1 ) Sing a song. What’s your favorite season? ( 2 ) Free talk. a. What’s your favorite season? Which season is it now? What’s the weather like in winter? Which season is always hot and sunny? / warm and rainy?/cool and cloudy?/cold and snowy? b. Which season can we make a snowman, winter or fall? Which season can we go swimming in a river, winter or summer? Which season can we fly kites, winter or spring? Which season is colder,summer or winter? Which is colder, water or ice-cream ? c. I can say :
cold --colder Can you say? warm---warmer, cool---cooler, hot--- hotter, old ---older. Step2. Presentation (practice) older/ younger的教学 1. How old is the woman? She is 35. 2. How old is the girl? She is 12. 3. Who’s older, the woman or the girl? 4. 35>12, so we can say the woman is older than the girl.(出示图片)12<35. We can say the girl is younger than the woman. 5. Now let’s play a game. Guess:How old am I? If your number is more than my age, I will tell you older. If your number is less than my age, I will tell you younger. Let’s see who can guess quickly. 6. How old am I? Guess, guess,guess. 7. It’s my turn now. You should ask me and say older or younger to help me. (出示图片) 先请学生猜老师的年龄,假如学生猜出的年龄比老师的实际年龄大,老师就说older , older, 假如比实际年龄小,老师就说younger , younger。然后由老师猜图片上小男孩的年龄,全班学生说older, younger来提示老师是否猜对。最后,由两位学生分别猜中年男人和老奶奶的年龄,全班学生通过说older, younger 来提示。

8. Who’s younger, the boy or the girl? (出示图片) 9. Let’s do: Older, older, older, make myself older. Younger, younger, younger, make myself younger. Shorter, shorter, shorter, make myself shorter. shorter/ taller的教学 1.Look at the fishing rod, it looks very short. In fact it’s long. Let’s have a look. Oh, it’s too long. It’s difficult for me to take it. Now let’s make it shorter and shorter. Everybody should say shorter ,shorter , shorter. Then I’ll let you see it can be shorter and shorter. (出示钓鱼杆) 2. Which are shorter, the shorts or the pants?(出示图片) Who’s shorter, Zhang Yining or Yao Ming?(出示图片) How tall is Zhang Yining?She’s 168cm . How tall is Yao Ming?He’s 226cm . 教学长度单位cm=centimeter 3.Who’s taller, Zhang Yining or Yao Ming?? Which animal is taller, the giraffe or the deer? 4.Who’s taller than you? 5. How tall is it ?(出示图片170cm,160cm,180cm,150cm) 6.How tall are you? Come here. Line up from shorter to taller. Line up from taller to shorter. Let’s do: Shorter, shorter, shorter, make myself shorter. Taller, taller, taller, make myself taller. stronger的教学 1. You look strong and tall. I can do it. Can you do it? (老师拉着拉力器说) 2. Yes, I can .(请两个学生分别做) 3. You look as strong as me. But who is stronger, you or I ? Now, let’s play another game. If you think I’m stronger than her, please come here. If you think she is stronger than me, please go there. Everybody should say stronger , stronger . Ready, go. 4. Who’s stronger, she or I ? 5. Which animal is stronger, the tiger or the elephant? (出示图片) Is a cat stronger than a mouse? I can say a bear is stronger than a squirrel. Who can say like me? 6. Which animal is stronger, the cock or the ant? How heavy is the cock? It’s about 3kg. 教学重量单位的读音(Good to know). 7. Let’s play. If I’m right, follow me. If I’m wrong, just do it. 6. Sing a song.( 自编歌曲, 边表演边唱) Who’s older than you 3 . 3 3 3 / 3 . 3 / 3 . 3 4 3 / Older younger older younger older who’s older than Taller shorter taller shorter taller who’s taller than Stronger thinner stronger thinner stronger who’s stronger than 2 — / 2 2 2 2 / 2 . 2 / you My brother my brother is he’s 2 2 2 2 / 1 — / 3 . 3 3 3 / older than me older younger older younger taller than me taller shorter taller shorter stronger than me stronger thinner stronger thinner 3 . 3 / 3 . 3 4 3 / 2 — / older who’s younger than you taller who’s shorter than you stronger who’s thinner than you 2 . 2 2 2 / 2 . 2 / 5 . 5 4 2 / My sister my sister is she’s younger than shorter than thinner than 1 — ‖ me. Step3. Task time (Consolidation) 1. The new year is coming. We are older than the last year, we are taller than the last year. We are stronger than the last year. Look , 出示表格:
Name Age Height Weight I 27 161cm 54kg My friend 25 158cm 52kg 2. From the form above, can you say something about my friend and me? is old than , is younger than is taller than , is shorter than is stronger than 3. Can you say something about you and your best friend? Step 4. Homework ( extension ) I think every father and every mother can remember their Children’s birthday, height, weight and age clearly. But some of the children often forget these of their parents. So today’s homework: 1. Ask your parents and finish the form. Then say something about your parents. Name Age Height Weight Father cm kg Mother cm kg is older than is taller than is stronger than 2. Remember these numbers forever. Give your father or mother a surprise on their birthdays. 课后反思:在课堂教学过程中,学生是学习的主体,他们总会有“创新的火花“在闪烁,我应当充分肯定学生在课堂上提出的一些独到的见解,这样不仅使学生的好方法、好思路得以推广,而且对他们也是一种赞赏和激励。同时,这些难能可贵的见解也是对课堂教学的补充与完善,可拓宽我们的教学思路,提高教学水平。

第二课时 (Part A Ask and write / Let’s spell /Choose , write and say ) 【教学目标】 1.能够听说读写句型:How tall are you ? I’m 164 cm tall. You’re shorter than me. You’re 4cm taller than me.并能在情景中运用。


3.能够理解Let’s chant 部分的内容。

4.能听懂并完成Let’s try 部分练习。

5.能够完成Group work的练习。

【教学重难点分析】 1.掌握句型How tall are you ? I’m 164cm tall. You’re shorter than me. You’re 4cm taller than me.并能在情景中运用。


【课前准备】 1.课前准备录音机和磁带。



【教学过程】 Step 1.Warm-up 1.Let’s sing:《My Pets》 2.Let’s chant. Step 2.presentation and practice 1.新年新气象。

T: Hello. Boys and girls .I’m happy to see you again. By the way, how old are you now? T: Yes .We are one year older than before. How old are you? S1: I’m 12 years old. T: What about you ? S2: I’m 12, too. T: Oh, I’m 22. I’m ten years older than you. 学生学说。

2.采访明星 图片出现刘翔、潘长江、刘欢、蔡依林等明星及他们的明星档案,教师请几名学生模仿明星,其他学生采访明星。

Hello, Liu Xiang. How old are you? How tall are you ? How heavy are you ? What’s your hobby? 3. 调查身边同学,完成Group work. 4. 比高矮 (1)图片出示潘长江和刘翔的画面,问:Who is taller? 再点一下鼠标边说边出示句子:Liu Xiang is 50 cm taller than Pan Changjiang.教师示范说。


5.比胖瘦 (1)课件出现刘欢和巩汉林两个人物,老师问:Who is stronger?点击鼠标出现句子:Liu Huan is bigger and stronger than Gong Hanlin. (2)出现几对有胖瘦之分的人物进行比较,使学生对谁比谁胖和强壮的句型得到操练。

6.招聘小演员 班级要招聘一批表演《龟兔赛跑》课本剧的小演员:
裁判 elephant (stronger ) 兔子rabbit (thinner) 乌龟 turtle (shorter) 群众演员 monkey bear bird panda giraffe 交际句型:I’m stronger and bigger than you . I’m shorter than you, etc 7.课件出示John 和Wu 二人,呈现课文对话。

John: How tall are you? Wu: I’m 164 cm tall. You are shorter than me. John: Yes. I’m 160 cm. You’re 4 cm taller than me. Step 3 Task time 1.同桌询问,完成表格。

Name Age Weight 2.根据表格数据用比较级进行汇报。

Step 4.Consolidation and extension 1.Listen to the tape and repeat. 2.完成 Let’s try部分练习。. 3.Finish the activity book. 4.Homework 调查家庭成员的年龄、身高、体重。

有起伏、有节奏,使课堂上充满生机、挑战与激情。促成情感互动、师生互动的局面。“互动”指在教学过程中,通过师生认知互动、师生情感互动、师生实践性活动的互动等,形成多维互动关系,在对话课上充分体现了老师的主导作用及学生的主体地位 第三课时 (Part B Let’s try / Let’s learn / Let’s talk/Do a survey ) 一、教学目标:
1. 能够听懂对话,进一步掌握用英语表达高度、长度的方式以及形容词比较级句型的用法。

