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TBBT笔记(B版)102 Big Bran假说 s01e02 The Big Bran Hypothesis 1.普通级词汇 dolly:n. 小轮搬运车,手推车 fulcrum:n.(杠杆的)支点,支轴 vortex:n. 漩涡,旋风 entropy:n. 熵 transvestite:n. 易装癖者 immaculate:adj. 无缺点的,无瑕疵的 evening gown:n. (通常带有拖地长裙的)女夜礼服 insomnia:n.失眠 unorthodox:adj. 非传统的,异端的 sinus:n. 鼻窦 sleep apnea:睡眠时呼吸暂停 otolaryngologist:n. 耳鼻喉科医师 proctologist:n. 直肠科医师 pelvis:n. 骨盘 Intoxicating:adj. 醉人的,使人兴奋的 dowels:n.木钉,暗销 infrared repeater:n. 红外线中继器 photocell:n. 光电池 aquarium pump:n. 潜水泵 drip tray:n. 除霜水盘 sluice:n. 水闸 overflow reservoir:n. 蓄水池,储液器 heat sink:n. 散热片 junkyard:n. 废品旧货栈 oxyacetylene torch:n. 氧乙炔炬 2.爆炸级词汇 Lois Lane:超人前女友 Green Lantern:绿灯侠 Mandelbrot set of complex numbers:芒德勃罗(Beno?t Mandelbrot,1924-),波兰几何学家,分形理论创始人。Mandelbrot集又被称为“数学恐龙”,对每一个C,让z0=0代入迭代式:f(z) = z*z + C,经足够多次迭代后函数值不扩散,这样的C所组成的集合为M集。M集被认为是数学上最为复杂、最美丽的集合之一。

Oppenheimer:奥本海默,1945年带领“曼哈顿计划”洛斯·阿拉莫斯实验室全体科学家成功研制出世界上第一枚原子弹 3.爆炸级食品 pad thai:泰式炒面 Vienna sausages:维也纳香肠 Honey Puffs:一种低纤维麦片 Big Bran:一种含有糠麸的高纤维麦片 4.精选语录 Raj: Are there any chopsticks? Sheldon: You don't need chopsticks. This is Thai food. Leonard: Here we go. Sheldon: Thailand has had the fork since the latter half of the 19th century. Interestingly they don't put the fork in their mouth, they use it toput the food on a spoon, which then goes into their mouth. Leonard: Ask him for a napkin, I dare you. 听谢博士讲泰国餐具 Leonard: Penny, wait. Penny: Yeah? Leonard: Um... If you don't have any other plans, do you want to join us for Thai food and a Superman movie marathon? Penny: A marathon? Wow, how many Superman movies are there? Sheldon: You're kidding, right? Penny: Yeah, I do like the one where Lois Lane falls from the helicopter and Superman swooshes down and catches her. Which one was that? All guys: One. 我只看过超人一 Sheldon: You realize that scene was rife with scientific inaccuracy. Penny: Yes, I know, men can't fly. Sheldon: No, no. Let's assume that they can. Hmm. Lois Lane is falling, accelerating at an initial rate of 32 feet per second per second. Superman swoops down to save her by reaching out two arms of steel. Miss Lane, who is now traveling at approximately 120 miles an hour, hits them and is immediately sliced into three equal pieces. Leonard: Unless Superman matches her speed and decelerates. Sheldon: In what space, sir? In what space? She's 2 feet above the ground. Yeah, frankly, if he really loved her, he'd let her hit the pavement. It'd be a more merciful death. 钢铁手臂三段式 Leonard: I guess we'll just bring it up ourselves. Sheldon: I hardly think so. Leonard: Why not? Sheldon: Well, we don't have a dolly or lifting belts or any measurable upper-body strength. Leonard: We don't need strength. We're physicists. We are the intellectual descendants of Archimedes. Give me a fulcrum and a lever and I can move the Earth. It's just a matter... I don't have this. I don't have this! I don't have this. Sheldon: Archimedes would be so proud. 阿基米德的后代们 Leonard: I'm not surprised. A well-known folk cure for insomnia is to break in your neighbor's apartment and clean. Sheldon: Sarcasm? Leonard: You think? Sheldon: Granted, my methods may have been somewhat unorthodox, but I think the end result will be a measurable enhancement to Penny's quality of life. Leonard: You know what, you convinced me. Maybe tonight we should sneak in and shampoo her carpet. Sheldon: You don't think that crosses a line? Leonard: Yes. For God's sake, Sheldon, do I have to hold up a sarcasm sign every time I open my mouth? Sheldon: You have a sarcasm sign? Leonard: No, I do not have a sarcasm sign. 讽刺? Leonard: Uh. Here's the thing: ,Penny, just as Oppenheimer came to regret his contributions to the first atomic bomb, so too I regret my participation in what was, at the very least, an error in judgment. The hallmark of the great human experiment is the willingness to recognize one's mistakes. Some mistakes, such as Madam Curie's discovery of radium, turned out to have great scientific potential, even though she would later die a slow, painful death from radiation poisoning. Another example, from the field of Ebola research... Leonard的科学道歉 5.地道表达 swoop down:猛扑下 straighten up:整理,整顿 get out of your hair:不打扰了,get in one's hair 打扰某人 per se:本质上,本身 6.本集八卦 他们住在四楼,以前Penny的房间住的是有异装癖的警察 Leonard有2600本漫画书,但是跳舞毯上赢不了Howard Penny在农场长大,12岁时组装过拖拉机马达,但是睡觉会打鼾 Sheldon有一个Master和两个Ph.D.学位,但是不懂什么是讽刺 Howard用俄语泡妞,但是对花生(包括花生油)过敏 Raj是个好的倾听者,但是。。。

TBBT笔记(B版)103 绒靴推论 1.普通级词汇 frosty:adj. 下霜的,严寒的,冷淡的 goblin:n. 恶鬼,小妖精 prehensile:adj. 能抓住的,可握住的 goggle:n. 护目镜 pheromones:n.外激素 spittle:n. 口水,唾液 arousal:n. 激励,鼓励,唤醒 asthma:n. 哮喘 feline:adj. 猫科的 n. 猫,猫科动物 calicos:n. 白棉布,印花布 cuddly:adj. 抱着很舒服地 chisel:n. 凿子 crescent shaped:新月形的 Colonoscopy:n. 结肠镜检查 chafing:n. [医]皮炎 concussion:n. 脑震荡 2.爆炸级词汇 Azeroth:魔兽世界(WOW)里的艾泽拉斯 oxygen iodine laser:氧碘化学激光器 Asimov's three laws of robotics:美国著名科幻作家阿西莫夫(Isaac Asimov,1920-1992)在其“机器人”系列科幻作品中,提出“机器人学三定律”,为机器人建立了一套行为规范和道德准则,从而演绎出一系列推理性和逻辑性极强的漂亮故事。以下是“机器人学三定律”:
1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. hypoallergenic:adj.【医学】低变应原的,不会导致过敏反应的 Quiznos:奎兹诺斯(Quiznos)是美国著名的快餐品牌 Aramis:雅男仕,雅诗兰黛旗下品牌 alpha wave:阿尔法波(8—13赫兹),反映正常人常见的脑电图 intestinal polyps:肠息肉 centrifugal force:n. 离心力 centripetal force:n. 向心力 3.爆炸级食品 minestrone:n.(意大利式)蔬菜浓汤,浓肉汁菜汤 chicken carbonara:鸡肉烤面条加干酪沙司 ketchup:番茄酱 4.精选语录 Leonard: I'm fine. Penny's fine. The guy she's kissing is really fine. Howard: Kissing, what kind of kissing? Cheeks? Lips?Chaste? French? Leonard: What is wrong with you? Howard: I'm a romantic. 浪漫猥琐男 Sheldon: Well, at least now you can retrieve the black box from the twisted, smoldering wreckage that was once your fantasy of dating her and analyze the data so that you don't crash into geek mountain. 真损呐Sheldon Sheldon: Ok, look, I think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with Penny as the hubble telescope does of discovering at the center of every black hole is a little man with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker. Sheldon越来越复杂的解释 Penny: So what's new in the world of physics? Leonard: Nothing. Penny: Really? Nothing? Leonard: Well, with the exception of string theory, not much has happened since the 1930s. And you can't prove string theory. At best you can say, “Hey, look, my idea has an internal logical consistency.“ Penny: Huh, well, I'm sure things will pick up. 傻妞Penny 5.地道表达 lock and load:重新装弹,准备射击 swat off:用力打击 penny for your thoughts:分享一下你在想什么 quibble over:争辩琐事,诡辩 bounce back:受挫折后恢复原状 6.本集八卦 Leonard失恋的恢复模式:two weeks of moping tedious emo songs and calling Sheldon to come down to pet stores to look at cats Penny失恋的恢复模式:Find a cute guy, commence with 36 hours of meaningless sex over a weekend. It does lead to emotional chafing, however. Leonard晕车、有恐慌症。。。

Sheldon有哮喘(真的假的) TBBT笔记(B版)104 发光鱼效应 1.普通级词汇 spelunking:n.洞穴探察 consonant:n. 辅音 vis-a-vis:n. 面对面,相对着 savor:vt. 尝到或闻到, 尽情享受 jumbo:a. 巨大的 sabbatical:a. 安息日的 kowtow:n. vi. <汉>磕头 mediocre:a. 平庸的,平凡的 caliper:n. 制动钳 mutilation:n. 切断,毁损 manganese:n. 锰 tampon:n.(塞伤口用的)棉塞; 月经棉塞 menopause:n.【生理学】绝经;
更年期 luminous:a. 发光的,发亮的 jellyfish:n. 水母,海蜇 loom:n. 织布机 smoldering:a. 阴燃的, 闷骚的 lasik:n. 激光眼科手术 bobcat:n. 山猫 licorice:n. 甘草 fissionable:a.可分裂的, 可裂变的 dynamite:n. 氨爆炸药 2.爆炸级词汇 mahalo:[夏威夷语]谢谢 laws of large number:大数定律, 概率论中讨论随机变量序列的算术平均值向常数收敛的定律 serape:塞拉普毛毯披肩(或披身) (拉美国家用的艳丽毛毯)(一种华丽的毛织布)[亦作sarape] poncho:毯状斗篷(南美人所穿,中间开洞,供头伸出) yellow-cake uranium:黄饼铀, Yellowcakes (also called urania) are uranium concentrates obtained from leach solutions. 3.爆炸级食品 cobbler:水果馅饼 snickerdoodle:a type of sugar cookie made with cream of tartar and rolled in cinnamon(肉桂) sugar 4.精选语录 Sheldon: You know what's interesting about caves, Leonard? Leonard: What? Sheldon: Nothing. 谁可以这样说话 Sheldon: I've spent the past three and a half years staring at grease boards full of equations. Before that, I spent four years working on my thesis. Before that, I was in college, and before that, I was in the fifth grade. 谁可以五年级上大学 Penny: How come you didn't go into work today? Sheldon: I'm taking a sabbatical because I won't kowtow to mediocre minds. Penny: So you got canned, huh? Sheldon: Theoretical physicists do not get canned...but yeah. 谁可以这样犟嘴 Penny: Well, maybe it's all for the best. You know, I always say when one door closes, another on opens. Sheldon: No, it doesn't. Not unless the two doors are connected by relays or there are motion sensors involved. Penny: No, no, I meant... Sheldon: or if the first door closing creates a change of air pressure that acts upon the second door. Penny: Never mind. 第一课:表用物理打比方 Sheldon: Oh, boy. Penny: What now? Sheldon: Well, there's some value to taking a multivitamin, but the human body can only absorb so much. What you're buying here are the ingredients for very expensive urine. Penny: Well, maybe that's what I was going for. Sheldon: Well, then you'll want some manganese. 第二课:表和小谢较真 Penny: Oh, my god, this is the best cobbler I've ever had. Mary: It was always Sheldon's favorite. You know what the secret ingredient is? Penny: Love? Mary: Lard. 第三课:小谢母亲亦极品 Mary: Now, let's get crackin'. Shower, shirt, shoes, and let's shove off. 果然 5.地道表达 put it on the back burner:先别想这个了, on the front/ middle/ back burner处于重要/一般/次要的地位 dumbed down:降低…的难度; (尤指对教科书加以)简化 with all due respect:恕我直言 buckle up:系好安全带, 小心 have a fit:大发脾气 piss off:使厌烦 snap out of it:振作起来 get cracking:行动起来, 赶快 shove off:动身,离开 6.本集八卦 系主任名叫Eric Gablehauser Sheldon爸去世很久了,极品老妈叫Mary 本集出现Sheldon的昵称有Shelly, Snickerdoodle TBBT笔记(B版)105 汉堡假定 1.普通级词汇 cardio:n.有氧运动 aberration:n. 越轨 pupils:n. 瞳孔 dilate:vt. 扩大,扩展 courtship:n. 求爱,求爱时期 solar eclipse:n. 日食 asymptotically:ad. 渐近地 2.爆炸级词汇 Godzilla:哥斯拉 Illinois Cavalry:伊利诺伊骑兵队 Hulk:绿巨人 Robert E Lee:李将军,南方的统帅 Shiva=Destroyer 湿婆 Ganesh=Remover of obstacles 格涅沙,象鼻神 semiotics:n. 符号学,语言学 quantum chromodynamics:n. 量子色动力学 dopamine:n. 多巴胺,一种神经传导物质 synapse:n. 突触 hypothalamus:n.【解剖学】丘脑下部,下丘脑 3.爆炸级食品 mint juleps:薄荷朱利酒 Heart Smart platter:奶酪拼盘 Burgers in the Cheese Cake Factory: Classic Burger, Ranch House Burger, Barbecue Burger and the Kobe Burger Big boy poppy seed bagel:罂粟籽百吉饼 Cheerios:麦圈 4.精选语录 Howard: What do you recommend for someone who worked up a man-sized appetite from a morning of weight training and cardio funk? Penny: A shower. 噎死猥琐男 Leonard: Leslie and I do research together at the university. Penny: Oh, wow, a girl scientist. Leslie: Yep, come for the breasts, stay for the brains. 经典的女科学家 Leonard: What did Penny mean, “You'd make a cute couple?“ Sheldon: Well, I assume she meant the two of you together would constitute a couple that others might consider cute. An alternate and somewhat less likely interpretation is that you could manufacture one. As in “Oh, look, Leonard and Leslie made Mr. and Mrs. Goldfarb. Aren't they adorable?“ Leonard: If Penny didn't know that Leslie had turned me down, then it would unambiguously mean that she, Penny, thought I should ask her, Leslie, out, indicating that she, Penny, had no interest in me asking her, Penny, out. But, because she did know that I had asked Leslie out and that she, Leslie, had turned me down, then she, Penny, could be offering consolation.......“That's too bad, you would have made a cute couple...“, but while thinking: “Good, Leonard remains available.“ Sheldon: You're a lucky man, Leonard. Leonard: How so? Sheldon: You're talking to one of the three men in the western hemisphere capable of following that train of thought. Leonard: Well, what do you think? Sheldon: I said I could follow it, I didn't say I care. 。。。