2. 能够理解对话内容,完成相应的练习题。

3. 复习辅音/p/; /b/; /t/; /d/, 学习双元音/ei/; /ai/; /Ri/,学会拼读由以上音素组成的音节。

4. 在阅读中培养学生的团结合作意识。

二、教学重难点 教学重点:  1.理解对话内容,侧重训练高度、长度的表达方式以及形容词比较级句型的用法。


教学难点: 形容词funny比较级的构成. 三、课前准备 CAI、录音机、音标卡片 四、教学过程 Step 1. Warm-up 1. 组织背诵英语歌谣:Mike is taller than Lee.( P. 2) 2. 唱一首英语歌曲: 《My pets》( P. 12) 3. Listen and do: Touch your head/…/tail Step 2. Presentation 1.呈现阅读材料内容:
在听听做做游戏最后,插入: Touch your tail. T: We have no tails. But I have a pet. It’s a monkey. 呈现一只猴子:Look, it has a long tail. How long is its tail? Its tail is 38cm long.   What colour is this monkey? Ss: It’s brown. 呈现另一只猴子 T: What about this one? Ss: It’s yellow. T: Which monkey do you like? Ss: I like ....(the yellow one. It’s lovely. ) Explain: one 代词 讨论:
T: Can you guess: How tall is it? Ss: It’s about 30cm tall. 呈现: It’s 40 cm tall. It’s so short. It’s a little monkey. T: What about that one? 呈现:It’s 150 cm tall. 呈现两只猴子的对比图,提问:
T: Which monkey is taller? Ss: The yellow one is taller than the brown one. Write on Bb: It is taller than the brown one. It is shorter than the yellow one. T:Which monkey is stronger? Ss: The brown monkey is stronger than the yellow one. Write on Bb: The brown monkey is stronger. T: Which monkey is younger? Ss: The little monkey is younger. 再次出示那只小猴子:
T: Look, the little monkey is shorter ,stronger and younger than the yellow one. The yellow one is taller. But look at this boy. His name is Ben. 出示一个男孩:(158cm, making faces) T: Can you guess: How tall is the boy? Ss: It’s about…. 出示:158cm The boy is taller. The monkey is shorter. The monkeys are funny. Look at the boy. He is making faces. So the boy is funnier. Write on Bb: The boy is funnier. 让学生巩固:happy, heavy等。

( ) 1.Ben likes the yellow monkey. ( )2. The brown monkey is taller than the yellow one. ( ) 3. The little monkey is the brown one. ( ) 4. The brown monkey is younger and shorter than the yellow one. ( ) 5. The yellow monkey is stronger than the brown one. ( ) 6. The monkeys are funnier than Ben. 3.再用课件出示阅读材料后的练习,让同学们独立完成,然后校对答案。

Step 3 Pronunciation 1.复习学过的音标:
活动:快乐对对碰(飞升的气球可以由上个环节的表扬引出) 课件呈现飞升的气球,将辅音固定在课件中,元音写在气球上飘升上去,飘到两辅音中间时让学生快速拼读出来。/i:/; /u:/等。

2.新授三个双元音:/ei/; /ai/; /Ri/ 上个游戏环节,最后两个设计为/e/和/i/,读完/e/将气球飘至一边,等/i/的音节读完,引导同学们将/e/和/i/连起来读读看,引出 /ei/的教学。然后让同学们将含有/ei/ 音节的例词说出来,用同样的方法学习/Ri/;/ai/./p//m//b//k//t//g//e//i//d/ /n/ /h/ /t/ 3.巩固新学音标:
活动1摘苹果 呈现一棵苹果树,下面是三个箩筐/ei /, / ai /, /Ri/, 上面挂满红苹果,苹果上有单词:pain, baby, tail, day, pine, bike, type, dive, point, boy, toy, doyen, cake, buy, soil, etc.让学生按每个单词所含双元音分类。

活动2拼读竞赛 (1)出示一些没学过的单词,让男女生竞赛,根据所学的拼读规律或从学过的单词迁移,读出这些单词,看谁读得最快最正确. Station, soy, enjoy, appointment, retire, pilot, X-ray, describe, label, license, mistake, advice, coin, recognize, stale. (2)出示一些句子,看谁快速流利地读出:
He can type, he can dive, he can ride a bike, Kite, kite, high in the sky, make the guy want to fly. He likes playing ,playing the game, he likes baking the cake. Boy, boy, point to the toy, make the noise, have no choice. Step 4. Consolidation Activity book. 课后反思:六年级的教学尤其是在这Let’s read部分的教学,我深刻地意识到学生英语学习习惯的培养是何等的重要,若没有平时英语课外读物积累和词汇的巩固,那么如何会提高英语的实际应用能力?调动学生学习外语的主观能动性,培养学习者的学习策略和学习方法,这远比简单地“授之于鱼”要重要的多,对学生也有用的多。

第四课时 (Part B Let’s learn / Let’s play Part C Task time ) 一、教学目标 1、 能听说读写四会单词:heavier thinner longer bigger smaller 2、 能听说读认句子:
His tail is longer. His head is smaller. 3、 能在实际情景中灵活运用四会单词和句子。

4、 能够完成Task time 中的任务。

二、教学重难点分析 1、 形容词比较级的不规则变化。如:big双写g加er ,heavy则把y改i加er。

2、 能在实际情景中灵活运用形容词比较级。如:My arms are longer than yours. 3、 名词性物主代词yours的用法。

三、教具准备 单词卡片、动物头饰、课件、录音机、磁带等 四、教学步骤 (一)热身运动 / 复习 1、 Let’s do ( Book2 P61 ,复习形容词原级 ) 2、 English song 《My Pets》 (二)导入新课 A:1、课件出现Jeff哥哥给同学们猜谜的片段,让学生猜是哪种动物。

谜面:This animal is very big , It has two big ears , two small eyes and four big legs . It has a very long nose , but his tail is very short , guess, what is it ? 2、猜出是elephant 后,课件出现一头大象,老师请学生描述大象的体貌特征,如:
His nose is very long . 以此来复习形容词原级。


T:Boys and girls, what’s this? Ss:It’s a mouse. T:Is the mouse very big? Ss:No, It’s small. T:Yes, the mouse is small, it is smaller than the elephant. 4、课件出现大象和老鼠的对比图片,显示单词 smaller (er 用不同颜色表示),然后出现单词 bigger (ger 用不同颜色表示) T:The mouse is smaller, the elephant is bigger . Please pay attention to double “g”. 5、教师教单词 smaller 和 bigger ,并提示“g”双写。

B:1、以前的卡片出现大象与老鼠图片,教师引出stronger 单词。

T:Look, the elephant is bigger and stronger, his nose is longer, too. 2、引出longer 单词并和stronger 作比较,以便学生掌握正确的发音。


C:1、Let’s try并配上录音。出zoom和zip 的画面, Zoom:Hi, boy’s and girls, I’m your friend zoom, I’m 40kg, I’m strong. Zip:Hi, I’m zip, I’m thin, I’m 10kg. 2、教师提出3个问题。

①、How heavy is Zoom? ②、How heavy is Zip? ③、Who is thinner and who is heavier? 3、引导学生说:Zoo is heavier and Zip is thinner. 4、教学单词 thinner heavier D:教师出示单词卡片,领读5个单词,学生打开课本,听录音跟读。

五、练习实践 ( 采用任务型教学 ) a、任务前教学 自编Let’s chant, 配上节奏,来复习5个形容词的比较级。(见课件) b、 任务中教学 1、 “森林大聚会”活动:教师戴上熊的头饰,Hello, I’m a bear, I’m heavier than the mouse, ha, ha! 然后引导学生戴上头饰和别的动物比一比。

2、Let’s play, 由小动物比赛转动学生间的相互比赛,如:My arms are longer than yours. 教师出示板书,告诉学生 yours 等于your 加上一个前面出现过的名词。

3、活动:动物园里的小小讲解员。课件出现动物园场景,聘请学生当小小讲解员,如:The elephant is strong, his nose is longer. 以此达到操练句型、运用句型的目的。

c、 任务后教学 作业(Homework):
Task time –Measure the room, the bed and the table at home, present measurements next class. 教学反思:在上词汇课的时候,考虑到所任教学科的学科特点及高年级小学生的性格特点,则更有必要对自己的课堂陈述进行反思。因此,我理当应尽可能地反思自己的课堂陈述,掌握优美的英语语音语调,形成亲切得体的教姿教态,提升自己的教学风格和教学魅力。

第五课时 (Part B Read and write / Let’s check/ Let’s wrap it up) 一、教学目标 1、四会掌握主要句型:How heavy are you? I′ m ¬¬¬¬ 48 kg. I′ m thinner than you, and shorter. 2、能听懂并完成Let′ s try部分的练习. 3、初步了解重量、长度单位的英语表达形式并能在实际生活中运用。