Sheldon: Hold on...hold on...who told you you could touch my board? Leslie: No one. Sheldon: Yeah, I don't come into your house and touch your board. Leslie: There are no incorrect equations on my board. Sheldon: Oh...that is so...so...... Leslie: I'm sorry, I've got to run. If you come up with an adjective, text me. Sheldon: (After Leslie leaving) Inconsiderate. That is the adjective, “inconsiderate“.(text to Leslie) 可爱的小谢 5.地道表达 get sb. beaten up:招人恨 double entendre:(有下流、猥亵含义的)双关语,也作double meaning single-decker:单层 double-decker:双层 6.本集八卦 Leonard会大提琴 Leslie会小提琴 Howard会human beatbox Sheldon从这一集起将在周二吃Cheese Cake Factory的Barbecue,周四吃Big Boy,抛弃Souplantation TBBT笔记(B版)106 中土范式 题注:中土大陆(Middle-earth)是出现在J.R.R.托尔金著作中的一块大陆,这名称来自於古英语中的middangeard,意指「人类居住的陆地」。托尔金曾表示中土大陆所在的世界是影射古代的地球,其北半部便是今日的欧亚大陆。其中夏尔相当于英格兰、刚铎相当于意大利与希腊、而魔多则相当于是土耳其与中东。


1.普通级词汇 quiver:n. 箭袋 sloppy:adj. 被泼水弄湿的,邋遢的 effeminate:adj. 女人气的,柔弱的 stethoscope:n. 听诊器 primordial:adj. 原始的,自原始时代的 scathing:adj. 严厉的,尖刻的 misfiring:adj. 失灵的 2.爆炸级词汇 Bar Mitzvah:犹太男子的成年礼 yarmulke:n. 亚莫克便帽,(犹太男子在祷告,学习,吃饭等时戴的)圆顶小帽 D and D:Dungeon and Dragon,龙与地下城 manga:n.[日语] (日本)漫画书 Cathy Rigby:从1974年起,在同名音乐剧中扮演Peter Pan,最近一次演出是在今年Branson,Missouri。而在演戏之前,此人是体操运动员,参加过1968年墨西哥奥运会,1970年获世锦赛平衡木银牌,成为美国史上第一位在体操世锦赛获得奖牌的女性。

Doppler effect:多普勒效应 The Doppler effect (or Doppler shift), is the change in frequency of a wave for an observer moving relative to the source of the waves. It is commonly heard when a vehicle sounding a siren approaches, passes and recedes from an observer. The received frequency is increased (compared to the emitted frequency) during the approach, it is identical at the instant of passing by, and it is decreased during the recession. (from wiki) 波在波源移向观察者时接收频率变高,而在波源远离观察者时接收频率变低。1842年奥地利数学家多普勒在铁路交叉口发现了声波的这一现象。科学家爱德文·哈勃(Edwin Hubble)使用多普勒效应得出宇宙正在膨胀的结论。(from Baidu) the apparent change in the frequency of a wave caused by relative motion between the source of the wave and the observer. (from Sheldon) VH-1:Video Hits One 热门录像带第一台 transient idiopathic arrhythmia:暂时性先天心律不齐 Jane Goodall:珍·古道尔,英国动物学家,二十多岁的时候就来到了非洲的原始森林,为了观察黑猩猩,她度过了三十八年的野外生涯,之后她又奔走于世界各地,呼吁人们保护野生动物,保护地球的环境。1975年,她建立了致力于野生动物研究、教育和保护的珍·古道尔研究会。为了唤起公众环保意识,珍妮建立了一个全球范围的青少年教育计划:根与芽(roots and shoots)。

FAA:Federal Aviation Administration(美国)联邦航空局 neuron:n. 神经元 hippocampus:n.【解剖学】海马体 homo habilis:能人,一个已灭绝的人种,被认为是现代人类的祖先,是最早使用工具的人,存活于50万年至200万年前。

opposable thumbs:对立拇指,灵长类动物的适合抓握物体的手指 leprechaun:n.【爱尔兰民间传说】(能指点宝藏的)矮妖精 3.爆炸级食品 Chex mix:零食大礼包之类的,有General Mills牌的,也有自制的 4.精选语录 Raj: Make way for the fastest man alive! (run in and see three fellows costumed all in Flashes) Oh, no! Sheldon: See, this is why I wanted to have a costume meeting. Leonard: We all have other costumes, we can change. Raj: Or, we can walk right behind each other all night and look like one person going really fast. Raj最经典的快速移动Flash提议 Raj: What is your move? Howard: I'm going to use the mirror technique. She brushes her hair back, I brush my hair back...She shrugs, I shrug. Subconsciously she's thinking, “We're in sunc., we belong together,“ Leonard: Where do you get this stuff? Howard: You know, Psychology journals, internet research, and there's this great show on VH-1 about how to pick up girls. 自学成才猥琐男 Leonard: A homo habilis discovering his opposable thumbs says what? Kurt: What? Leonard & Sheldon: (laugh) Leonard的圈套嘲笑 Leonard: Penny? Penny: Yeah? Leonard: How much have you had to drink tonight? Penny: Just...a lot. Leonard: Are you sure that your being drunk and your being angry with Kurt doesn't have something to do with what's going on here? Penny: It might. (sigh) Boy, you're really smart. Leonard: Yeah, I'm a frickin' genius. Penny: Leonard, you are so great. Why can't all guys be like you? Leonard: Because if all guys were like me, the human race couldn't survive. 暧昧终结者 5.地道表达 How wasted am I? 我看起来喝醉了吗? go hop off on a quest:(蹦蹦跳跳去探险-_-|||)立即消失 put sb. in sb.'s place:讽刺某人很到位 there, there:别伤心 6.本集八卦 Leonard的中间名字是Leakey(leak:n. 漏洞,[俚语]撒尿) Howard有暂时性先天心律不齐 TBBT107学习笔记(饺子悖论) 1.俚语 yakity yak:说一些不重要的东西,叽叽歪歪 good grief:难以置信,表示震惊 lock and load:locking the magazine/cartridge into the gun and loading the ammunition into the gun's chamber的简称,通常表示有雄心,坚韧的特点 Someone is on fire:表示某人做的非常出色,无人能敌 putz:蠢蛋 2.普通级词汇 anchovy:鯷鱼 thong:丁字裤 bouillabaisse:法式杂鱼汤 regale:(用故事﹑ 笑话等)使某人快乐或喜悦 horoscope:占星术 myriad:无数的 hamstring:使(某人[事])难以动作或难有作为 succumb to:不再抵抗(诱惑﹑ 疾病﹑ 攻击等); 屈从 cannibalism:食人 marauder:掠夺者 universal:普遍的 mitt:无指手套 exfoliate:去角质,去死皮 B&B:Bed and Breakfast意思是向客人提供早餐和床,其实是家庭式的客栈。

repair to:去某地,常指一群人 casa=dwelling deli:delicatessen shop 熟食店 bar mitzvah:年满13岁开始尽成年人之宗教义务的犹太男子;
犹太男子的成年礼 semblance:外表; 外观; 外貌; 与某物相似 bark up the wrong tree:找错门了,找错目标 cloak:斗篷; 披风;
(好像)用斗篷掩盖或隐藏 hop in:上(车) ammo:弹药(ammunition) 3.爆炸级词汇 carpal tunnel syndrome:腕管综合征 reductio ad absurdum:归谬法 plexiglas:树脂玻璃 4.爆炸级食品 general tso's chicken:左中棠鸡 beef with broccoli:西兰花牛柳 shrimp with lobster sauce:虾龙糊 vegetable lo mein:素菜捞面 5.精选语录 Leonard:Well,the only way we can play teams at this point is if we cut raj in half. Raj:Oh sure,cut the foreigner in half. There's a billion more where he came from. Raj也会这句。

Sheldon:He's engaging in reductio ad absurdum.It's the logical fallacy of extending someone's argument to ridiculous proportions and then criticizing the result.And I do not appreciate it. 这种时候显然是Sheldon大显身手 Raj:Can we please make a decision? Not only are there children starving in india,there's an indian starving right here. 话不多的Raj也常有神来之笔 Sheldon:It's the chinese restaurant all over again. I assure you that cutting a dumpling in thirds is child's play compared with three men each attempting to dance with 67% of a woman. Sheldon永远都是这样理性 6.地道表达 a sore loser:输不起的人 7.本集八卦 Penny是在农场长大的 Sheldon早上7:00-7:20用厕所 Sheldon每周六6:15准时起床,冲一碗麦片,加四分之一杯百分之二的牛奶,坐在他的老位置上,打开英国广播公司美国频道看《神秘博士》 PS:
Oh, what fresh hell is this? 出自作家和诗人Dorothy Parker之口,接电话时的第一句话。

TBBT108学习笔记(草蜢实验) 1.俚语 keep it real:To not be fake. Be yourself.(不用紧张,做你自己) 2.普通级词汇 broadband:宽带 crotch:(人体的)胯部; 裤裆 punjabi:旁遮普省,巴基斯坦人口最多的省份,是旁遮普人的聚居地 untouchable:(印度的)贱民(种姓制度中最低层的人) monsoon:季雨 meddle:干预; 干涉; 管闲事 the norm:标准; 规范 aspiration:渴望; 抱负; 志气 marry off:嫁女儿;
让儿子结婚(通常表示说话者的不情愿) universality:普适性,普遍性 fiddler:小提琴手 guinea pig:豚鼠 get the hang of something:经过训练,学会某事 bartender:调酒师 take up:开始从事 slippery:(指物体表面)光滑的, 滑的 peewee:少年的(体育项目) aisle:(教堂内用列柱与中堂分隔的)侧廊, 走道 obnoxious:极不愉快的; 讨厌的; 可憎的 vestigial:残留的 embodiment:化身,体现 ebony:乌黑的 ruby:深红色的 in all fairness:说句公道话 3.爆炸级食品 samosa:炸馅角(有肉或菜馅的三角形面食小吃) tequila sunrise:日出龙舌兰(一种鸡尾酒) grasshopper:草蜢,绿色蚱蜢(一种鸡尾酒) cuba libre:自由古巴(由朗姆酒和可乐调制的鸡尾酒) virgin cuba libre=rum and coke without the rum=coke(Sheldon自创) Slippery nipple:滑乳(由百利甜(Baileys Irish Cream)和意大利茴香酒(Sambuca)调制而成的鸡尾酒) 4.精选语录 Raj:Great,then we'll get married, I won't be able to talk to her and we'll spend the rest of our lives in total silence. 对于Raj来说,婚姻确实是个问题 Leonard:Well,the key to acquiring proficiency in any task is repetition. Sheldon:With certain obvious exceptions. Suicide,for example. 对于拆台高手Sheldon来说,这简直是小菜一碟 Penny:Okay,here you go,leonard.One tequila sunrise. Leonrad:Thank you.You know,this drink is a wonderful example of how liquids with different specific gravities interact in a cylindrical container. 物理学就在身边 Penny:Sheldon,what are you going to have? Sheldon:I'll have a diet coke. Penny:Okay,can you please order a cocktail? I need to practice mixing drinks. Sheldon:Fine.I'll have a virgin cuba libre. Penny:That's,um,rum and coke without the rum. Sheldon:Yes. Penny:So...coke. Sheldon:Yes.And would you make it diet? Penny:There's a can in the fridge. Sheldon:A cuba libre traditionally comes in a tall glass with a lime wedge. Penny:Then swim to cuba. Sheldon:Bartenders are supposed to have people skills. 可以算是本集经典对话之一 Sheldon:Sorry I'm late. Leonard:What happened? Sheldon:Nothing. I just really didn't want to come. 这段可归入Sheldon经典语录 To life,to life,l'chaim l'chaim,l'chaim,to life life has a way of amusing us blessing and bruising us drink, l'chaim,to li...fe. Sheldon一展歌喉 5.地道表达 noted:表示知道了 6.本集八卦 Raj在第一季中是26岁 Raj的社交重大突破,喝酒后可以和女性说话 Raj的梦想成为粒子天体物理学界的甘地 Howard的父母互不理睬,喝酒度日 Sheldon每天洗澡两次,洗手无数次 PS:
Doogie howser全名《Doogie Howser, M.D.》(1989-1993)主演就是HIMYM中的Barney扮演者Neil Patrick Harris 《Scrubs》:实习医生风云 《屋顶上的小提琴手》(1964年著名的百老汇长篇音乐剧) TBBT笔记(B版)109 库珀-霍夫斯塔德极化 1.普通级词汇 goosebumps:n.起鸡皮疙瘩 voila:【法语】那就是, 瞧(表示事情成功或满意之感叹词用语) android:n.(科学幻想小说中的)人形机器人 rabbi:n. 拉比,法师,先生 tassel:n. 流苏 corduroy:n.灯心绒,条绒 synthetize:v. 综合, 合成 paisley:n.(苏格兰)佩斯利涡纹旋花呢 growth spurt:速长期 turmoil:n. 骚动,混乱 manifestation:n. 显示,证明,示威运动 laxative:n. 泻药 hunch:凭直觉(或预感)行事 libido:n. 欲望,性冲动 merry-go-round:n. 旋转木马 condescension:自以为高人一等的态度 aneurism:n. 动脉瘤 nutcase:n. 疯子 splash zone:【生态学】浪溅带,=supralittoral zone flamingo:n.【鸟类】红鹳,火烈鸟 2.爆炸级词汇 geosynchronous:adj.(人造卫星)与地球同步的,与地球的相对位置保持固定不变的[亦作 geostationary] Radioshack:瑞赛电器,无线电音响城 Viper:道奇蝰蛇 Corvette:雪佛兰克尔维特,号称“美国的法拉利” Occam's rasor:奥卡姆剃刀,由14世纪逻辑学家、圣方济各会修士奥卡姆的威廉(William of Occam,约1285年至1349年)提出。一般表示当你有两个处于竞争地位的理论能得出同样的结论,那么简单的那个更好。