二、教学重难点分析 1、 本课的重点是学会正确询问体重并根据回答作出讨论,涉及的句型是:
How heavy are you ? I′ m _____ kg. I′ m thinner than you ,and shorter. 2、 难点:根据实际情况灵活运用How tall/long/heavy… are you ?能正确运用长度和重量单位。

三、教学准备 1、 课前准备录音机磁带。

2、 教师准备本课时所需的表格。

3、 自制教学学要的图片(多媒体课件)。

四、教学过程 Step 1. Warm up 1、Free talk : Hi, How are you ? How old are you ? How long is your desk? How tall are you ?…(目的在于复习句型How tall are you?及其回答方式I′ m 164cm tall. 同时教师在此环节中及时做出或引导学生做出评论:He is taller than her.) Step 2. Preview Let′ s try .(学生完成听录音选择练习) Step 3. Presentation. 1、 教师运用图片的形式,出示本课时主要动画人物:猴王和八戒 T:Class,today we have two new friends,Monkey King and Ba Jie,Listen,What are they talking? (多媒体演示以下对话:) M:Nice to meet you again , Ba Jie .But I think ,You are heavier than before. B:No, I′ m not heavier. I′ m stronger. I′ m stronger than you. So I′ m cooler than you. (课件同时出现四会句型: I ′m stronger. I′ m stronger than you.) 2、 教师引导学生讨论:Which one is cooler? Why ? 通过讨论,使学生复习巩固以下句型:
Monkey King is cooler. He is taller than Ba Jie. 3、 继续通过图片让学生模拟去说:
M:Ha ha, I′ m cooler than you. How heavy are you? B:I′ m 100 kg. How heavy are you? M:I′ m 50 kg. 使学生初步感知新句型: How heavy are you? 及回答方式: I′ m ____kg. 4、 教师板书四会句型: How heavy are you? I′ m ____kg. 领读, 学生分层跟读。

5、 Drill:(学生以排、行等不同的组织形式分层操练) S1:Hello, ××. How heavy are you? S2:I′ m ____kg. How heavy are you? S3 S3:…… 6、 学生听对话录音跟读. Step 4 . Practice. 1、通过板书拓展句型:How big are your feet ? How long are your legs? M:Ba Jie. I have many presents for you . Look at the nice shoes. How big are your feet? B:I wear Size 17. M:How long are your legs? B:70cm. M:Here you are . B:Thank you. 2、Pair work.: make a survey. (T:猴王要给大家分发礼物,请同桌相互调查.) You Your friend Height Legs Feet 3、Pair work . Make a report. 根据调查情况,同桌做出简要汇报。

For example:
Hi, I′ m Mike. I′ m 145cm tall. I′ m taller than Tom. Tom′ s feet are bigger than me .My legs are longer than Tom. 4、师小结:
We say I′ m ____cm tall. We can also say I′ m __ feet tall. 板书:Feet (ft) 1 foot=0.3048 meters 以此引出Good to know Step 5. Good to know. 1、 多媒体出示长度和重量单位,使学生理解各单位的含义,教师给予一定的说明补充。

2、 指导学生朗读并完成课本Good to know 部分的练习。

Step 6. Consolidation 1、 完成活动手册的配套练习 2、 完成下列填空 Length Weight Eraser An egg Pencil You Door An elephant From YuYao to Ning Bo A Sperm Whale 课后反思:授课初期我感到我时时在经历这样的反思过程。以课堂教学方式的反思为例。最初,为了让学生更好地掌握上课内容,课堂上,我让他们反复地跟读操练课文中的对话和句型,一段时间后,我发现学生们开始失去了热情。上课时,我口干舌燥地教,而他们意兴阑珊地读。我很困惑,是我的教学有问题,还是小学六年级学生的心理特点决定的呢?在很多的英语教学杂志和教学录象中,我看到了不同于我的课堂教学的实例以及由此产生的不同的教学效果。教育部提出的素质教育的大方向更是引发了一场关于英语教学的大讨论。我想此时,我是在经历了反思最为重要的两个阶段——具体经验和观察分析。之后,我将自己反思的结果一点一点地运用在我的课堂教学中,我采用游戏法、竞赛法,设计活动课,逐步放开,让学生主动地参与到兴趣盎然的课堂中来。我发现,游戏的加入与活动的增多,非但没有使教学进度滞后,反而因学生参与程度的提高而提高了教学效率和教学效果。

第六课时 (Part C Story time) 一、教学目标 1、 在互相合作的基础上培养学生的阅读能力,能够对不同个体之间的差异进行比较。

2、 理解三Story time的故事内容,了解个体差异的优缺点,培养学生的自信心。

二、教学重难点分析 重点:理解短文内容,并能完成相应的练习。


三、课前准备 录音机、多张图片、CAI、表格 四、教学步骤及建议 Step 1. Warm- up and revision 1、听听做做 教师引导学生做Let’s do (Book 2 Unit 6 P61) 2、活动:星星闪闪(课前先在黑板上贴上五颗大星星) 教师先自我介绍:I’m 160 cm tall. How tall are you? 引导一个学生回答,并将两个数据放入星星中由第三个学生进行比较回答 A is _____than B. 其他四个星星用同一种方法进行比较讨论身高和体重等。

3、编歌谣,说唱(多媒体出示) I’m tall tall taller than you. -------- Step 2. Preview 做游戏,Guess, what’s my favourite animal?让学生描述他们喜欢的动物,引导他们这么说:It’s my favourite animal. It’s …cm tall. Its tail is …cm long. It likes to eat…..It can….Guess, what’s this? Step 3. Presentation 1、 设置情境:教师带领学生去海洋馆(多媒体出示) Teacher: Today I will take you to the Ocean Museum.. Do you know, what’s the biggest animal in the world? 引出单词whale.。


Teacher: The left whale is sperm whale, the right one is killer whale. Teacher: How heavy is the sperm whale? 课件展示,引出重量单位ton。

Ask: How long is it? How long is its tail? 教师可通过longer/shorter来帮助学生猜。

课件展示sperm whale的牙齿,ask: How many teeth? How long is its tooth? 再通过课件展示很多动物或蔬菜,ask: What’s its favourite food?让学生来进行选择,从而引出单词squid, lobsters和small shark。

Then ask: What can it do? (It can swim/dive.) 老师通过课件图片介绍killer whale。


如:Which is longer, sperm whale or killer whale? How long is sperm whale/killer whale? Which is heavier, sperm whale or killer whale? How many teeth does the sperm whale/killer whale have? What can the sperm whale/killer whale do? Etc 2、 完成短文后的练习,分组讨论,说说两头鲸鱼的不同。

3、 火眼金睛 看图片,比一比,说一说。

Step 4. Consolidation 1、活动:顺风耳、千里眼(多媒体出示 非洲象和亚洲象) 看图,听短文,填写表格 Height Weight Teeth Food Teeth Tail 听完后小组讨论汇报。

2、Story time (1) 听录音排列图片。

(2) 讨论问题:Why do they need Bear to be the goalkeeper?   (3) 读一读,演一演。








我常常对我的学生说:不管你的语文或数学有多好或多坏,在Miss Zhang的眼中,大家都是一样,都在同一起跑线上。只要你乐于学习英语、认真学习英语,在每次的英语评价都有进步,你就是最棒的! 四、以诚心交流童心。



Unit2第一课时 教学目标 1.复习单词或词组cleaned, washed, watched, stayed, cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV。

2.四会句子:How was your weekend ?It was good ,thank you .What did you do ? I stayed at home with your grandma .Did you do anything else? 3. 三会单词:drank 、show . 教学重点 掌握四会句子。


教学准备 课件 本课时的教学挂图 录音带 教学过程 一、热身导入 1.Sing a song :
what did you do? 2.Free talk 二、任务呈现 1、明确let’s try 的听力任务 2、呈现本课时所学的重点词语及句型 三、 课文学习 1.出示日历,引出this weekend和last weekend,并教读,找同学谈这两个短语的用法及不同,然后将week和 weekend进行区分。

2.初读对话,回答问题What are they talking about? 3.听对话,圈出所听到的动词过去式并核对答案。



6.强调新的句型Did you do anything else?并反复朗读。通过对话让学生谈发现,得出一般过去式的句子结构。

四、训练巩固 1.Let’s chant 2. Role-play 3.写一写自己的上个周末。

五、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:
dinosaur,both of ,more How was your weekend?It was good. What did you do?I watched some children's shows on TV Unit2第二课时 教学目标 1. 能听、说、读、写 :cleaned my room,washed my clothes,stayed at home,watched TV。