Bose-Einstein condensates:玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚态,物质的第五种状态,简单的说就是,如果物质不断冷下去,接近绝对零度(-273.15℃),所有的原子都变成了同一个原子,再也分不出你我他的状态。

woodstock:[比喻]狂乱的群众集会,伍德斯托克音乐节(每年8月在纽约州东南部Woodstock举行的摇滚音乐节) inertia:n. 惯性 helium:n.【化学】氦(元素符号 He) Ritalin:n.【商标】利他林,治疗儿童多动症 3.精选语录 Howard: Gentlemen, I am now about to send a signal from this laptop through our local ISP, racing down fibre optic cable at the speed of light to San Fransisco, bouncing off a satellite in geosynchronous orbit to Lisbon, Portugal, where the data packets will be headed off to submerge transatlantic cables, terminating in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and transfered across the continent via microwave relays back to our ISP and the X10 receiver attached to this......lamp. 5秒钟环绕地球 Leonard: I wasn't expecting such a crowd, I'm all nervous. Howard: It's ok, just open with a joke, you'll be fine. Leonard: A joke......Ok. How about this? Um, ok......There's this farmer and he has these chickens but they won't lay any eggs, so he calls a physicist to help. The physicist then does some calculations, and he says: “I have a solution, but it only works for spherical chickens in a vacuum“. 球形鸡笑话-_-||| (Penny的反应是第一笑点,球形鸡讽刺物理学家简单粗暴的假设,这是第二笑点,第三笑点是这个笑话toooooooold) 可以参考http://www.douban.com/subject/discussion/12000200/ 4.地道表达 drill down to the bedrock of my question:刨根问底 Zip it, lock it, put it in your pocket. 闭嘴,或者保守秘密的顺口溜 bite me:恨我吧(用得意的语气) 5.本集八卦 Leonard8年级后就没长过个儿 Sheldon11岁读大学,16岁拿到博士学位,Leonard24岁拿到(也很厉害啊) TBBT笔记(B版)110 Loobenfeld衰退 1.普通级词汇 petite:adj.[法语]小的;娇小 kinky:adj.稍微变态的;怪癖的 fetish:n.崇拜对象(或活动),偶像 rhetorical:adj. 修辞学的 exquisitely:adv. 精巧地,敏锐地 convoluted:adj. 旋绕的,费解的 wee hours:n.凌晨 nauseous:adj. 令人作呕的 iffy:adj. 富于偶然性的(有条件的,未确定的) quintessential:adj. 精髓的,典型的 predicament:n. 状态,困境 brat:n. 乳臭未干的小孩 bourgeois:adj. 中产阶级 predisposition:n. 倾向;素质 fleabag:n. 睡袋,廉价旅社 cusp:n. 尖头 snort:v.用鼻子吸毒 detox:vt. 使戒去毒瘾(或酒瘾) 2.爆炸级词汇 Skynet & Miles Dyson:Doctor Miles Bennett Dyson is a character in the sci-fi series Terminator. He was the original inventor of the neural-net processor which would lead to the development of Skynet, a computer A.I. intended to control and defend the United States, but which would later seize control of the world and launch a global war of extermination against humanity. He is the man most directly responsible for causing Judgment Day. (from wiki) positronium:n. 正电子素(电子偶素) sociopath:n.【精神病学】反社会者,精神变态的反社会者 rem cycle:快速眼动睡眠周期rapid eye movement Boulder, Colorado:科罗拉多州博尔德市,科罗拉多大学博尔德校区所在地,该大学与美国国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)创建美国天体物理联合实验室(JILA)并研发出非常精确的原子钟,2亿年不会产生1秒钟偏差。据说现在已经把精确度提高到3亿年1秒偏差了。看来小谢的手表可以作为人类文明的重要文物了。

quark-blocking:Quark Block is where your friend prevents you from a geeky act that he wanted to take. 据说是cock-blocking的变形,前者阻止做nerd,后者阻止接近异性。

millennium falcon:千年隼号,《星球大战》系列作品中一艘虚构的宇宙飞船,主要驾驶员是走私犯兼船长韩·索罗和他的副驾驶员丘巴卡。


princess leia:莱娅公主,复兴共和国的一位同盟首领,帝国参议院前议员,奥德兰皇族成员。

middle child:通常表现出缺乏归属感、安全感,容易受first born child的影响,并因为缺乏成就感而易于随大流。另外这类人容易不合群,得过且过却不失才华创意,所以他们中的很大一部分选择写作或记者作为职业。

au contraire:[法语]正相反,相反地 serotonin:n.【生物化学】血清素 3.爆炸级食品 chicken 永远的chicken 哪怕是从垃圾桶里捡回来的chicken 4.精选语录 Penny: (Singing) Let's goooooo tonight...... Leonard: What the hell is that? Sheldon: I don't know, but if cats could sing......they'd hate it, too. 可怜的猫 Sheldon: (Knocking the door) Leonard? Leonard? Leonard?... Leonard: This would be so much easier if I were a violent sociopath. (leave the bed and open the door) What??? Sheldon: I was analyzing our lie, and I believe we're in danger of Penny seeing through the ruse. Leonard: How? Sheldon: Simple. If she were to log onto www.socalphysicsgroup.org/activities/other , click on “upcoming events“, scroll down to “seminars“, download the pdf schedule, and look for the seminar on molecular positronium, well then, bibalibonbaliboo, our pants are metaphorally on fire. 小谢啊小谢,penny怎么可能这么聪明 Leopold: Damm you, chaplain Harrigan! Penny: I'm, I'm sorry? Leopold: The philippines, 1992, the Subic bay naval station, a young boy on the cusp of manhood. His only companions, mongrel dogs and malarial mosquitoes. Desperate and alone, he reached out to a man who promised to introduce him to a merciful, loving god, but who instead introduced him to a gin-pickled tongue shoved down his adolescent throat. What choice did he have but to drink, shoot and snort his pain away? Sheldon: Don't forget his genetic predisposition towards addiction. Leopold: That's never been proven. Sheldon: There have been studies. Leopold: Not double-blind studies. Sheldon: How could there be a double-blind study? Who would be the control group? 物理nerds的戏剧细胞 5.地道表达 bogart:多贪多占 shotgun:坐在汽车前面的旅客座上 6.本集八卦 Leonard Sucks at Chess, Penny Sucks at Singing, Sheldon Sucks at Guessing other's feelings. TBBT笔记(B版)111 薄烤饼面糊异常 1.普通级词汇 checkmate:将军 contagious:adj. 传染性的 germaphobe:有洁癖的人 lysol:煤酚皂液 swab:v.擦净 pathogen:n. 病原体 typhoid:n. 伤寒 comatose:adj. 昏睡的 sinus:n.鼻窦 exponentially:adv. 成倍地,幂地,指数地 sputum:n. 唾液,痰 cuisine:n. 烹饪 blitzkrieg:n.闪电战 enema:n.灌肠 whiny:adj.牢骚不断的 congested:adj. 拥挤的 mucous:adj. 黏液的,似黏液的 2.爆炸级词汇 candy land:经典棋盘游戏“糖果乐园”,孩之宝(Hasbro)出品 petri dishes:n. 皮氏培养皿 Betty Crocker:贝蒂妙厨 ionized plasma:离子化电浆 centrifuge:n. 离心分离机 delirium:n.说胡话,神志失常,精神错乱 containment vessel:安全壳 Vaporub:维克斯伤风膏(vicks vaporub) 3.爆炸级食品 lime jello:酸橙果冻 apricot yogurt:杏仁酸奶 Howard's beloved breakfast:
chocolate milk and eggos soup for sick Sheldon:split pea with little frankfurter slices and these homemade croutons soups in Cheesecake Factory:chicken鸡汤, tortilla玉米汤, potato leek罗宋汤 grilled cheese:烤奶酪 4.精选语录 Sheldon: Checkmate! Leonard: Oh, again? Sheldon: Obviously, you're not well suited for three-dimensional chess. Perhaps three-dimensional candy land would be more your speed. Leonard: Just reset the board. Sheldon: It must be humbling to suck on so many levels. Sheldon的level双关 Leonard: Sheldon, relax. She doesn't have any symptoms. I'm sure she's not contagious. Sheldon: Oh, please. If infulenza was only contagious after symptoms appear, it would have died out thousands of years ago. Somewhere between tool using and cave painting, homo habilou wisld have figured out how to kill the guy with the runny nose. Sheldon描述为什么流感没有在原始社会被消灭 5.地道表达 ungodly hour:不能容忍的时间 lay low:打倒,击败 shout Sb. down:以喊叫声压倒对方 keep ture=go straight 6.本集八卦 Sheldon‘IQ:187 Sheldon15岁在Heidelberg Institute做visiting professor 这一集第一次出现Soft Kitty,歌词见TBBT221学习笔记 传送门http://www.douban.com/group/topic/6265541/ BBT笔记(B版)112 耶路撒冷对偶性 1.普通级词汇 teleportation:n. 传送术 disintergrate:v. (使)粉碎,分解 sought-after:adj. 很吃香的;广受欢迎的 smuggle:v. 偷运,走私 asterisk:n. 星号(*) vt.加星号 hunch:n. v.预感 apparatus:n. 装置,器具 chubby:adj. 圆胖的 2.爆炸级词汇 quantum loop:圈量子,Loop quantum gravity圈量子重力理论 Nautilus:诺德士,美国健身器械公司 Lorentz invariant:洛伦兹不变量 field theory approach:场论方法 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:莫扎特全名 Antonio Salieri:萨列里,意大利作曲家,野史称他因嫉妒毒死莫扎特 cyborg:n. 半机械人,即cybernetic organism postpubescent:青春期后的 wunderkind:n.【德语】神童 argon laser:氩激光器 helium-neon:氦氖雷射 oompa-loompas:《查理与巧克力工厂》里的矮小雇工 titanium:n. 钛 carbon nanotubes:碳纳米管 bubula:犹太语词汇,祖母称呼小孩用 cold fusion:冷核聚变 taco stands:临街卖墨西哥玉米卷的小摊 Jat:贾特人,印度北部由穆斯林、印度教和锡克教徒组成的农民阶层 3.爆炸级食品 Dingdong:a chocolate cake, round with a flat top and bottom, similar in shape to a hockey puck好像很好吃~~Howard之选 4.精选语录 Raj: How about that one? Howard: Oh, interesting, kind of pretty, a little chubby, so probably low self-esteem. Leonard: I think that's our girl. One of us should go talk to her. Raj: I can't talk to her, you do it. Leonard: I can't just go up and talk to her. Howard, you talk to her. Howard: I don't know, she'll never go for the kid once she gets a peek at this. Raj: You know, if we were in India, this would be simpler. Five minutes with her dad, 20 goats and a laptop, and we'd be done. Leonard: Well, we're not in India. Raj: All right, why don't we do it your way then? We'll arrange for this girl to move across the hall for Dennis so he can pathetically mourn for her for months on end. Leonard: Hey, that was uncalled for. Raj: You started it dude. 阿三威武 Howard: He's back. Leonard: Yeah, mission accomplished. Raj: Forget the mission, how do that little Jat get a girl in the zone? Howard: I guess times have changed since we were young. Smart is the new sexy. Leonard: Then why do we go home alone every night? We are still smart. Raj: Maybe we are too smart. So smart it's off-putting. Howard: Yeah, let's go with that. 三个孔乙己 5.地道表达 a tale of woe:悲情故事 I sense a disturbance in the Force出自星战 A bad feeling I have about this同上,语出Yoda do the trick:将困难工作做好; 达到预期目的 build it and they will come:出自电影《梦幻成真》field of dreams,主人公在自己的玉米田里建造了一座棒球场吸引到偶像来打球 put out a spread:大摆筵席 the oracle told us “little Neo was the one“:出自黑客帝国 6.本集八卦 Leonard说话的习惯end sentences with prepositions Sheldon14岁半时拿到Stevenson奖(没查到) Howie:Howard的小名 Smart is the new sexy出自本集Howard之口 TBBT笔记(B版)113 蝙蝠侠罐子猜想 1.普通级词汇 tawdry:adj. 廉价而俗丽的 Go Fish:【扑克】抽王八 emblazon:v. 饰以纹章 vanilla:n. 香草 Carthage:n. 迦太基 Nintendo:任天堂 glimpse:n. 闪光, 模糊的感觉 dalmatian:斑点犬 idiosyncrasy:n. 特质 janitor:n. 守卫,门警,房屋管理员 polymerize:v. 聚合 tree sap:树汁 inorganic:adj. 无机的 trajectory:n. 轨道 2.爆炸级词汇 vulcans:瓦肯人;罗马神话中掌管锻冶的神 barbershop quartet:理发店四重唱,40年代兴起的无伴奏合唱 Knott's Berry Farm:纳氏草莓乐园,位于南加州,是美国最大的主题乐园 Zod:超人的敌人,来自氪星 Jacques Cousteau:库斯托,著名海洋学家,发明水中呼吸器,并拍摄制作了纪录片Jacques Cousteau的海底世界 optics:n. 光学 attosecond:n.阿秒,微微微秒,1秒=10^18阿秒 quantum mechanical effect:量子机械效应/量子化效应/量子力学效应 giant magneto resistance:巨磁阻 frame dragging:时空结构拖曳效应,一个物体在旋转时会产生与不旋转时不同的重力场 gravity probe B:重力探测器B,NASA于2004年发射的人造卫星,证明了爱因斯坦的时空结构拖曳效应和测地线效应 Anodized Aluminum:阳极化铝 dilepton:n. 双轻子 supersymmetry:n. 超对称性 mano y mano y mano a mano:mano是西班牙语的“手”,mano a mano就是徒手战斗,一对一,a是“to”的意思,y是“和”的意思,所以就是一加一加一(三个人)对一(Sheldon) misogynistic:n.【心理学】厌恶女人者 isotope:n. 同位素 Technetium:n.【化学】锝(元素符号Tc) Casimir Effect:卡西米尔效应是指在两个很靠近的平行导体板,会因两板间真空的电磁场扰动产生吸引力 Shor's algorithm:量子分解算法,1995年由美国科学家Peter Shor提出,目前量子计算机的主要运算原理之一 Prevost's theory of exchanges:普雷沃斯交换原理,当物体与其周围物体处于平衡,它以相同速率辐射和吸收辐射,因而它的温度保持不变 PMS:一般指pre-menstrual syndrome经前综合症 AA:一般指Alcoholics Anonymous匿名戒毒会/戒酒会 3.爆炸级食品 macaroon:蛋白杏仁饼干 chutney:(印度的)酸辣调味品 4.精选语录 Sheldon: Count me out. Leonard: What? Why? Sheldon: You want me to use my intelligence in a tawdry competetion? Would you ask Picasso to play Pictionary? Would you ask Noah Webster to play Boggle? Would you ask Jacques Cousteau to play Go Fish? Sheldon总有很多经典的比喻 Howard: Hey, I buzzed in. Sheldon: And I answered, it's called teamwork. Howard: Don't you think I should answer the engineering questions? I am an engineer. Sheldon: By that logic I should answer all the anthropology questions because I am a mammal. 黄金法则:不要和Sheldon争论 5.地道表达 point of order:辩论中规则被破坏时提请主席解决以使辩论继续的说法 heads up:提醒 buzz in:从蜂鸣器传来 klatch, klatsch:非正式聚会 sack up:鼓起勇气来 nice and loose放轻松 come to play?准备好了吗 got your game face on?准备好了吗 6.本集八卦 本集提及三部经典美剧 Blossom一部1991年的美剧 Wonder Years《纯真年代》1988年的美剧 The Brady Bunch《脱线家族》1969年的情景喜剧 Sheldon来自德克萨斯州东部 Sheldon心目中最性感的男演员有William Shatner和Patrick Stewart Raj不能和女人说话,但只要女人混在一堆人中间就没问题了 TBBT笔记(B版)114 呆子天堂湮灭 1.普通级词汇 culinary:adj. 厨房的,烹调的 payload:n. 有效负载 colon:n. 结肠,直肠 vertigo:n. 眩晕 apocalyptic:a. 预示灾祸的,启示的 subterranean:adj. 地下的 Jacuzzi:n. 极可意浴缸 speedo:n. 速率计,速度计;Speedo,知名泳具品牌 cloaking:a. 隐身的 ergo:adv. 因此 demeanor:n. 行为(态度,举止),=demeanour Nerdvana:应该是呆子天堂吧。不知道是不是从Nirvana(涅槃)变来的,Howard真的很善于造词。

dibs:n. 零钱, 权利 bar mitzvah:犹太受戒仪式, 成年礼 2.爆炸级词汇 Venn Diagram:文氏图,用以解释集合的联集与交集的关系,流程图用以解释函数的运算,微积分学的许多基本观念也都有藉助函数图形曲线来阐释。

3.爆炸级食品 lettuce:莴苣 locks=lox:熏鲑鱼 bagles:先蒸后烤的发面圈 4.精选语录 Leonard: Yes, but the elevator has been broken for 2 years. Sheldon: I've been meaning to ask you, do you think we should make a call about that? Howard: Not necessary, I have a master's in engineering. I remotely repair satellites on irregular basis. I troubleshoots space shuttle payloads. From the Mars rover started pulling off the left, I performed a front-end aligment from 62 million miles away. ....(press the elevator button and listen a while).......No, that baby is broken. 伟大的工程学硕士howard! Sheldon: Why did you set it for the day before yesterday? Leonard: Because I wanna go back and keep myself from getting a time machine. Sheldon: You can't. If you would've prevented yourself from buying it in the past, you would not have it available in the present to travel back and stop yourself from buying it. Ergo you will still have it. This is the classic rookie time travel mistake. Leonard: Can I go back and prevent you from explaining that to me? Sheldon: Same paradox. If you would've travel back in time and, say, knock me unconscious, you would not then have a conversation that irritated you, motivating you to go back and knock me unconscious. Leonard: What if I knocked you unconscious right now? Sheldon: It won't change the past. Leonard: But it makes the present so much nicer. 赞sheldon的时间机器悖论,赞leonard的耐心。

Sheldon: Are you upset about something? Leonard: What was your first clue? Sheldon: Well it was a number of things. First the late hour, then your demeanor seems very low energy. Plus your irritability...... Leonard: Yes, I'm upset! Sheldon: Ho! I don't usually pick up on those things......Good for me. Leonard: Yeah, good for you. Sheldon: Oh wait. Did you wanna talk about what's bothering you? Leonard: I don't know, maybe. Sheldon: Wow, I'm on FIRE tonight. Sheldon情商大爆发。

5.地道表达 blow on:
砸钱在...上 6.本集八卦 sheldon的三明治顺序:turkey, roast beef, lettuce, swiss on whole wheat March 10th, 1876 贝尔(Alexander Graham Bell)发明电话,并与Doctor Watson通话,Bell妻子是聋哑人。

本集一大笑点出现在Leonard启动time Machine,众人表演默剧。

Rod Taylor在1960年版的电影“时光机”中乘坐时光机来到N80万年后的世界 Toys collection: Boys: 1979 Mattel Millenium Falcon; Darth Vader voice changers; Golden Age Flash Girls: Beanie Baby; Care Bears; Little Ponies; Hello Kitty 这是北大bbs他们本次的注解,我整理了下,有兴趣的可以看看,翻译组的xd们,不用来搞这个了,费时间,呵呵,把精力留在翻译上。。。。。这就是我的初衷。希望不会有什么不好的影响 感谢此注解的制作者,在wiki上的辛苦劳动 也感谢本站的xd们的辛苦工作。。。。。。呵呵。这里的双语字幕还是超赞的!!!!!!! swiss 瑞士干酪,一种白色或淡黄色的硬干酪\N有果仁味,多孔,最初产于瑞士 Sheldon说面包因为没有干酪的保护\N而受了生菜的水汽,所以不够干脆 名为《时光机》的电影有两部,分别是1960年和2002年\N由George Pál和Simon Wells导演的\N二者都取材于H.G.Wells1895年的小说《时光机》 1960年版似乎更忠实原著,由几位大仙后边的讨论看来\N这里说的正是这个版本,曾经获得奥斯卡特别效果奖 《苏菲的选择》是1982年由Alan J. Pakula导演的故事片\N影片改编自William Styron的同名小说\N讲述二战后居住在布鲁克林的波兰移民苏菲对往事的回忆 主演Meryl Streep凭借此片获得当年的奥斯卡最佳女主角\N不过影片中并没有出现时光机 文氏图是用一条封闭曲线直观地表示集合\N及其关系的图形,也被称为韦恩图 一般都使用文氏图\N这是由英国数学家和逻辑学家John Venn于1881年创制的 鸡尾虾是经久不衰和极受欢迎的餐前小吃,虾煮熟后剥去外壳\N可以拿着尾部直接吃,因为是鸡尾酒会上的常见食品而得名 Mars Rover是NASA的火星探测计划\N旨在将Spirit/勇气号和Opportunity/机遇号两部火星车送上火星\N并分别在2004年1月4日和1月25日降落在火星 Howard说Mars Rover向左偏,这里应该是说2004年6月勇气号右前轮发生故障并瘫痪的事件 Rod Taylor在1960年版的电影“时光机”中扮演乘坐时光机\N来到N80万年后的世界的George Wells\N实际上原著并没有提到time traveller的名字 Jacuzzi,“极可意“浴缸,周边可喷水按摩的小浴池 Speedo,知名泳具品牌 Pasadena:加州理工学院所在地,几位大仙是这里的Ph.D 贝尔的妻子Mabel Hubbard在四岁时由于猩红热而导致失聪\N她曾经是贝尔的学生,19岁时嫁给了贝尔\N贝尔的母亲和妻子都是耳聋,这点对他的科学生涯影响很大 隐身仪是许多科幻电影中常出现的设备,能使宇宙飞船或人瞬间消失不见\N四位大仙热爱的“星际迷航”和“星球大战”中都有这种仪器登场 2268年Klingon帝国与Romulan星际帝国结盟,分享彼此的\N军事科技和舰船设计;
2292年这一同盟关系结束 亚美尼亚人是亚美尼亚的主体民族,属欧罗巴人种西亚类型\N亚美尼亚人自古从事农业,耕作技术落后,畜牧业以饲养羊、牛、马为主 现在有大约50万亚美尼亚人居住在美国,大多是一战时流入的移民 英国歌手Elton John是摇滚乐史上天王级的人物,唱片销量过亿 Everglades是美国著名的“大沼泽地“,位于佛罗里达州南部\NPenny说的可能是千禧年来到时包括Elton John在内的\N许多著名歌手在大沼泽地国家公园举办的大型演唱会时的场面 这里是说1960年版的《时光机》中,男主角George乘坐时光机\N来到80万年后,与女主角Weena邂逅并相爱的桥段 hook up with his extremely attractive young mother经典穿越科幻片《回到未来》三部曲,此处说的是1985年的第一部\NMarty还差点因为被他妈追而人间蒸发 Locks=lox,熏鲑鱼;
bagels是先蒸后烤的发面圈\N合起来可以认为就是roasted fish and bread 美泰(Mattel)公司是美国最大的玩具制造商,芭比娃娃就是美泰的明星产品\NMillenium Falcon是Harrison Ford扮演的\NHan Solo船长的千年隼号,星球大战老三部曲里面最重要的飞船之一 达斯·维德是《星球大战》中的一个角色,他身高两米,穿黑色斗蓬\N和黑色盔甲,是帝国皇帝利用恐惧和威胁统治的银河最直接象征 Flash(闪电侠)第一次出现于1940年1月的Golden Age Flash #1上\N这里指的是最初的闪电侠的外形设计,因为他的装扮经过了几次变化 美国正义联盟是超级英雄漫画中的一个超级英雄组织。Sheldon似乎有他们的会员卡 卢比,印度、斯里兰卡、尼泊尔等的货币单位,from wiki: In Jan. 2008,Rs 40 to USD 1 在犹太教中,13岁的少年要举行成年式,达到这个年龄的少男少女\N分别被称为bar mitzvah和bat mitzvah 犹太人有为子女将来的大学教育储蓄的传统\NHoward所说的就是类似“我的妈妈储蓄”的东西 None shall pass!魔兽经典台词… 错版货在收藏品市场上是非常值钱和珍贵的 Geordi la Forge是《星际迷航:下一代》中Enterprise(企业号)\N的舵手,后来成为首席工程师\N他是盲人,戴着一个视觉辅助装置(VISOR) 比尼宝贝是由美国TY公司生产的一种玩具娃娃,其特点是内部填充\N像豆子的小塑料珠而不是其他填塞料,因而玩偶能随意摆出不同的造型 Care Bears是一种熊的卡通形象,最初印在明信片上的\NMy Little Pony是一种玩具马,它们均被拍成过动画片 在原版电影中,男主角George来到的未来也正是802701年,不过\N日期是10月12日,这里显示的4月28日是本片在美国放映的时间 这里出现的莫洛人造型也和1960版电影中如出一辙,感谢敬业的道具人员… TBBT笔记(B版)115 猪排不确定 1.普通级词汇 ceramic:adj. 陶器的 quizzical:adj. 嘲弄的;
揶揄的 fraternal:adj. 兄弟般的 circumcision:n. 割礼 girth:周长,腰围 rhetorical:adj. 修辞学的 detour:n. 绕路 posterity:n. 后代;
后裔 flatulent:adj. 肠胃气胀的 rabbi:n. 犹太教教士,先生(犹太人对师长和有学识者的尊称) mediocre:adj. 平庸的;
欠佳的 freckle:n. 雀斑 cryogenic:adj. 冷冻的(低温实验法的) 2.爆炸级词汇 collider:n.【物理学】(电子)对撞机 pharmacology:n. 药理学,药物学 agoraphobia:n.【心理学】恐旷症,陌生环境恐怖症 obsessive compulsive disorder:强迫症 sibling:n. 【动物学】一母同胞 Kama Sutra:《印度爱经》 fallopian tube:【解剖学】法娄皮欧氏管,输卵管 Shiva:n.【印度教】湿婆 Bosonic string theory:玻色子弦论 Heterotic string theory:杂化弦论 3.爆炸级食品 gherkin & onion dip:腌小黄瓜+洋葱蘸酱(不知道有谁试过) pepperoni:n. 意大利香肠 Eskimo Pie:【商标】爱斯基摩雪糕,紫雪糕,挂巧克力衣的冰淇淋 mocha:n. 穆哈咖啡 4.精选语录 Raj: Missy, do you enjoy pajamas? Missy: I guess. Raj: We Indians invented them. You're welcome. Howard: Yeah, well, my people invented circumcision. You're welcome~~ 猥琐男现形记 Howard: Ok, you two have to back off! Raj: Why should I back off? You back off, dude! Leonard: Excuse me, this is my apartment and she's my roommate's sister! Howard: So what, you've already got Penny! Leonard: How do I have Penny? In what universe do I have Penny?! Howard: So I can have Penny? Leonard: Hell, no!!!!!!!! 不怕L暧昧,就怕H惦记着 Missy: Ok Shelly. Sit down. Now I've lived my whole life dealing with the fact that my twin brother is, as mum puts it, “One of God's special little people“. Sheldon: I always thought that I was more like a Cuckoo bird. You know, a superior creature whose egg is placed in the nest of ordinary birds. 'Cos the newly hatched Cuckoo eats all the food leaving the ordinary siblings to starve to death. Luckily for you that's where the metaphor ended. Missy: I thought it ended at Cuckoo. 小谢比作布谷鸟 5.地道表达 no guts no glory:吃的越多越光荣...没有勇气,就没有辉煌...人有多大胆,地有多大产... pimp out:拉皮条 you are in for a treat:你一定会满意的,请欣赏... 6.本集八卦 Sheldon有一个异卵双胞胎妹妹Missy Sheldon的体重是165磅,约74.84kg Leonard有一条超人内裤 TBBT笔记(B版)116 花生反应 1.普通级词汇 Tetris:俄罗斯方块 stalemate:n.【国际象棋】王棋受困; 僵局; 僵持 horoscope:n. 占星, 黄道十二宫图 psychotic:n.&adj. 精神病的,疯子 rants:v. &n. 咆哮, 激昂地说 meticulously:adj. 过分注意细节的; 谨小慎微的 pseudo-scientific:伪科学的 anguish:n. 苦闷,痛苦 v. 使...极苦闷,使...极痛苦 grotesque:n. 怪异图案 adj. 奇怪的,可笑的 frivolity:n. 轻浮; [复数]无聊举动 co-conspirator:n.同谋者 trauma:n. 精神创伤 2.爆炸级词汇 Tresling:俄罗斯方块掰手腕,something combines the physical strength of arm wrestling with the mental agility of Tetris into the ultimate sport. Keebler elf:就是Keebler商标里的那个小精灵 Bertram Forer:心理学家,曾提出Forer Effect(也称Barnum effect,是指人们倾向于相信别人对自己性格的模糊的分析),1948年证明了占星学的伪科学性。