2. 能运用句型 : How was your weekend ? It was fine. What did you do ?...进行简单交流。

3.学唱”Last weekend” 教学重点 掌握Let’s learn部分的四会单词与词组。


教学难点 正确书写和掌握四会单词及其发音。


教学准备 多媒体课件 单词卡 录音带 图片 教学过程 一、热身导入 1. 师生相互问候。

2. Let’s chant复习与周末活动有关的动词词组。

二、任务呈现 1、呈现本节课的四个新单词词组:
cleaned my room,washed my clothes,stayed at home,watched TV 三、课文学习 1. 学习新单词 (1) 教师通过图片,引出本课四个词组。

(2) 教师引导学生小结一般过去式动词的规则变化,即一般情况下,在词尾加-ed。教师在课件和卡片上用红色标注-ed。

New phrases: cleaned ,washed ,watched ,stayed ,cleaned my room ,washed my clothes ,stayed at home ,watched TV. (3)出示以上词组后,用I cleaned my room /… 造句。

( 4)学生观察两个词组的不同之处.T:eg:cleaned 是clean的过去式,当我们要表达过去发生的事情时,就要用动词的过去式,规则动词的过去式一般在原形后面加ed.cleaned的ed 发/d/. 师领读. (5)用同样的方式教“stay/stayed at room,wash/washed my clothes,watch/watched TV.”. 注意:washed,watched的ed 发/t/. (6)教师在课件上出示词组图片,学生跟读学习。

(7))编成chant ,做动作并进行吟唱。

四、训练巩固 1.游戏 游戏1:巧用探照灯 先出示图片,复习所学词组;

游戏2: Bomb Game. 形象展示,让学生乐于其中,同时起到复习反馈的作用。

游戏3: I say you do,and I do you say (1)教师说词组,学生做动作;




2.Let’s learn.操练 (1) 教师在课件上呈现A Let’s learn图片,提问:
What did they do on weekend? (2) 教师播放A Let’s learn课文动画,学生跟读。

(3) 学生同桌合作,模仿Let’s learn中对话,根据实际情况对话。

3. Do a survey and report.(小组合作) (1) 学生通过看书了解本部分内容要求。

(2) 学生六人一组,做调查活动, 并在表格中记录调查结果。

(3) 学生汇报自己小组的调查结果。

五、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:
cleaned my room,washed my clothes,stayed at home,watched TV What did you do? Unit2第四课时 教学目标 1、能听、说、读、写单词、词组:had , slept, read, saw, last, yesterday, before, read a book, saw a film, had a cold. 2、能听、说、读认读句子:“ What did you do last weekend ? I saw a film. Did you like it ? Yes, I did .I t was great”。

3.学会用一般过去时询问对方的周末生活,能在实际情境中正确使用What did you do last weekend/yesterday/… ? 并作答,培养用英语交流的能力。

教学重点 能听、说、读、写单词、词组:had , slept, read, saw, last, yesterday, before, read a book, saw a film, had a cold. 教学难点:

教学准备 多媒体课件 录音带 本课时相关的图片 教学过程 一、热身导入 1.Say the chant: What did you do? I cleaned my room. What did you do? I washed my clothes. What did you do? I stayed at home. What did you do? I watched TV. 2、Ask and answer: How was your weekend? It was…. What did you do last weekend? I washed my clothes/…. 二、任务呈现 1、(出示课件)学习单词last. 课件出示日历,T: This month is March. Last month is February. 教师用升降调带读“last”。

出示课件:让学生借助课件理解this weekend 、last weekend、last Monday、last week等词组的意思。

(出示课件)学习单词yesterday T: What day is it today? S: Today is … T: Today is …, yesterday is … 教师板书:yesterday让学生说说yesterday的意思,教师用升降调带读yesterday,全班拼读记忆yesterday。

2、课件展示本节课要学习的四个单词任务 read a book, saw a film, had a cold.slept 三、课文学习 1、(出示课件)学习单词before T: Yesterday is …. The day before yesterday was ….让学生说说该词组的意思。教师介绍: before的意思是“在……之前”,教师带读before,全班拼读记忆,最后齐读the day before yesterday。


教师假装咳嗽并说: I had a cold yesterday …have a cold.课件出示John感冒的图片说John had a cold too .出示词卡并教读:have -had 活动:指手划脚 活动方式:教师假装咳嗽并说: I had a cold yesterday,然后边做睡觉的动作边说:I slept.再把手指向其中一位同学,被指的学生立刻起立说I had a cold yesterday,然后边做睡觉的动作边说:I slept. .3、学习单词read及read a book。

教师说:I often read a book,从而复习该词组。课件出示一本书,介绍说:I read this book last night. It’s about dinosaur, It’s very interesting.带读:read a book。出示词卡,带读read/ri:d/和read/red/提问学生哪个单词读音变了?教师指着read介绍,read这个次原形和过去式都一样的。原形时字母组合ea发/i:/的音,过去式时发/e/的音。

同样方法教“read a book, saw a film”. 4、学习单词saw及saw a film。

教师说:I often see a film on weekends, 从而复习词组see a film. I saw a film last Tuesday. It’s about dinosaur.教学see a film和saw a film:出示词卡see-saw,带读并记忆单词。

四、训练巩固 1、、活动:“我是代言人”,操练句子. What did you do last weekend/yesterday/…I saw a film/read a book…. Girls:Zhang Peng, Zhang Peng, What did you do last weekend? Boys: I watched TV. .2、两人一组看图练习对话:
What did you do last Monday/yesterday/… ? I saw a film/read a book/…. 3、活动:Box game。

活动方式:教师出示事先准备好的盒子:标有的盒子放一些活动类的词组,让一名学生从标有时间的盒子里抽出一张纸条读给全班听,并且放音乐,然后全班一起边传有活动的盒子边问What did you do last Monday?音乐停,持有盒子的同学从盒子里抽出一张纸条进行回答。

五、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:
read a book , saw a film,had a cold,slept,last weeked last night,the day before yesterday what did you do last weekend? Unit2 Last weekend 第三课时 教学目标:
1、能听懂What did you do last weekend?并运用所学的动词短语回答。

2、能够听、说、读、写Let`s talk中的四会句型:I want to buy the new film magazine. What did you do last weekend? Did you see a film? No, I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept. 3、能背会Let’s talk并能够进行对话练习。

掌握四会句型, 流利朗读Let's talk 部分中对话. 教学难点:magazine的发音。

教学准备 课件 本课时的挂图 录音带 教学过程 一、热身导入 1.greetings. 2.说唱歌谣.let’s chant 二、任务呈现 1、呈现本节课的学习目标任务 2. ask and answer:
让学生在对话中复习了上节课所学的问句What did you do last weekend?的及以前学的短语,拓展词汇量,增加课堂实效性,为下面的内容做好铺垫。) 三、课文学习 1. 日历导出学习过去时间单词 2. 翻译难句。(老师通过讲解难句,学生通过读难句,为孩子们学习下一步打下坚厚的基础。读句子中,老师通过各种方式引导学生,让学生在游戏中弱化了难点。其中,老师板书难句时,有意制造一些错误,培养学生的观察、分析能力,更加深了学生对动词的一般过去时的印象,同时帮助学生掌握了正确规范的书写,为将来进一步的学习做了很好的铺垫.) 3、听录音。(闭住眼睛,让孩子们尽力做到静心安神的目的) 4、读课文,回答问题。(希望孩子们尽量做到用心的状态) 5、背课文。

四、训练巩固 1、Act Let`s talk.(让孩子们充分展示自己) 2、pair work 对话练习 3、写出下列名词的过去式。

watch _________ am is _______ stay ______ have______ talk _____ do _______ clean ________ read ________ sleep ________ drink _____ 4.练习:填入所缺的单词 1. Chen Jie _________(clean) the room last weekend. 2. Wu Yifan _________ (watch)TV last weekend. 3. Sarah _________ (do) homework last weekend. 4. John ___________(wash) clothes last weekend. 5. I _________(visit) my grandparents last weekend. 6. Zhang Peng ________(play) football last weekend. 7. I _______ (go) to a park last weekend. 8. She ________(go) swimming last week. 9. They _______(play) basketball last night. 10. He________(clean) the classroom everyday. 五、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:
better,had ,slept,talked about,interesting, What did you do last weekend? Did you see a film? Unit2 第5课时教学设计 教学目标 1. 能够通过读前活动回忆相关背景知识及话题词汇。

2. 能够在宾馆反馈意见中寻找关键信息。

3. 能够根据示范意见书及语言提示填出所缺信息,补全反馈意见的邮件。

教学重点 能够读懂故事,并完成读后思考题及补全邮件。

教学难点 能够根据示范意见书及语言提示填出所缺信息,补全反馈意见的邮件教学过程 教学准备 课件 录音带 图片 教学过程 一、 热身导入 1. 师生相互问候。

2. 教师在课件上出示爸爸去哪是的情景图片,复习句型。

3. 通过师生问答复习重点句型。参考重点句型:
How was your weekend? It was good. Did you do anything else? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. Was it interesting? Yes/No, …. What did you do last weekend? I …. Did you …? No, I had a cold. 二、 任务呈现 1、 图片展示假日酒店 2、 课件呈现Read and write 的文中图片,导出本课要学的任务。