Feynman Lecture:费曼物理学讲义。Richard Phillips Feynman(1918-1988),美国著名物理学家,1965年,因在量子电动力学方面的成就而获得诺贝尔物理学奖。

Han Christian Andersen=安徒生 ethernet:【计算机】“以太”局域网,以太网 titanium:n.【化学】钛(元素符号Ti) centrifuge:n. 离心分离机 isotope:n. 同位素 epinephrine:n.【生物化学】肾上腺素 3.爆炸级食品 cheese cake carrot cake granola:n. 格兰诺拉麦片(拌有红糖、葡萄干、坚果仁等的燕麦片,用作早餐食品或营养品,源自商标名) 4.精选语录 Penny: Here's the deal. We're gonna throw Leonard a kick-ass surprise party for his birthday on Saturday. Sheldon: I hardly think so. Leonard made it very clear he dosen't want a party. Howard: Did someone say...“Party“? Penny: He just doesn't know he wants one 'cause he's never had one. Howard: I suppose that's possible, but for the record, I've never had a threesome and yet I still know I want one. Penny: Howard, here's the difference...The possibility exists that Leonard could have a birthday party before hell freezes over. Howard: Fine. If I do have a threesome, you can't be part of it........I'm just kdding. Yes, you can........Can you bring a friend? 猥琐男orz Penny: Sheldon, I didn't see your present. Sheldon: That's because I didn't bring one. Penny: Why not? Howard: Don't ask. Sheldon: The entire institution of gift-giving makes no sense. Howard: Too late. Sheldon: Let's say I go out and I spend $50 on you. It's a laborious activity because I have to imagine what you need, whereas you know what you need. Now, I could simplify things, just give you the $50 directly, and then you could give me $50 on my birthday, and so on, until one of us dies, leaving the other one lod and $50 richer. And I ask you, is it worth it? Howard: Told you not to ask. 小谢的生日礼物理论 5.地道表达 cut it the hell out:停止;中断;关掉 hokum:n. 废话; 噱头,惯用俗套 6.本集八卦 Sheldon系金牛座 Howard=no-peanut boy路人皆知(话说Howard肿了之后还真是可怕) Howard's birthday=Mon's special French toast breakfast+birthday king crown+laser tag Leonard's birthday=cousins+cake Sheldon's birthday=comical hats+crowded sweaty hell of bouncy castles+grotesque tailless donkey TBBT117学习笔记(柳丁因子) 1.俚语 cop:抓住,得到,拥有 2.普通级词汇 idiosyncrasy:癖好,癖性 mandarin:
(中国)国语 syphilitic:梅毒的,感染梅毒的 pass sth. off as :把某物充作... tangerine:柑橘 橘红色 credence:真实可能性;
可信性 render:使(某人/某事)处于某种状况 intervene:(为防止或改变某事件结果或过程)插入,插手,介入;
干预,干涉 damsel:(古 或 诗/文)闺中少女 damsel in distress:(常 幽默)需要帮助的少女 chivalry:(中世纪)骑士制度(包括其宗教、道德和社交规范) vulnerability:(身体或情感上)易受攻击的,易受伤害的;
脆弱的 in the depths of:(负面情感)最强烈时 sensitive:〈褒〉有细腻感情的; 同情理解的 go and do sth:[口]去..., 竟然糊涂到... not all that:不那么… not that :并不是说 penitentiary:(北美)(关押重罪犯人的)监狱 may as well :不妨 affectionate:柔情的 franchise:有特许经营权的企业(或行业) warlock:男巫师;
魔法师 rendition:(尤指对戏剧角色或音乐的)演绎,诠释 compelling:激发兴趣的;
令人赞赏的 ,引人入胜 whiny:好发牢骚的,嘀咕不停的,烦躁的 macho:大丈夫,男子汉 citrus:柠檬;
柚子(果实) peel:果皮, 蔬菜皮 loofah:丝瓜瓤 slough off:抛弃, 丢弃 condemn:(一般指公开)谴责,责难;
反对 informed:有根据的,(决定,判断)基于事实的 clockwise:顺时针方向的 fling:尽情欢乐的一阵, 放纵 divert:将(某人)从某物引开;
转移(某人)对某物的注意力 break open:摔破, 打开 psychic:通灵的,超自然的 starch:淀粉 premise:(逻)前提;
假定,假设 progeny:(人,动物,植物)后代,后裔 3.爆炸级食品 tangerine chicken:橘子鸡 orange chicken:陈皮鸡 4.爆炸级词汇 amygdala:(剖)(脑内)扁桃核,扁桃体 neocortex:(剖)新(大脑)皮层 epithelial cells:【医】 上皮细胞 dispersion:散射 5.地道表达 jerk face:衰人 Drop dead:去死吧 crawl into a hole and die(中文也有同样的说法) 6.精彩语录 Howard:You know, I'm really glad you decided to learn Mandarin. Sheldon:Why? Howard:Once you're fluent,you'll have a billion more people to annoy instead of me. Howard教Sheldon中文的“险恶”用心 Sheldon:Penny's emotional response is originated in the primitive portion of the brain known as the amygdala.While speech is centered in the much more recently developed neo-cortex. The former can easily overpower the latter. Giving scientific credence to the notion of being “rendered speechless“ Or maybe she just doesn't want to talk. Sheldon的科普时间 Raj:Hey look, I found an iPod! Howard:It's smashed beyond repair.What are you gonna do with it? Raj:What else? Sell it on eBay as “slightly used“ . Raj的“奸商”面目 Howard:Good idea, sit with her. Hold her, comfort her.And if the moment feels right, see if you can cop a feel~~~ ... Howard:Remember to sit on your hands a bit so they're warm. Leonard:I'm her friend. I'm not going to take advantage of her vulnerability. Howards:So you're saying, if in the depths of despair.She throws herself at you and demands you take her right there right now.You'll just walk away? Leonard:I said I'm her friend not her GAY friend. “情圣”Howard讲座时间,Leonard的巧妙回答。

Raj:Incredible.You managed to screw up the screw-up. 这句太经典了 Penny:Look, do you have a second? Sheldon:A second what, pair of underwear? Sheldon玩文字游戏 Sheldon:And until recently, I have no idea that. Despite his lactose intolerance, he can tolerate small amounts of non-fat ice cream without producing a noxious gas that I maintain in the right concentration could be weaponized. Leonard的“大规模杀伤性武器” Sheldon:Erwin Schrodinger, in an attempt to explain the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics. He proposed an experiment where a cat is placed in a box with a sealed vial of poison that will break open at a random time. Now, since no one knows when or if the poison has been released until the box is opened. The cat can be thought of as both alive and dead...Just like Schrodinger's cat, Your potential relationship with Leonard right now can be thought of as both good and bad. It is only by opening the box that you'll find out which it is. 薛定谔的猫实验在现实中的应用。