3. 阅读前 (1) 教师提问学生是否住过酒店,引出单词hotel,并通过图片分别展示好的与差的酒店。请学生回忆曾经去过的印象较深的酒店是什么样子,能在酒店里做什么,和大家分享在酒店里遇到的愉快或者不愉快的事情。

(2) 教师在课件上呈现Mrs Broom的头像,向学生介绍:
Mrs Broom works in a hotel. She is a housekeeper. What did she do yesterday? 请学生选择:
made the beds cooked the food cleaned the rooms (3) 教师介绍文段的背景:Wu Yifan and his family stayed in a hotel yesterday. It was not a good time. Why? 请学生预测吴一凡一家人在酒店中的遭遇。

三、课文学习 (1) 第一次阅读 教师要求学生快速阅读文段后回答问题:How was Wu Yifan’s stay in the hotel last weekend? (2) 第二次阅读 教师要求学生细读第一段后回答问题:What was the room like? (3) 第三次阅读 教师要求学生结对阅读文段其他部分,找出Mike的爸妈以及Mike的困扰是什么,然后完成文段后Find the sentences that describe Pictures 1-3部分。教师还可请学生注意文本中出现的动词短语,完成以下搭配练习:
clean loud music fix a book taste bad read TV watch the room listen to our stay enjoy a broken chair (4) 第四次阅读 教师放录音,请学生跟读,模仿正确的停顿和语音、语调。

四、 训练巩固 1. 教师请学生思考后回答问题:How do you feel about Wu Yifan’s stay at the hotel? 2. 学生完成Circle all the verbs in the text and complete the table.部分并核对答案。

3. 学生完成Read and finish the letter.部分并核对答案。

五、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:
was cleaned fixed wanted got were tasted didn't listened listened to loud music, I wanted to watch TV but the TV didn't work. Unit2第六课时 教学目标 1. 能够从图片信息中推测考查点,做到有目的地听录音,并完成图片排序任务。

2. 能够在教师的帮助下小结一般过去时的用法及动词词尾的规则变化。

3. 能够通过阅读趣味故事,复习巩固本单元所学语言,增加学生语言的输入;
能够恰当运用故事中的语言。(根据学生具体情况制定不同层次的教学目标) 教学重点 复习归纳本单元重点内容,尤其是一般过去时的用法及动词词尾的规则变化。

能够朗读、表演故事。(此难点为预设难点,教师可根据班里实际情况调整) 教学准备 课件 习题 教学过程 一、 热身导入 师生一起let’s chant<<last weekend>> 二、任务呈现 1、明确let’s warp it up 的书写任务 2、课件展示story timer的重要问题Answer the questions. What did zoom do On Saturday morning? What did zoom do on Saturday afternoon? What did zoom do On Sunday morning? What did zoom do on Sunday afternoon? 三、 课文学习 1、 教学B. Let’s check 先让学生观察这八幅图片。



全班校对答案(可以个别提问) Activity:扮演中央电视台记者现场采访并报道 用how tall/how heavy/how old/what size进行采访并报道。(目的:融所学的语言知识于生活化的情境中,提高了学生理解语言和运用语言进行交际的能力。) 2、教学B. Let’s wrap it up Activity: 模特走秀 让学生利用身势来表演这四组形容词反义词,taller---shorter heavier---thinner older--- younger bigger---smaller,其他学生猜并拼写,同时帮我完成板书。

①tall ----taller一般在形容词后加er. ②thin---thinner重读闭音节以结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写这个辅音字母,再加er. ③heavy---heavier以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词,变y为i,再加er. 学生利用以上规律,独立完成练习。全班讲评订正(个别提问) 3、教学C. Story time 1.师生对话,导入故事。

T: Do you like football? S: Yes, I do. T: Do you want to be a goalkeeper? S: Yes, I do. 2.学生阅读故事,了解故事大意。

Q1.How tall is deer? How heavy is deer? Q2.Who is tallest of all? Q3.Who is an excellent goalkeeper? 4.回答问题。

四、训练巩固 (一)、巩固练习,填入所缺的单词。

1. Chen Jie ____________ the room last weekend. 2. Wu Yifan ____________ TV last weekend. 3. Sarah ______________ homework last weekend. 4. John _______________ clothes last weekend. 5. I ______________ my grandparents every weekend. (二)连词成句。(10分) 1. did, you, What, do, yesterday _________________________________ 2. you, Did, go, the, to, park, weekend, last ________________________________ 3. visited, I, grandparents, my, yesterday _________________________________. 4. played, Wu Yifan, football, friends, his, with _ _____________________________. 5. Zhang Peng, to, Mike’s, walked, home ________________________________ 五、 课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:
What did zoom do On Saturday morning? What did zoom do on Saturday afternoon? What did zoom do On Sunday morning? What did zoom do on Sunday afternoon? 小学六年级英语导学案 教研组:英语 主备人:
课题:Unit 3 Where did you go? 课型:新授 A.Let’s learn A.Listen,answer and write 课时:共 6 课时,第 1 课时 学 习 目 标 1.能听说读写单词及词组: rode, rode a horse, rode a bike, went ,went camping, hurt, hurt my foot and went fishing. 2.能听说认读句子:Where did you go last Saturday? I went to a forest park. What did you do there? I rode a bike.   导学过程 二次备课 学 习 过 程 自主学习 1.Show the pictures and Go over the phrases of Unit 2. S1:watched TV S2: I wathched TV S3: I wathced TV last weekend. 同样的方法复习cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, read a book, saw a film, had a cold and slept. 2.Free talk. --- What did you do last weekend? --- I watched TV./ ... 合作探究 (1)Show the picture of ride a horse. 教读短语T: ride a horse I often ride a horse. (学生跟读) (2) 呈现句子T: I rode a horse last weekend. 同样的方法教学短语rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot,went fishing. (3)T:What did you do last weekend? Ss: I rode a horse/ went camping …(学生多操练) 1.Play a game. 叫一名同学到讲台前表演动作,其他的同学说出短语。


3.Fnish Listen, answer and write. 齐读这些句子。

当堂检测 写出下列动词的过去式。

go-- ride-- hurt -- watch -- clean-- 这节课我学会了:
课堂 反思 小学六年级英语导学案 教研组:英语 主备人:
Unit 3 Where did you go? 课型:新授 课时:共 6 课时,第 2 课时   学 习 目 标 1.能听懂Let’s try并完成Tick and cross. 2.能理解Lets talk并能听说认读下列句子What happened? Are you all right? I’m OK now. Where did you go? It looks like a mule. Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did.   导学过程 二次备课 学 习 过 程 自主学习 1.复习 Let’s learn.Eg: rode a horse. I rode a horse last weekend. 2.Free talk. --Where did you go last Sunday/ Saturday? -- I went to a forest park. -- What did you do there? -- I rode a bike. / ... 合作探究 1.教读并理解重点单词和句型fell off, mule,could, till, Labour Day, Turpan What happened? Are you all right? I’m OK now. Where did you go? It looks like a mule. Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did. I fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my foot. 2.学生听录音,老师教读对话。X k B 1 . c o m 3.学生小组阅读对话并回答问题。(1). What happened to John? (2). Where did John go over his holiday? (3). What did he do? 4.学生讲解对话,教师补充答疑。

当堂检测 填一填,译一译,读一读。。

1.r de a ho se ( ) 2.rode a b ke ( ) 3.w nt c mping ( ) 4.h t my f t ( ) 5.went f shing ( ) 6.till ( ) 7.fell off ( ) 这节课我学会了:
课堂 反思 小学六年级英语导学案 教研组:英语 主备人:
Unit 3 Where did you go? 课型:新授 课时:共 6 课时,第 3 课时   学 习 目 标 1.听说读写单词和词组:
ate, took, bought, gift, took pictures. 2.听说认读句子:How was your summer holiday? It was good. I went fishing every weekend and took lots of pictures.   导学过程 二次备课 学 习 过 程 自主学习 Translate the flowing sentences. What happened? Are you all right? I’m OK now. It looks like a mule. Did you go to Turpan? Yes, we did. 合作探究 1.学生两人小组读短语:一人做动作,一人用动词的过去式说短语。

2.Role play: 学生灵活运用本课时词组表演Amy和Wu Yifan的对话,。

3.Finish “Look and say” and read these sentences. 4.全班齐读 P27. 当堂检测 一.填一填,译一译,读一读。