TBBT201学习笔 1.俚语   wing it:To do something with no preparation 即兴做某事   home run swing:to have sex “本垒打”   To accelerate through first base (french kissing), onto second base (“heavy petting“) to third base (oral sex) and finally coming around to home plate (sexual intercourse).   switcheroo:(北美, 非正式)(尤指惊人或有欺骗性的)转变,逆变,调换   2.普通级词汇   yogurt:酸乳,酸牛奶   berry:浆果   draft:通风; 气流; 穿堂风; 通风装置   crash and burn:失败   hyperventilate:呼吸加速   be into:〈口〉给迷住,对…深感兴趣,深深卷入   respiration:呼吸   pupil:瞳孔   undilate:未放大,未膨胀   close-up:(照片、电影、录像的)特写   clench:(牙)(尤指愤怒,下定决心、压抑感情时)紧咬   iguana:鬣蜥(西印度、南美所产大蜥蜴)   dewlap:(动物或鸟,尤指牛)颈部(或喉部)的垂肉   delicate:(非正式)精致的织物(或衣服)   digestive:(与)消化(有关)的   brainiac:(北美,非正式)奇才,天才   slash:斜线号(即“/”)   ex post facto:事后的; 在事后 追溯既往的(地);
有追溯效力的(地)   endeavor:努力, 尽力   tic:(常指脸上肌肉的)抽搐   tick:(寄生于体大动物的吸血小虫)壁虱   phrase:v.叙述; 措词   salmon:大马哈鱼   teriyaki:(日式的)红烧鱼(或肉)酱   glaze:(浇在食物表面的)糖浆   sticky rice:糯米   tryptich:三幅相联的图画或雕刻   conformational:构象的   de novo:从头开始;
重新   constitutionally:本质地,天生,体质上   prestigious:有威信的,有威望的;
地位显赫的   kinda:有一点,有几分(kind of)   qu'est que(法)=what   cadaver:(医 诗/文)尸体   necrophilia:恋尸狂,恋尸癖   generic:(货物,尤指药品)没有牌子的,无商标的;
非注册商标的   ketchup:调味番茄汁   rinse:漂洗, 冲洗   cilantro:(尤指墨西哥烹饪中用作调味或饰菜的)芫荽叶   teeny:(口)极小的,极微的   subvert:颠覆,破坏   leprous:麻疯病的,患麻疯病的   lumbar support:(椅子等的)腰部支撑   date someone=be involved with=go out with   bouncy:弹性的   roughhouse:喧闹的游戏或打斗   comfy:(非正式)舒适的;
自在的   unnerve:使丧失勇气(或自信);
令人胆怯   Valium:安定(镇静药)   3.爆炸级词汇   acidophilus:乳酸杆菌,嗜酸杆菌   culture:专门培养的细胞组织   carrageenan:角叉菜胶   autonomic reflex :植物神经反射;自主反射   supercollider:(物理)超级超导对撞机   4.精选语录   Leonard:Why don't we just figure out where we're going. And when we want to get there. And then rate of speed equals distance over time. Solve for R.   精彩的物理问题生活化   Leonard:I'm not there because I'm taking things slow Which, by the way compared to you guys,approaches warp speed.   L确实是这四个里交女朋友最多的了。这里又向Startrek致敬了一把   Penny:May I ask you a question?   Sheldon:I would prefer that you not. But I won't go so far as to forbid it.   同意的Sheldon说法   Penny:I didn't want him to think I was some kind of stupid loser.   Sheldon:You thought the opposite of “stupid loser“ was “community college graduate“?   Penny:You know,there are a lot of successful people in this country who are community college graduates.   Sheldon:Yeah,but you are neither.   S也太不给P面子了   Sheldon:This is a classic example of Munchausen's Trilemma. Either the reason is predicated on a series of sub-reasons leading to an infinite regression. Or it tracks back to arbitrary axiomatic statements. Or it's ultimately circular. i.e.I'm moving out because I'm moving out.   Sheldon的逻辑学时间   Raj:What did you do? Did you change the contrast or brightness settings on the television?   Leonard:No.   Raj:Did you take a Band-Aid off in front of him?   Leonard:No.   Howard:Did you buy generic ketchup? Forget to rinse the sink? Talk to him through the bathroom door?   Raj:Adjust the thermostat, cook with cilantro pronounce the “t“ in “often“?   Leonard:No.   Howard:Did you make fun of trains?   Leonard:I didn't do anything He's just gone insane.   Sheldon的禁忌大全   Sheldon:It's my pre-packed disaster evacuation bag. It's recommended by the Department of Homeland Security. And Sarah Connor.   向终结者致敬   Sheldon:Mom smokes in the car.Jesus is okay with it but we can't tell Dad.   这句话太逗了 TBBT202学习笔记(遮羞布拓扑) 1.俚语   hit:1.(非正式)喜欢,钟爱;
认真对待 2.To have sex with   blowhole:嘴的一种俚语表达   mix it up:为...增加新鲜感   old college try:Give something your best shot 尽全力   2.普通级词汇   rife with:充满的,充斥的   mead:n.(主史)蜂蜜酒   chubby:胖乎乎的; 圆胖的; 丰满的   lace up:用带子束紧   corset:(妇女为衬托身体的)紧身胸衣   bosom:(女人的)胸部   huzzah:好哇(表示喜悦、赞同、庆贺等)   howdy:(北美)(非正式友好的问候,尤用于美国西部各州)你好   codpiece:(15,16世纪男子短马裤或紧身裤前面盖住生殖器的)遮阴袋   get away with it:侥幸成功; 逃脱处罚   chain mail :(史)锁子甲   linen:亚麻布   pillowcase:枕套   Orion:(天文)猎户星座   sloppy :马虎的;
凌乱的   smoking:(非正式)充满活力的,令人兴奋的   particulate:微粒的,颗粒的,粒状的,粒子组合的   LOL:Laugh Out Loud[用于电子邮件中表示大笑]哈哈   bout:一段,一阵,一次   attachment:(两人间的)爱慕   futon:蒲团,日本床垫   assume:承担(责任);
就(职)   thoughtful:体贴的,关心别人的;
考虑周到的   Nintendo:任天堂   come over :顺便来访   doctorate:博士学位   choke on:(人,动物)噎住,呛住,哽住;
窒息   administer:给予,实施(惩罚)   Heimlich maneuver :海姆利希手法   chimp:(非洲)黑猩猩   carton:纸板箱; 纸板盒   protocol:(科学实验结果的)官方记录   cloying:(感情过于外露而)令人腻烦的   ciao:意 (非正式)(见面或分别时致意用语)你好!再见!   jester:(史)(中世纪宫廷)逗乐小丑   anomaly:n.不按常规;
反常   archenemy:(基督教)撒旦(魔王) 主敌, 大敌   belittle:轻视,贬低   ill-considered:考虑不周的,失策的   hop:单足蹦跳, 跳跃   subpar:平均标准以下的,不够标准的   balderdash:胡言乱语;
废话   derision:嘲笑, 嘲弄   temporal:时间的,与时间有关的   come into existence :开始存在; 形成; 成立   très (法) : very much (英)   3.爆炸级词汇   polypropylene:聚丙烯   colloidal suspension :胶状悬浮(体)   pernicious anemia:恶性贫血   loop quantum gravity:圈量子引力理论   quantized:量子化的   entropy:熵   4.爆炸级食品   orange chicken:陈皮鸡   bear claw:熊爪糕   5.Leslie VS Sheldon   Leslie:Hey Leonard   Leonard:Hey Leslie   Leslie:Hey dummy   Sheldon:Hello to you. Insufficiently intelligent person.   Leslie:Woo, rush me to the burn unit.   ...   Sheldon:Now, if you'll excuse me. I'm going to go do work that promises significant results as opposed to what you do which does not. Yeah, you heard me.   Sheldon反击反击反击   6.Sheldon语录   Leonard:Well, I've dated plenty of women.There was Joyce Kim... Leslie Winkle...   Sheldon:Notify the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary. The word “plenty“ has been redefined to mean “two“.   Sheldon挖苦Leonard   Sheldon:Don't forget the male-pattern baldness. When his uncles sit around the dinner table. They look like a half carton of eggs.   秃头与鸡蛋,很形象的比喻   Leonard:Make yourself scarce.   Sheldon:Leonard, I'm a published theoretical physicist with two doctorates. And an IQ which can't be accurately measured by normal tests.How much scarcer could I be?   ...   Leonard:And if science ever discovers a second member of your species. And you two would like some privacy. I'd be more than happy to get out of your way.   Sheldon玩scarce的双关。L也来个有力的反击。

  Sheldon:I am a modern day Napoleon exiled to the Elba of the staircase. Because Leonard-“Get this”-HAS A DATE.   Sheldon好郁闷   Sheldon:I'm just wondering if you really gave it the old college try. Or in your case, the old community college try.   拿Penny的学历开玩笑啦   Penny:Your archenemy?   Sheldon:Yes. The Dr. Doom to my Mr. Fantastic. The Dr. Octopus to my Spider-Man. -- The Dr. Sivana to my Captain Marve... You know it's amazing how many supervillains have advanced degrees. Graduate school should probably do a better job of screening those people out.   很好的疑问   Penny:Sheldon, you are a smart guy You must know...   Sheldon:Smart? I'd have to lose 60 IQ points to be classified as “smart“.   Sheldon是恐怖的smart   7.好玩的句子   Leslie:So, I heard your relationship with Penny crashed to the ground. Like blue ice falling out of an airplane lavatory. Anyway, it got me thinking Now that you're unattached maybe we can revisit our previous attachment.   重温旧梦   8.本集八卦   Sheldon的计划表   周一 Thai food 泰国菜   周三 Halonight 光晕之夜   creamy tomato soup day from Soup Plantation奶油番茄汤 new comic book day 漫画淘宝日   周四 pizza from Giacomo's Giacomo餐厅的匹萨   周五 vintage game night经典游戏之夜   Leonard只约会过三个女朋友:Joyce Kim,Leslie Winkle和Penny TBBT203学习笔记(野蛮人升华作用) 1.俚语   frack:fuck的替代说法(what a frack!怎么搞的?搞什么飞机)   gimme:=give me   be/get hooked (on sth)迷上(某事物); 完全陷於(某事物)之中   wussy:n.笨蛋,懦夫   have a monkey on one's back:有毒瘾(本剧中加以改编that multi-player monkey on your back,形容网游上瘾)   2.普通级词汇   bladder:n.膀胱   AFK:away from keyboard   Scandinavian:n./adj.(北欧一地区,包括挪威、瑞典、丹麦、冰岛的)斯堪的纳维亚人(语)   Germanic:n.日耳曼人的, 日耳曼语(系)的, 日耳曼民族的, 条顿民族的   conundrum:n.复杂难题   frustrate:v.(尤指因无法改变或实现某事而)使心烦;
使恼怒   tautology:n.同义反复   sob:v.啜泣,抽噎   get the hang of sth :
熟悉某物的用法; 掌握做某事的方法   newb:n.(游戏用语) 新人的简称   let something rip:让(汽车﹑ 机器等)以最高速度行驶或运转   rip:v.撕;
剥   starch:n.淀粉   percussive:n.(乐器等)敲击的   patronize:v.以高人一等的态度对待   beat sb:难倒(某人); 使困惑   pajama:n.睡衣裤, 宽松裤   fodder:n.(马及其他牲畜的)饲料, 草料, 秣.   horde:n.一大群   mainframe:n.主计算机,大型计算机   wantonly:adv.故意的;
无缘无故的   squander:v.浪费(时间﹑ 金钱等); 挥霍   Laureate:n.(荣誉)获得者   flank:n.(部队的)侧翼   juvenilize:v.使年轻;
抑制…的生长发育   all-nighter:n.(AmE, informal) a time when you stay awake all night studying   postulate:v.假定, 假设(某事物)(尤指作推理或论证之出发点)   shore up:增强   promiscuity:n.淫乱,滥交   curl up:to sit or lie in a position with your arms and legs close to your body:很形象的词   She curled up on the sofa to watch TV.   fill out:填写(fiil in)   initiate:v.开始实施(计划等); 发起, 创始, 开始(某事物)   heuristic:(指教学法)启发式的   algorithm:算法; 计算程序   hokum:n.胡说   paramedic:n.护理人员;
(尤指做急救工作的)医疗辅助人员   strike out:fail,失败   flagon:n.一大壶(液体)   ale:n.(除陈啤酒、浓烈黑啤酒或黑啤酒之外的)麦芽啤酒   wild goose chase:白费力气的搜寻   3.爆炸级词汇   non-Newtonian fluid非牛顿流体   4.Sheldon语录   Penny:And just now when I was walking up those stairs A fly flew in my mouth and I ate it!   Sheldon:Well, actually, insects are a dietary staple in many cultures.They're almost pure protein. 我们也这么说,看来这一条世界通用。

  Sheldon:I believe the condensation on your frozen weakened the structural integrity of the bag foods.   要用科学的方法来描述日常生活。

  Penny: What's AFK?   Sheldon: [into his headset] AFK. [to Penny] “Away From Keyboard.“   Penny: “O.I.C.“   Sheldon: What does that stand for?   Penny: Oh. I see.   Sheldon: Yes, but what does it stand for?   5.地道的表达   You want to catch me up?   跟我说说是咋回事儿?   6.本集八挂   Penny这个角色在第二季时的年龄是22岁(现实中扮演Penny的Kaley Cuoco也才23岁)   Penny每周一休息   Leslie的姓是Winkle   7.本集典故   Howard:What the frack?中frack一词源于经典科幻剧Battlestar Galactica,用于代替fuck。

TBBT204学习笔记(狮鹫当量) 1.俚语   dumpling:心仪的女生   schmutz:n.污物,垃圾,废物   raise the roof:大声喧闹, 吵翻天   squeeze:n.情人   wild oats:(年轻人的)轻率,放荡不羁(sow one's wild oats)   hotsy-totsy:好的,妙的   suck face: French kiss   ridonculous:ridiculous的加强版   knock up:(sometimes vulgar)to make pregnant   2.普通级词汇   sanitary:adj. 清洁的, 卫生的   hygienic:adj. 清洁的, 卫生的   spew:v.呕吐,喷出,射出   un-kosher:adj.犹太教所禁止的   plague:n.瘟疫;
恼人的事   pestilence:n.流行病,鼠疫   sneeze:n.喷嚏 v.打喷嚏   considerate:v.体贴的,体谅的   rehabilitate:v.(监禁、戒毒或病后通过培训和治疗)使…康复;使…恢复正常生活;恢复地位;
恢复名誉,平反   mounting bracket:固定架   gynecologist:n.妇科医生   credentials:n.(学历﹑ 资历等的)资格,学位   traipse:v.疲惫地走;
无目的走,闲逛   beg to differ:恕难从命   condescension:n. 屈尊; 俯就   exotic :外(国)来的;
异常迷人的   dibs:钱, (非正式)要求, 保留权, 权利   whisk off :飞奔   incandescent:adj.超群的,杰出的   lackey:n.男仆,侍从   untouchable:n.贱民(指印度种姓制度最底层或种姓制度以外的人;
传统认为与贱民接触会玷污上流社会成员)   posse:n.一群,一组,一队(有共同特点的人、同行或志同道合者)   plummet:vi. 垂直落下, 骤然跌落   resplendent:adj.灿烂的,辉煌的;
华丽的   sip:v.小口喝   sulk: v.生闷气   mope:v. 闷闷不乐   sleep apnea:睡眠呼吸暂停   dice:vt将…切成小方块, 切成丁   shred:v.撕碎, 切碎   white rice:精米   brown rice:糙米   mustard:n. 芥; 芥末; 芥菜酱   bring to mind:想起   demise:n.死,终止   snuggle:v.依偎; 舒适的蜷伏; 紧靠; 拥抱   telepathic:adj. 心灵感应术的   pedestrian:n.缺乏想像力的,平淡无奇的,乏味的   cohort:n.同伴   animatronics:n.电子动画学; 电动木偶技术   pathogen:n. 病菌,病原体   FYI:abbr. For Your Information 供参考   feisty:adj.个性强而好争辩的   Panhandle:形状像带柄平底锅的州,如阿拉斯加 爱达荷、俄克拉荷马、西弗吉尼亚和德州   Panhandle同时也是德州西北部一座城市的名字   3.爆炸级食品   the shrimp with lobster sauce 虾龙糊   该菜是一道被西化菜式,在传统中国餐厅的菜单里找不到,但在外国的中餐馆里却很有名。

  4.Sheldon语录   Raj:Of course, I couldn't get you into the VIP section Because you know that's for VIPs and You guys are just... you know...P's.   Sheldon:There's a tribe in Papua New Guinea Where, when a hunter flaunts his success to the rest of the village.They kill him. And drive away evil spirits with a drum made of his skin. Superstitious nonsense, of course. But one can see their point.   Raj玩文字,Sheldon讲故事。

  Sheldon:A tremendous accomplishment would be If the planetary body he discovered were plummeting toward Earth. And he exploded it with his mind.   Sheldon说成就。