A. lots of B. How C. How much D. went 1. ————(怎样)was your summer holiday? 2. I took ———(许多) pictures. 3. ————多少钱)is this? 4. I ————(去) swimming last Sunday. 二.写出下列动词的过去式。

eat-- take-- buy -- read -- see -- 这节课我学会了:
课堂 反思 小学六年级英语导学案 教研组:英语 主备人:
课题:Unit 3 Where did you go? 课型:新授 课时:共 6 课时,第 4 课时   学 习 目 标 1.能听懂Let’s try部分的对话并完成练习。

2.能理解Let’s talk内容并能听说读写下列句子:
How did you go there? We went there by plane. Sounds great! 3. 能听说认读单词beach.   导学过程 二次备课 学 习 过 程 自主学习 1.Show pictures and go over the phrases: Eg: ate fresh food, I ate fresh food/... 2.Free talk k: T: How was your holiday? Ss: It was good. T: What did you do? Ss: I went swimming. / ... 合作探究 1.板书并教读重点句型T: Where did you go last summer holiday? Ss: I went to ... T: How did you go there? Ss: I went there by plane./ ... T: Sounds great! 2. 学生听录音,老师教读对话。

3..Read and answer the questions: (1) Where did Amy go last winter holiday? (2) How did she go there? (3) What did she do there?(4) How was the beach? 4.学生讲解对话,教师释疑。

当堂检测 根据课文对话(P26)判断对(A)错(B) ( )1. Amy went to Sanya with her family over her winter holiday. ( )2. Amy went to Sanya by train. ( )3. Amy took many pictures ( )4. Haina is not far from here. ( )5. It was cold in Sanya. 这节课我学会了:
课堂 反思 小学六年级英语导学案 教研组:英语 主备人:
Unit 3 Where did you go? 课型:新授 课时:共 6 课时,第 5 课时   学 习 目 标 1.理解Read and write的内容并完成后面的练习。

2.能听说认读单词basket, part, licked, laughed 3.能听懂,会说句子Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dressed up and made a funny play. It was a bad day but also a good day!   导学过程 二次备课 学 习 过 程 自主学习 1. Go over phrases: rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot, went fishing, ate fresh food, went swimming, took pictures, bought gifts 2. Free talk: T: How was your last Sunday? Ss: It was fine. T: Where did you go? Ss: I went to ... T: What did you do there? Ss: I rode a bike./ . 合作探究 1.领读Read and write 中的句子并纠正读音。

2.师生互译下列单词及句子:basket, part, licked, laughed. Max sat in a basket on the front of the bike. We dressed up and made a funny play. It was a bad day but also a good day! 3. Write about students’ bad but good day. 当堂检测 根据Read and write选择正确的短语完成下面的空格。

It was a sunny day. Wu Yifan and his family—— a bike for three people. They ——— , and ate———— . However, his mum————bad fruit and she didn’t feel well. To make his mum happy, Wu Yifan and his dad —————— and made a funny play. 这节课我学会了:
课堂 反思 小学六年级英语导学案 教研组:英语 主备人:
课题:Unit 3 Where did you go? 课型:新授 课时:共 6 课时,第 6 课时   学 习 目 标 1.复习本单元三会,四会单词和词组,四会句型。

2.完成Let’s check, let’s wrap it up, story time   导学过程 二次备课 学 习 过 程 自主学习 1.读课本三单元单词和句子 2.T: How was your winter holiday? Ss: It was fine. T: Where did you go? Ss: I went to ... T: How did you go there? Ss: By ... T: What did you do there? Ss: I ... 合作探究 1.Read and explain the dialogue. 2. 听录音,读对话。

3. Role play. 分角色表演对话。

4. Finish let’s check and let’s wrap it up. 小组合作阅读Story time. 每个小组阅读一幅图。

5.小组代表讲解,教师答疑 6. 表演故事。(时间允许的情况) 当堂检测 二.连词成句。

1. went she swimming weekend every (.) 2. my family went Turpan to I and (.) 3. you Xinjiang did to go (?) 4. go how did there you (?) 这节课我学会了:
课堂 反思 Unit 4 Then and now 第一课时 教学目标 (1) .学生能理解对话大意,并能正确朗读对话。

(2) .能在情境中运用There be 句型。

(3).理解one day,looked it up,in my time,Internet的意思并能正确发音。

教学重点 There was...和There were... 创设情境,小组合作。

教学难点 在情境中运用上述句型,描述某个地方的今昔变化。


课件 录音带 本课时的挂图 教学过程 一、 热身导入 1.Let’s sing. 2.Free talk :用“ there is…/there are…”描述教室。

二、任务呈现 二、 课文学习 1.由新事物图片和旧事物图片的对比让学生感悟There be 句型。并揭示课题。

2.出示同一所学校的以前和现在的图片,让学生用There is…/There are…和There was…/There were…进行描述。

3.让生观看动画,整体感知课文大意,并提出问题:What was grandpa’s school like? 4.听录音,让生圈出自己不懂生词,小组合作解决,最后师生共同解决。


(1.)Was there a library in grandpa’s school? (2).Was grandpa’s school on the hill? (3).Can you guess what grandpa often did at night at school? 6.老师核对答案。


四、训练巩固 一)、巩固课文内容 1.跟读录音。





二)、判断对(T) 错(F)。

1.There was a library in Grandpa's old school.( ) 2.There was a building on a hill.( ) 3.There were no computers or Internet in old time.( ) 三).读一读,将下列句子翻译成汉语:
Tell us about your school ,please. ------------------------------------------------。

2.Could you see stars at night? --------------------------------------------------。

4.I looked it up on the Internet. --------------------------------------------------。

The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969. --------------------------------------------------。


五、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:
easy、internet .easy . in my time ,took about ,star. There was no library in my old school. There were no computers or Internet in my time Unit 4 Then and now第二课时 教学目标 能听说认读单词:dining hall, grass, gym, ago 能听说认读句子:There was ... years ago. Now there’ s.... 能运用所学词汇和句型描述学校的过去与现在。



教学准备 多媒体课件 单词卡片 录音带 教学过程 一、热身导入 Free talk 指名学生交流谈话,复习class,computer,color...单词。(出示词卡) 二、任务呈现 1、课件出示表示过去时间 2、呈现本节课学习的单词 三、课文学习 1. 出示PPT,观察并感受学校的变化,引出过去时间单词的学习years ago, months ago, last year, last month. 以学校的变化为时间轴,创设真实情境,学习四个过去时间单词。

2. Show the picture of grass. T: What’s this? Ss: It’s grass. 板书grass并教读。以同样的方法教学gym,dining hall. 创设情境,学生跟读、拼读、大小声读、开火车读、指名读、男女生读、齐读等多种方式学习单词。(多次强化) 3.say a chant: Grass, grass. Play football on the grass. We played football on the grass two years ago. Gym, gym. Play basketball in the gym. We played basketball in the gym last month. Dining hall, dining hall. Have lunch in the dinning hall. We had lunch in the dinning yesterday. TPR全身反应法让学生站起来边 说边做动作。小组合作比赛,看哪一组说的好 四、训练巩固 1、出示自己学校一角的图片教学句型There was ... There is... 学习句型,并用此句型描述学校食堂的变化(两人合作)(强化一次) 2、播放课文录音学生跟读模仿。

3、眼疾手快(游戏) 图片和相应的句子10秒之后消失,学生快速记忆并迅速举手说出相应的内容。

、师读句子,生学习at that time,然后小组合作找出错误的地方并展示。

五、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:
grass,gym ,dining hall, years ago ,months,last year There was no gym in my school twenty years ago Unit4Then and now第六课时 教学目标 1.复习本单元的四会单词、词组及句子。

2.能够独立完成Let’s check/Let’s wrap it up部分内容。

3.理解Story time 中的故事。

教学重点 掌握本单元单词和句子。

2.完成相关练习并理解故事 教学难点 .掌握本单元单词和句子。


教学准备 多媒体课件 图片 录音带 教学过程 一、热身导入 1.Review the words and phrases and sentences in U.4.(多操练)。

二、任务呈现 1、呈现listen and number:cross out the words you didn’t hear.的听力任务。

2.、课件展示let’s wrap it up 的图片 三、课文学习 1、复习四会单词,四会句子,三会单词。(读课本四单元单词和句子) 2、Main scene(多操练) (1)Ss自己观察主图,自读句子,再教读正音。

(2)Listen to the tape and follow it. 3.、Listen to the tape and finish Let’s check. 1)学生观察图片上画的什么? 2)T播放磁带,学生听音为图片标号后讲评订正。

3)T再次播放磁带,Ss cross out the words you didn’t hear,后讲评订正。

4.、Let’s wrap it up. Talk about the changes below. 5 、合作交流,师生共建 Story time. 1)T: Look ,Zoom and Zip are talking about changes .What are they talking about ?Let’s read. 2)观察主图,让学生阅读故事,了解故事大概,画出不理解的句子。