  Sheldon:Did you remember to ask for the chicken with broccoli to be diced, not shredded?   Leonard:Yes.   Sheldon:Even though the menu description specifies “shredded“?   Leonard:Yes.   Sheldon:Brown rice, not white?   Leonard:Yes.   Sheldon:Did you stop at the Korean grocery and get the good hot mustard?   Leonard:Yes.   Sheldon:Did you pick up the low sodium soy sauce from the market?   Leonard:Yes.   Sheldon:Thank you.   Leonard: You are welcome.   Sheldon:What took you so long?   Sheldon的菜品纠结系列   Sheldon:But consider this, the Japanese, they're doing some wonderful work with artificial intelligence.Now, you combine that with some animatronics from the imagineers over at Disney.Next thing you know, we're playing HALO with a multilingual Abraham Lincoln.   Leonard: If we do get a new friend, he should be a guy you can trust. You know, a guy who has your back.   Howard: And he should have a lot of money and live in a cool place down by the beach where we could throw parties.   Sheldon: And he should share our love of technology.   Howard: And he should know a lot of women.   Leonard: Okay, let's see: money, women, technology. Okay, we're agreed. Our new friend is going to be Iron Man.   钢铁侠会是个好朋友   5.好玩的词   You are a colossal asshat:你个大猪头   6.补充个知识点   什么是Kosher食品(转自Think YUM! 飲食文集)   Kosher 在《摩西五經》 (又稱《律法書》) (Torah: The Five Books of Moses) 有記載﹐意思大概可以解釋為「清凈的」﹑「合適的」和「合猶太戒律的」。

  根據經文﹐合猶太戒律的食物都必須附合以下條件﹕    * 只可吃有分趾蹄* 和會倒嚼** 的走獸動物 (即是牛﹑鹿和羊)    * 動物屠宰時必須以利刀割喉及放血 (食物裡不能留有血液和脂肪)    * 只可以吃有鰭和有鱗的海洋生物。

   * 肉類必須跟奶類分開    * 蔬菜被種植的時間必須超過三年 (就是說幼菜不能吃)    * 食物必須經猶太人處理和烹調 (這在猶太人團體裡也很具爭議性﹐但某些猶太人對這項條件則持較開放的態度。)   備註﹕   *分趾蹄﹕蹄部分開像腳趾一樣。

  ** 倒嚼﹕食物消化到一半﹐吐在嘴裡再吃一次。這也是牛的進食方式。


TBBT205学习笔记(欧几里德备选项) 1.俚语   give a damn:give a shit,give a fuck care   2.普通级词汇   the crow flies:两点间的直线距离   conn:交通工具的控制部分   speed bump:减速带   tricky:形容人狡猾,形容问题难   brain-teaser:又有趣又难的问题,脑筋急转弯   speak up:If you speak up, you say something, especially to defend a person or protest about something, rather than just saying nothing.畅所欲言   state of the art:最先进的   remaster:重新录制增强音效的电影或磁带,碟片等   rear-end:追尾   homo novus(novushomo):新新人类   plebeian:平民,普通人   3.爆炸级词汇   helium 氦   mercury 汞   ytterbium 镱   molybdenum 钼   magnesium 镁   manganese 锰   europium 铕   mendelevium 钔   meitnerium 麦   4.Sheldon语录   Sheldon:Then I hereby invoke what I'm given to understand is an integral part of the implied covenant of friendship....The favor.   Penny:Oh, dear God.   Sheldon:I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was interrupting your morning prayers.When you're done, we'll go.   可以把人情说的这么复杂,真Sheldon也。

  把Oh,dear god理解成在祷告,这也只有Sheldon能想到了。

  black woman:Application?   Sheldon:I'm actually more of a theorist.   此处笑点用到了apllication的双关,即表示申请表,又表示应用的意思。而研究物理的人又有研究实验,研究应用,研究理论之分。通常 呢,搞理论物理的人都很牛,Sheldon一听application,理所当然的就认为问他具体研究拿方面的,所以就回答了说我是研究理论的。(拜托, 这可是在车管所。)可见Sheldon有多nerd了。

  5.爆炸级句子   Examining perturbative amplitudes in N=4 supersymmetric theories leading to a re-examination of the ultraviolet properties of multi-loop N=8 supergravity using modern twistor theory.   The correct answer is when covered by a film of liquid sufficient to reduce the coefficient of static friction between the tire and the road to essentially zero,but not so deep as to introduce a new source of friction.   物理中的摩擦问题   6.本集八卦   Sheldon的计划表   周一 Thai food 泰国菜   周三 Halonight 光晕之夜    creamy tomato soup day from Soup Plantation奶油番茄汤    new comic book day 漫画淘宝日   周四 pizza from Giacomo's Giacomo餐厅的匹萨 补充一个sheldon的计划   星期二是cheese factory 芝士工厂   barbecue bacon cheeseburger, barbecue sauce, bacon and cheese on the side   烧烤培根芝士汉堡,烧烤酱,培根和芝士单放   这个貌似在第一季提到过,sheldon把星期二的big boy burger换成penny工作的cheese factory了,看S2Ep07的样子,这个一直没变 TBBT206学习笔记(库珀-诺维茨基定理) 1.俚语:
  deal:to be a couple   bite me:shut up,Fuck off   sisters:拉勾儿   2.普通级词汇   prevailing:流行的,盛行的   papier mache:制型纸浆(用以制纸盒﹑ 纸盘﹑ 纸装饰物等的)   revere:崇敬,仰慕   vigilant:alertly watchful especially to avoid danger   机警,非常小心,谨慎   tackle:应对,处理,攻克(难题)   touche:在辩论﹑ 讨论等中用以承认对方言之成理的词语   pumice:浮岩, 浮石, 轻石(轻而多孔, 可用以去除皮肤污垢或使皮肤光滑, 其粉剂可作清洁剂或抛光剂)   paradigm:a typical example or pattern of sth 范例,样式   (这个词在TBBT里很常见,尤其是在每集的剧名中)   tootsie,tootsy:脚趾或脚,一般只有小孩子这么说(Sheldon这么大的人还说小孩儿话,难怪有罐头笑声了)   encrypt:(计算机用语)加密   cater to:迎合,满足   doze off:打盹儿   pick one's brain:吸取经验,向...请教   turn heads :to attract favorable attention 引起注意,造成冲击   on the verge of a breakthrough   be close to a breakthrough   3.爆炸级词汇   mitosis:有丝分裂   exoskeleton:外骨骼   condensate:凝聚态   fermion:费米子   neutrino:中微子   boson:玻色子   subatomic:亚原子的   grand unification theory:大统一理论   4.爆炸级食品   Mee krob and chicken sate with extra peanut sauce from Siam Palace.   脆炸米粉 鸡肉沙爹 加上暹罗宫的花生酱   brisket:牛胸肉   a cup of joe=a cup of coffee   spinach mushroom omelet:菠菜蘑菇煎蛋卷   5.Leslie和Sheldon的斗嘴   Leslie:So,dumbass,I heard you made a grad student throw up last night.   Sheldon:The truth can indeed be a finger down the throat of those unprepared to hear it.But why should I cater to second-rate minds?   Leslie:Because first-rate minds call you “dumbass“?   Sheldon:Oh,yeah?Well...you're a mean person.   可怜的Sheldon一见到Leslie就嘴短。Sheldon的克星Leslie!   Ramona:Excuse me,Dr. Cooper,I'm Ramona Nowitzki.I was at your talk last night.I think you're just brilliant.   Sheldon:That is the prevailing opinion.   Leslie:Oh,now I'm gonna throw up.   继续打击Sheldon。

  Sheldon: Looking out at your fresh young faces, I remember when I, too, was deciding my academic future as a lowly graduate student. Of course, I was 14, and I had already achieved more than most of you could ever hope to despite my 9:00 bedtime. Now, there may be one or two of you in this room who has what it takes to succeed in theoretical physics, although it's more likely that you'll spend your scientific careers teaching fifth graders how to make papier mache volcanoes with baking soda lava.   Leonard: Oh, good God.   Sheldon: In short, anyone who told you that you would someday be able to make some significant contribution to physics played a cruel trick on you, a cruel trick indeed. Any questions? [No one in the classroom says anything] Of course not. I weep for the future of science. Now if you'll excuse me, the latest issue of Batman is out.   labradoodle   Sheldon把研究生们称作拉布拉多犬   Leonard:Sheldon lives in fear of the three-tined fork.   Sheldon:Three tines is not a fork.Three tines is a trident.Forks are for eating,tridents are for ruling the seven seas.   Sheldon关于叉子和三叉戟的纠结   Sheldon:You don't tackle the big issues,Ramona.You fence with them.En garde. Riposte.   En garde:on guard   riposte:迅速反击,杀个回马枪   Ramona:Didn't a great man once say, “Science demands nothing less than the fervent and unconditional dedication of our entire lives ?“   Sheldon:He did.   Ramona:And who was that great man?   Sheldon:Me.   真正的Sheldon名言   Ramona:Dr. Cooper, I have to tell you your friends are holding you back.   Sheldon:I prefer to think of it as “I'm pulling them forward.“   Sheldon:Battlestar Galactica comes on tonight.I guess I can wait for the DVD.And then never ever watch it.   这一段想起来就好笑   Sheldon:Look, Ramona finally dozed off, and I need you to help me get rid of her.   Penny:Get rid of her how?   Sheldon:I don't know, but apparently I'm in some kind of relationship,and you seem to be an expert at ending them.   Penny:Excuse me?   Sheldon:I see man after man leaving this apartment never to return.   Sheldon:I'm invoking the Skynet clause of our friendship agreement.   Leonard:That only applies if you need me to help you destroy an artificial intelligence you've created that's taking over the Earth.   Sheldon:Come on! Don't nitpick!   Leonard:Good night.   Sheldon:All right.I'm invoking our Body Snatchers clause.   Leonard:The Body Snatchers clause requires me to help you destroy someone we know who's been replaced with an alien pod.   Sheldon:Yes. She's in the living room. Go. I'll wait here.   ...   Sheldon:Godzilla clause?   Leonard:Not unless she destroys Tokyo.   Sheldon已经把Ramona当成终结者,异形和哥斯拉了。

  Kathy:Excuse me, Dr. Cooper.I'm Kathy O'Brien.I just finished reading your paper reconciling the black hole information paradox with your theory of string - network condensates, and it just took my breath away.   Sheldon:Maybe when I publish it, I'll include an inhaler.   拿短语take my breath away开涮   7.Wolowitz理论:(Sheldon有丝分裂论)   Wolowitz:Over the years,we've formulated many theories about how he might reproduce.I'm an advocate of mitosis.   I believe one day Sheldon will eat an enormous amount of Thai food and split into two Sheldons.On the other hand, I think Sheldon might be the larval form of his species,nd someday he'll spin a cocoon and emerge two months later with moth wings and an exoskeleton.   具体演示请看本集结尾处。

  8.爆炸级句子   You know you need your sleep in order for your cognitive processing to perform at optimum levels.   让人好好睡觉都说的这么复杂。

  I especially liked your paper on grand unification using string-network condensates and was wondering how you determined that three-dimensional string-nets provided a unified picture of ferrnions and gauge bosons?   都是出自Ramona之口。(女版Sheldon)   9.好玩的语气词   Holy crap on a cracker   偶的囧囧有神啊!   Hoo-boy   我的乖乖   drat   温和版damn   rats   used to express disappointment, frustration, or disgust(表示讨厌,恶心等语气词)   Oh,good God.   仁慈的住啊   10.本集八卦   Sheldon的计划表   周一 Thai food 泰国菜   周三 Halonight 光晕之夜   周四 pizza from Giacomo's Giacomo餐厅的匹萨   本集还出现PSP,Batman的漫画,Sheldon的Dell XPS笔记本电脑   Leonard的苹果笔记本电脑,闪电侠的漫画   PS:Penny眼中的Sheldon   Tall,thin,looks a little like a giant praying mantis   那个瘦瘦高高 长得像 巨人版螳螂 TBBT207学习笔记(女裤皮纳塔极化现象) 1.俚语   pinata是折成动物或卡通形状的包裹,通常里面装有糖果和小玩具,用细线把包裹从屋顶上吊下来,然后让小孩子蒙上眼睛用棍子打,打下来就 有糖吃和玩家玩。音译成皮纳塔。(本集中Sheldon就把Penny的内衣挂在电话线上,并称作 Panty Pinata)。