四、训练巩固 1、课件展示图片用before... Now...谈论图片。

2、let’s read story time 3、Act story time 五、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:
badminton .cycling .cavemen , there will didn't,How beautiful . humans.whales in summer, the tree was green. It was raining There was a building before. Chen Jie was short. unit 4 Then and now 第四课时 教学目标 1、学习go cycling 、ice-skating、play badminton三个动词短语。




教学重点 1、掌握本课时的重点短语:go cycling 、ice-skating、play badminton。


教学难点 运用“…before”和“…now”句型描述自己过去与现在喜爱的体育运动。

教学准备 多媒体课件、学生用练习题卡 教学活动 一、 热身导入 Free talk:

2、听歌曲《changes in me》,复习上节课所学,同时为本节课做好铺垫。

二、任务呈现 1、导入,今天我们来看看Wu Yifan同学有什么变化,首先让我们来学习几个新动词短语。



三、课文学习 1、flash播放短语录音,学生跟读。


3、点名说,师生一起订正。、 4、小结,刚才大家学得不错,比较好的掌握了今天所学的三个新的词组,下面我们来读一读Wu Yifan和Mike的对话,我们今天学习的三件事中有一件事Wu Yifan以前不会做,现在却会做了,大家看看是什么事情?还有,我们熟悉的Wu Yifan长大后还有什么变化?大家想了解吗?请大家分小组学习对话部分,尝试自己读,理解含义,不会的地方做上记号,教师巡视,指导。




1、你们现在能回答老师刚才提出的几个问题吗?(课件出示问题) 2、点名说,集体订正。





2、你们能模仿Wu Yifan和Mike的对话,谈谈自己的变化吗?同学们尽量联系自己的生活实际来说,有困难同学可以结合刚才的习题来说。请同学们在小组内练习,待会请说的好的小组上台表演。教师巡视指导。


四、训练巩固 1、学生拿出课前准备好的习题,完成选择填空,课件出示练习题。学生独立完成练习,教师巡视指导后展示订正。

2、你们能模仿Wu Yifan和Mike的对话,谈谈自己的变化吗?同学们尽量联系自己的生活实际来说,有困难同学可以结合刚才的习题来说。请同学们在小组内练习,待会请说的好的小组上台表演。教师巡视指导。


(二)播放录音,完成听、连线测试 1、放三遍录音,学生听、连线,最后一遍学生自我检查,订正。



4、利用“…before”和“now…”句型描述Allen,Diana and Joe的变化。

五、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:
go cycling 、ice-skating、play badminton …before”和…now I didn't like winter before.Now I love to ice-skate. Unit 4 Then and now 第三课时 教学目标 1、能听懂Mike和陈杰谈论的是什么,并通过谈话信息猜测Mike所在的年级。


3、能在情境中恰当运用句型I/She/He was … before. I/She/He/did/didn’t …before. Now I/He/She am/is…用3-5句话描述自己与他人在性格、爱好、行为等方面的变化。

能在情境中恰当运用句型I/She/He was … before. I/She/He/did/didn’t …before. Now I/He/She am/is… 教学难点:

教学准备 多媒体课件 录单带 本课时的教学挂图 教学过程 一、 热身导入 1、听唱本单元歌曲。


3、姚明图片复习:问其他学生,What's he like? 二、任务呈现 1、教师出示一张自己的近照,请学生描述。

2、出示自己的旧照作自我介绍,用上Before, I was ….Now, I am …. 3、板书以上句型,教读PPT上有关老师的以前和现在变化对比的句子。



三、课文学习 (一)学习let’s try 1、Boys and girls, Mike’s friends Chen Jie and John are visiting his home. They are looking at Mike’s old photos and talking. What are they talking about? 2、自看书上Let’s try部分的习题,指名尝试猜测答案并说明理由。


(二)学习let’s learn 1、Mike, Chen Jie and John are talking about the old photos and their changes. What were they like before? Can you guess? 2、听看视频,指名答问:Did they change? 3、自读对话,了解对话内容。

4、指名填表,考查学生对对话理解情况。(表见PPT) 5、录音跟读对话,模仿语音、语调、重音、停顿。


四、训练巩固 1、学生提问,教师或同学解疑。




4、Boys and girls, we know our own changes, how about your friends or your family members?两人对学:参考以下提示介绍你的朋友或家人的变化。

wasn’t tall/… is tall/… had long/… hair has long/… hair was quiet/kind/… is active/strict/… didn’t wear glasses(眼镜)/… wears glasses/… didn’t like math/cats/eggs/… likes math/cats/eggs/… 5、连词成句。

1. couldn’t I well ride my bike 2. cycling I go day every 3. people the Internet use couldn’t 五、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:
different, active; Before, I was quiet. Now, I’m very active in class. I was short, so I couldn’t ride my bike well. Now, I go cycling every day. Unit 4 Then and now 第五课时 教学目标 1、能够听懂并了解本部分内容, 2、能够读懂本部分短文,完成课后的习题, 3、听说、读写本课词汇,如 felt,cheetah,trip,woke,dream等。

4. 能够根据阅读所获取的信息完成短文梗概,将短文转化为对话形式。

5. 能够从短文中找到核心词汇与句型,仿写自己的梦。

教学重点 通过阅读问题训练学生在语篇中寻找关键词的能力,学会通过细节进行推理的能力。

教学难点 能朗读,简单讲述本节课的小短文。

教学准备 多媒体课件、图片、录音带 教学过程 一、热身复习 1、let’s sing <<dream〉〉 2、利用句型Before……,but……now.和你的同伴谈论关于你或你的家人的变化 &例如:Before I didn’t like English class,but I like English class now. 推荐词组:
wasn’t tall/… didn’t like maths class/ had long/… hair didn’t like cats… didn’t wear glasses/… A、自主学习 经过自学,完成下列问题:


①Wu yifan had a race with____and_____. ②Robin gave Wu yifan some______. ③Wu yifan ran like a _______. ④He was in bed.It was all a______. ⑶、你能翻译出下列句子吗?请写下来。

①here were so many people there. ②Why am I so slowly? ③Wu Yifan drank it and suddenly felt good. B、合作学习 ⑴Read and write的录音,对比读音,将自己读错的单词划出来,小组讨论,相互纠正。


①umber the pictures. ②listen and fill in the blanks. C、探究学习 ⑴、听吴仪凡和母亲谈话,验证答案, ⑵、将小组内学习后存在的问题汇报。


felt_____ cheetah______ trip_______ woke________ dream________ ⑷、集中翻译整篇文章 四、 训练巩固 ⑴阅读完本篇短文的基础上,根据课本的提示,仿写自已的有趣的梦。


(3)Write and share your dreams. 五、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:
what a dream had a race max slow gave why am I so slow now? It was all a dream! Recycle第五课时 教学目标 1.会读Read the chant。

2.Read the many ways to say goodbye 3.理解Story time 中的故事。

教学重点 1.掌握本单元单词和句子。


教学难点 Write the many ways to say goodbye 教学准备 多媒体课件 图片 录音带 教学过程 一、热身导入 .Review the words and phrases and sentences in U.4.(多操练) 1)eg:T show card of ‘grass’ S: grass ,grass ,grass . 2) Spelling match . eg:T: grass. S: g-r-a-s-s 3.)句子英汉互译。

二、任务呈现 1、Read the chant . 2、图片展示ways to say goodbye 3、课件整体呈现story time故事内容 三、课文学习 1)T: Look ,Zoom and Zip are talking about changes .What are they talking about ?Let’s read. 2)观察主图,让学生阅读故事,了解故事大概,画出不理解的句子。


四、训练巩固 1、小组讨论 Zip has some good news and some bad news. What’s the good news What’s the bad news? 2、补充对话,完成故事 Zip has some_____ news and_____ news. For good news, her father has a new job in_________. For bad news, Zip is______ _____ for a long time. She is going to a new_______ school. She’ll be in Grade __.They have to say__________ to each other. They are very_____.But they promise they will______ __ each other. 3、A poem Friendship Yesterday we studied together. Today we are friends. Tomorrow we will leave here. I don’t want to say goodbye. But I have to. I promise I’ll write to you. Please keep in touch and take care. 五、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:
write soon Have a good trip Good luck keep in touch Take care where are you going? will you promise to write to me? Recycle第一课时 教学目标 1、让学生巩固农场有关名词的单数、复数形式:水果、动物、衣物等(能、听、说、读、写)。

2、谈论有关于农场话题,围绕 Where?When?How…?With whom? How much? What else can you see?”等疑问句的用法及答语。

教学重难点 正确的听、说、认读本课有关的单词及归类:fruit food clothes animals vegetables furniture等名词,并能围绕、运用Where?When?How…?With whom? How much? What else can you see?”等话题进行提问及其回答。

教学准备 多媒体课件 图片 习题 教学过程 一、热身导 入 Greetings. Sing and do the actions : If you are happy 二、任务呈现 1、明确本课时要复习的任务。

2、我的地盘我做主 fr_it (水果) f _ _ d(食物) cl_thes(衣物) an_mal(动物) v_get_bles(蔬菜) b_ _l (球类) 三、 课文学习 (一)自学 1、自读课文一遍,给你认为难理解的单词或句子打圈圈符号;


3、模仿例子,注意正确使用a, an , some的形式填空;


(二)对 学 你读我听:

用“what else can you see?” “I can see…” 和你的对子谈谈农场里看到了有某物。同样的:我会做P43的问与答。

(三)群学 朗读课文:组长领读 -----小组齐读 -----分角色朗读 合作探究:小组讨论“ What else can you see?Where?When?How…?With whom? How much?” 疑问句的用法及答语。

四、训练巩固 :
我能说会道 1. 我会朗读单词和课文对话。

2. 单词游戏:
4. 我会用句型“ what else can you see?”仿说句子。(拿本课卡片) 5. 我会看图编对话。(拿卡片编对话) 6. 我发现:1、a与an的用法不同;
2、 物品的复数变化形式不同:
7、拓展训练 :
看图填空。What can you see? (1)、 A dog and two cats (2) 、 three ————   (3)、 some—— (4) 、Some —— (5)、 two——— (6) 、——apple and some—— (7)、 some—— ( 8) 、—— umbrella and —— bike 五 、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:
fruit food clothes animals vegetables furniture Where?When?How…?With whom? How much? What else can you see? Recycle第二课时 教学目标 1、充分掌握go 、do、 play 、have在一般现在时中的用法;

2、学生能在图片的帮助下,用一般过去时填空,描述Mike在农场中一天的生活 3、能正确理解使用现在进行时和动词过去式。

教学重点 能正确理解并使用一般现在时和现在进行时及动词过去式的用法。

教学难点 掌握第三人称单数的一般现在时的表达法。

教学准备 多媒体课件 图片 习题卡 教学活动 一、 热身导入 唱一唱(Let’s chant) Every day I go to school.What do you do? Every day I play sports.What do you do? Every day I have class.What do you do? Every day I do homework.What do you do? 二、 任务呈现 (一)、听一听 学生听一段录音,并说出录音中出现的动词短语。

I am very busy every day, I go to work,have English class,play sports and do housework. What about you? What do you often do? (二)、认一认 课件闪现四个动词 go play do have 学生快速的读出来,并说出含有这几个动词的词组。(老师示范) (三)、说一说 1、课件出现图片,老师说:“I go to school every day.” 2、再在课件的右边出示Mike的头像,说:“He goes to school every day.” 3、出示这个例句后,课件出示一系列图片让学生说出和go有关的短语并组成句子。

(用这样的方式引导学生把 do play have说完,不断地变化人物,让学生感知。) (四) 说一说 看到44页的图片,Who are they? 教师指着图片中的人物,一一问答,学生回答。用到:What is he doing?/ What is she doing?/What are they doing? (五)写一写 仿照例句把其余的三个句子写完。

三、课文学习 (一)讲授 My day: 1. Show the teacher’s day, Ss listen and watch. “What did I do yesterday?” 2. Read the passage one by one sentence. T helps the Ss to review the time order: in the morning, then, after that, next, in the afternoon, in the evening, finally. 3. Have the Ss give the passage a title and an ending. 4. Read the passage together. (二)讲授Mike`s Day 1.Have the Ss open their books and turn to page 45, and look read and fill in the blanks. 2. Check the answers. 3. Retell what did Mike do on Saturday. 四、训练巩固 Simon`s Day 1. Listen and number. 2. Watch and say: 3.Write about one of their days. 4.Make a new poem.编一首新诗。

五、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:
go do play have Bill is playing ping-pong. ate breakfast cleaned the room read a book played computer went fishing Recycle第三课时 教学目标 1.能够掌握词汇,如favourite day,On Monday, difficult, play the piano,read stories,noisy等,并运用于实际交流中。



教学重点 1.能够掌握词汇,如favourite day,On Monday, difficult, play the piano,read stories等。


教学难点 能够在真实场景中灵活运用一般过去时、一般现在时和一般将来时的语法项目。

教学准备 多媒体课件 图片 录音带 教学过程 一、热身导入 1.Greeting : T: What day is it today ? S; It’s … What’s the weather like today ? S:It’s sunny. T: Wow! It’s wonderful ! 2.T : “Let’s sing the song “Changes in me” all together . 二、任务呈现 (一)Read the following words and phrases, then put them into Chinese.读一读下列单词和短语,试着写出中文意思。

1.favourite day______ 2.on Monday____ 3.read stories_____ 4.difficult_______ 5.play the piano______ 6.noisy______ (二)Read the following sentences and try to translate them into Chinese.试着读读 下列句子,试着将其译成中文。

1.I go to school from Monday to Friday. 2.I like to speak English with my friends. 3.I am not good at running . 4.This is very noisy and great fun. 三、课文学习 T:Children , last class ,we studied Mike’s life on the farm . Today Mike makes a PPT to show Bill his school life . Let’s share it all together . 1、学习Day 5 :
(1)听录音Mike’s PPT about his school life 的语篇,感知主题后回答合作探究第一题。

(2)听录音学习文章并逐句跟读 (3)学生以Group work 的形式复述Mike的学校生活。


(5)Bill 向朋友谈论Mike的事,读一读并改正文中的错误。(小组合作并展示) (6)全班一起读改正过后的句子。

四、训练巩固 (1)教师出示自己弟弟的一组照片,让生猜是谁?然后让学生描述自己的过去。

T:Can you guess? Who is he ? S: Is this …? T:He’s my little brother . Before he was a university student . He had small eyes . He had small mouth . He had big nose . He wore a blue hat . He was quiet . How about you ? S:I was a happy girl . I had … (2) 教师出示弟弟现在的情况,同理请学生介绍自己现在的情况。


(4)观察Day 6 部分Bill 的海报,学生小组合作描述Bill的变化。并给与评价奖励。


(6)Design your own poster .学生试着设计自己的海报 。


五、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:favourite day,On Monday, difficult, play the piano,read stories,noisy,skip rope music storybooks drive a red car wear a yellow hat Recycle 第四课时 教学目标 1、能够听、说、读Let’s read部分的对话并正确回答对话后的问题。



教学重点 能听、说、认读对话,能用can/can’t句型正确表达以及掌握英语请柬的写法。

教学难点 学生根据实际情况写请柬。音标的复习 教学准备 多媒体课件 习题卡 课文录音 教学过程 一、热身导入 学生跟随音乐齐唱五年级上册44页歌曲,并做相应动作。

二、任务呈现 1、展示班题 2、出示单词 brown bread cheese cake fresh fruit milk orange juice teabags chocolates plates knives forks English books maths books pink party hats prizes paints balloons ping pong balls clock 三、课文学习 1、A game. 课件展示各种有关动作的图片,每次只出现图的一部分,生用can句型来猜内容,如没猜中,师用can’t句型否定,然后继续展示图的另一部分,直到猜对。

T:What can she do?(出示课件图画中dancer的脚) S: She can sing. T:Sorry, she can’t sing.(课件继续展示大部分) S:She can dance. T: Yes, she can.(课件展示全部) T:What can you do?(问另一学生) S: I can … 2、Reading. (1)First reading. T: Good! Mike and his classmates are going to have a farewell party, too. What can they do at the party? Let’s read and answer the questions.(出示以下问题) When are they going to have a farewell party? Who can they invite to the party? (2)Second reading. T: Good! What can they do at the party? Now read again and list the programme. Underline the key words.(出示节目单) Programme 1、-------------------- Singer: Chen Jie 2、-------------------- Play: Zhang Peng 3、-------------------- Play: Sarah 4、Do Chinese Kung fu Performer:--------------- 5、Dancer Dancer:------------ 听完对话,画出关键动词,口头表述,全班汇总答案,完成节目单。

(3)Third reading. Play roles to read the dialogue and answer the questions on page 48. 3、Read the invitation card. (1)T:OK,boys and girls, let’s show a Chinese invitation and to know how to write the invitation card.(出示一份中文请柬) 请柬 王老师:

六年级3班全体学生 2017 年6月20 日 4、用what、when、where引导鼓励学生尽量总结邀请卡里的内容。

四、 训练巩固 1、 Read the invitation card on page48 and find out the key words.(课件.出示48页邀请卡上每个冒号前以及冒号后的横线,提示学生要填的内容) 用who、where、when、what time表示出来。在英文请柬旁出示中文请柬,比较二者的不同。


3、完成下面的表格 五、课堂小结 今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型 ;brown bread cheese cake fresh fruit milk orange juice teabags chocolates plates knives forks English books maths books pink party hats prizes paints balloons ping pong balls clock