  2.普通级词汇   Yiddish:n.依地语(犹太人使用的,现代语和希伯来语的混合语言)   Klingon:n.克林汞语(美经典科幻电视剧《星际迷航》中的克林汞人用的语言)   closed captions:CC字幕(给有听力障碍的观众准备的字幕,各大字幕组用这个来做字幕)   gargle:v.含漱; 漱口   guttural:adj.(指声音)(似)喉间发出的   grunt:v./n.(动物或人发出的)咕噜声; 哼哼声   chlorine:n.氯   pruny:n.(长时间泡在水中)手指上的褶皱   self-esteem:n.自尊   dill:n.莳萝; 小茴香.可作香辣佐料   relish:n.(尤指辣酱或泡菜)调味品,佐料   vociferously:adv.(尤指人或言语)喧嚷的,激烈的   pseudo:adj.假冒的,虚伪的;
不真诚的   extensive:adj.广阔的;
规模大的   Parliamentary:adj.议会的,国会的;
适合议会的   mock:v.仿效   banality:n.平凡,陈腐   lenient:仁慈的,宽容的   nutcase:疯子   remedy:v.补救,纠正   rodeo:n.牧马骑术表演;
牛仔竞技会   hogtie:v.四脚一齐捆绑,绑得使动弹不得   castrate:v.阉割   neuter:v.阉割   puny:n.弱小的,微弱的   circumvent:v.设法克服或避免(某事物); 规避; 回避   electrocute:v.使触电受伤;
使触电死亡   Kryptonite:氪石(出自《超人》,来自超人老家氪星的石头,可以对抗超人的力量)   rescind:v.(法律、命令或协议)废除,取消   NORAD:North American Aerospace Defense Command,北美防空司令部   play along:假装合作   fly in the face of:直接违反   knuckle under:让步;
屈服   poke around v.闲逛,没有计划的寻找   meet halfway:让步   tell on sb:告发某人   a.k.a.:also known as的缩写   European-Style Sunbathing:通常是全裸或半裸的日光浴   3.爆炸级食品   A quesadilla with soy cheese炸玉米饼配上豆奶酪   Shrimp Caesar salad with no almonds   鲜虾凯撒沙拉不加杏仁   the meatlover's pizza, no meat.   来一份全肉比萨 完全不加肉   barbecue bacon cheeseburger,barbecue sauce, bacon and cheese on the side.   烧烤培根芝士堡 烧烤酱 培根肉 芝士单放   4.Sheldon语录   Sheldon:Is my hamburger medium well?   Leonard:Yes.   Sheldon:Dill slices, not sweet?   Leonard:Yes.   Sheldon:Individual relish packets?   Leonard:Yes.   Sheldon:Onion rings?   Leonard:Yes.   Sheldon:Extra breading?   Leonard:I asked.   Sheldon:What did they say?   Leonard:No.   Sheldon:Did you protest?   Leonard:Yes.   Sheldon:Vociferously?   Leonard:No.   Sheldon:Well, then what took you so long?   总是以what took you so long?结尾的Sheldon菜品纠结系列   Penny: Wait, Sheldon. This has gotten way out of hand. Okay, I've done some stupid things; you've done some stupid things. How about we just call it even and move on with our lives?   Sheldon: I've done no stupid things.   Penny: Look, you've got to meet me half way here.   Sheldon: I am meeting you half-way. I'm willing to concede that you've done some stupid things.   Sheldon咬文嚼字halfway   Penny:How the hell did you get them up on that telephone wire?   Sheldon:When you understand the laws of physics, Penny,anything is possible.   Sheldon: [on Penny's computer] Greetings, Hamburger Toucher. You are probably wondering why you cannot IM with your little friends about how much you “heart“ various things.   Sheldon:Just remember: with great power comes great responsibility.   Sheldon引言蜘蛛侠   5.Wolowitz理论   Leonard:Are you insane? You're not going to party with them.You're not even going to get anywhere near that place.   Wolowitz:That's what they said to Neil Armstrong about the moon.   Sheldon: No one said anything of the kind to Neil Armstrong.The entire nation dedicated a decade of effort and treasure to put a man on the moon.   Wolowitz: Well, my fellow Americans, before this year is out we will put a Wolowitz on one of America's top models.   Raj: And a large number of people will believe it never happened.   现在仍然有很多美国人相信阿波罗登月计划是美国政府的骗局   Wolowitz:You know what? If it's “creepy“ to use the Internet, military satellites, and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models so that I can drop in on them unexpectedly,then fine, I'm “creepy.“   Wolowitz定义creepy   6.Penny发威   Penny:Oh, I didn't tell you? You're banished from the Cheesecake Factory.   Sheldon:Why?   Penny:Well, you have three strikes.One: coming in.Two: sitting down.And three: I don't like your attitude.   Sheldon:You can't do that.Not only is it a violation of California state law,it flies directly in the face of Cheesecake Factory policy.   Penny:Yeah, no, there's a new policy:No shoes, no shirt, no Sheldon.   (美国商店一般有No Shoes, No Shirts, No Services的牌子 提醒顾客注意形象,衣冠不整者不予提供服务)   Penny:Well, I guess you can try,but deep inside your heart,you'll know that laundry night is always Saturday night.   Sheldon:Woman, you are playing with forces beyond your ken.   Penny:Yeah, well, your ken can kiss my Barbie.   老虎不发威,你当我是HelloKitty。

  7.本集八卦   Sheldon的计划表   周一 Thai food 泰国菜   周三 Halonight 光晕之夜   周四 pizza from Giacomo's Giacomo餐厅的匹萨   周六 laundry night 洗衣之夜(每周六晚8:15)   Leonard乳糖过敏(lactose-intolerant)   Howard花生过敏   Penny参加过少年牛仔竞技会,60秒绑住牛并阉割之。(强悍,不愧是光晕高手)   天才们住在洛杉矶的帕萨迪那市(Pasadena)   Penny给Sheldon发的搞笑小猫图片的网站   http://www.lolcats.com/   PS:Leonard形容Sheldon   The guy is one lab accident away from being a supervillain.   要不是还没碰到过实验事故 他早变成超级大反派了   (这句话形容的非常经典。想想蜘蛛侠中的八爪教授如何成的反派)   8.本集典故   Sheldon对Penny说的with great power comes great responsibility.来自电影蜘蛛侠   Howard的怪语调“One of us, one of us“来自1932 Tod Browning拍的恐怖片Freaks(畸形人) 豆瓣链接:http://www.douban.com/subject/1295942/?i=0 TBBT208学习笔记(蜥蜴-史波克扩展模式) 本集不是很爆炸,是很日常的一集   1.普通级词汇   plumage:n. 羽衣(鸟体的全部羽毛)   rutting:adj.发情的(动物,常指雄性)   baboon:n.狒狒   engorge:v.使充满血(或水等液体),充血;
充盈   hindquarter:n.后腿及臀部   mitzvah:n.(犹太教)戒条;
戒律   scope out:仔细寻找感兴趣的人或物   toss out:丢弃, 扔掉   scooter:n.小型摩托车   greasy:adj.分泌油脂过多的   quintessential:adj.典型的,典范的,完美的   across the board:全面的   stipulate:v.规定(要求)(尤指作为合同或协议的一部分)   ditch:n.沟;
壕   barium enema:n.(医)钡剂灌肠   honky-tonk:n.(主美)低级嘈杂的酒吧(或夜总会、舞厅)   spank:v.用手掌或扁平物掴;
拍打(尤指打屁股作为惩罚)   carpool:n./v.合伙用车   have a shot:和...喝一杯;
有机会   excrement:n.排泄物;
粪便   malfunction:n.(机器设备)运转不良;
发生故障   out of this world:(非正式)十全十美的,好得不可思议的   appendix:n.阑尾   gall bladder:胆囊   bowel:n.肠   nosy:n.(人或其行为)爱打听他人私事的;
好管闲事的,很八卦   deceased:adj.死的   ectoplasm:n.灵的外质(据说是灵媒在降神的恍惚状态中溢出的一种超自然黏性体外物质,成为显灵的物质证明)   on the horizon:即将来临,开始显现   crevice:n.(尤指岩石或墙上的)裂隙;
裂缝   stagger:v.使吃惊;
使震惊   Ahoy matey:海盗用语,嘿,哥们儿/水手!   AAA = American Automobile Association,可对抛锚车辆提供拖车服务   2.爆炸级食品   lasagna:n.烤宽面条(上浇肉末番茄汁)   3.Sheldon语录   Raj: I'll tell you what, how about we go rock-paper-scissors?   Sheldon: Eeww, I don't think so. Anecdotal evidence suggests that in the game of rock-paper-scissors, players familiar with each other tie 75–80% of the time due to the limited number of outcomes. I suggest 'rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock'.   Raj: What?   Sheldon: It's very simple. Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and—as it always has—rock crushes scissors.   石头 剪子 布 蜥蜴和史波克   Sheldon: I am not going to watch the Clone Wars TV series until I've seen the Clone Wars movie. I prefer to let George Lucas disappoint me in the order he intended.   Chuck Lorre借Sheldon之口挖苦Clone Wars   Sheldon: I believe the appropriate metaphor here involves a river of excrement and a Native American water vessel without any means of propulsion.   火星和火星车被小谢比成了臭水沟和美原住民的木船。

  Leonard:How can 5 not be worse than 1?   Raj:Yeah,Star Trek V worse than I.   Sheldon:Okay,first of all, that's a comparison of quality, not intensity.Secondly,Star Trek I is orders-of-magnitude worse than Star Trek V.   Raj:Are you joking? Star Trek V is the standard against which all badness is measured.   Sheldon:No,no.Star Trek V has specific failures in writing and direction,while Star Trek I fails across the board: art direction,costuming, music,sound editing.   ...   Raj:Star Trek V.   Sheldon:All right,will you at least stipulate that Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home is inarguably the best?   Raj:I have three words for you: Wrath of Khan.   很经典的一番关于星际迷航的对话   4.Leonard语录   Stephanie: How was your day?   Leonard: Well, I'm a physicist, so I thought about stuff.   Stephanie: That's it?   Leonard: Well... I wrote some of it down.   Leonard的物理学家的一天   5.本集八卦   Leonard抢了Howard的女朋友Stephanie   Leonard每次约会后都会换上新衬衫 TBBT209学习笔记(白芦笋三角法) 1.俚语   S'up=What is shaking=What`s up   hook up:to have sex with someone   peace out:see you later   down:to have something well perfected   low:不道德,不光明正大的行为(表示对该行为的鄙视)   (剧中的 the down and the low可以理解为优点和缺点)   booty call:A call for sex   2.普通级词汇   colloquial:adj.(语言)用于日常交谈的,口语的;
非正式的,非文学的   strike up:开始(交谈); 建立起(友谊等)   palatable:(行为,建议)合意的;
受欢迎的/(食物,饮料)美味的,可口的   preface with :以…为讲话的开端   viable:adj.可望成功的;
切实可行的   libido:n.本能冲动, 性欲   stand corrected:认错   rule of thumb:经验法则,凭经验或实践得来的法则   mishap:n.不幸事故;
灾难   guinea pig:豚鼠   alternative:adj.不寻常的, 非传统性的   foul:adj.(非正式)非常不愉快的;
讨厌的   clear as day:一清二楚的   discreet:adj.(言行)谨慎的,慎重的;
周到的   slip off:迅速的脱下   have a bone to pick with :对…不满, 对…有抱怨   xylophone:n.木琴   ergo:adv.因此   pursuant to:adv.(正式)与(法律,法律文件,决议)相符地,一致地   deem:v.(正式)认为,视为   door knob:门把手   unsolicited:adj.未经请求的;
主动提供的   precursor:n.前身;
先锋,先驱   impromptu:adj.临时的(地),即兴的(地),即席的(地)   livestock:n.家畜, 牲畜   buttock:n.屁股,臀部   more to the point:准确的说   defect to :叛投, 投靠   best bet :〈口〉最好的办法, 最佳措施   apocalyptic:adj.描述(或预示)世界末日的   genocide:n.大屠杀(尤指种族灭绝)   cologne:n.古龙香水   secrete:v.(尤指动物或植物器官)分泌   moose:n.〈动〉(北美)麋, 驼鹿   lid:n.盖, 盖子   stitch:n.(伤口、外伤切口的)缝合针   masculinity:n.男性;
男子气   vomit:v.呕吐   coitus:n.(正式用语)性交   bail out:(喻)解除责任;
终止活动   3.爆炸级词汇   hypothalamus:n.(剖)丘脑下部,下丘脑   estrogen:n.雌激素   progesterone:n.孕酮,黄体酮   CAT scanner 电脑断层扫描仪;造影扫描机   chest cavity:胸腔   geometric progression:等比级   menstrual cycle :月经周期   pheromone:n.(动)信息素,外激素   ovulation:v/n.产卵;
排卵   yellow fever:黄热病   malaria:疟疾   constipated:adj.患便秘症的   oxytocin:n.后叶催产素(脑下垂体后叶荷尔蒙的一种)   mattress suture:褥式缝合   blanket stitch:毯边锁缝针迹   4.爆炸级食品   pasta:n.意大利面制品,意大利面食   souffle:n.蛋奶酥   zucchini:n.(主北美)密生西葫芦   5.Sheldon语录:
  Sheldon:Specifically,I need to know exactly what Leonard did that caused you to pop an emotional cap in his buttocks.   Penny:What?   Sheldon:Again,urban slang.n which,I believe I'm gaining remarkable fluency.So,what is the “down“ and the “low“? And don't worry,this is all entirely confidential,so,you feel free to include any and all shortcomings in the bedroom.   Penny:We never got to the bedroom.   Sheldon:Because?   Penny:Oh,okay,all right,you know what? I'll tell you what happened.We were young,we were very much in love,   but we could only communicate through a time-traveling mailbox at my lake house.   Sheldon:It's not enough that you made me watch that movie,but now you mock me with it?   Penny援引美版《触不到的恋人》   pop an emotional cap in his buttocks   (其中buttock=butt=ass 这并不是个常见的俚语,连Penny听了都不知道什么意思。我觉得这是个俚语演绎的用法,Sheldon自己编的.)   pop a cap in one`s buttocks倒是一个黑帮俚语=shoot somebody   加上个emotional就表是生气的意思,就像中文中气得想抽他   Leonard:What the hell is wrong with you?   Sheldon:I'm helping you with Stephanie.   Leonard:By making constipated moose sounds?   Sheldon:When I fail to open this jar and you succeed,it will establish you as the “alpha“ male. You see...when a female witnesses an exhibition of physical domination,she produces the hormone oxytocin.If the two of you then engage in intercourse,this will create the biochemical reaction in the brain which lay people naively interpret as “falling in love.“   Leonard:Would it work if I just punched you in the face?   Sheldon:Yes,actually it would,but let's see how the lid goes.I'm not strong enough,Leonard,you'll have to do it.   Leonard:Oh,for God's sakes.   Sheldon:Go ahead,it's pre-loosened.   ......   Sheldon:No,yeah,yeah,he's got it,and that's not surprising.This is something I long ago came to peace with in my role as the “beta“ male.   Sheldon关于相爱的科学解释太恐怖了   “alpha“ male和“beta“ male的表达很有意思。

  Sheldon:If I am permitted to speak again,Dr. Sheldon Cooper for the win.   7.本集八卦   Sheldon是在Lawrence Memorial in Galveston,Texas出生的   8.本集典故   Penny:What's wrong,Lassie? Timmy fall down the well?   引自美电视剧灵犬莱西,Penny是说Raj的叫声像狗叫。

终于等到了,再补几个~~   ----------------------------------   普通级词汇   misshap: n. 不幸之事,灾祸,恶运   indecipherable: a. 辨读不出的,译解不出的,无法解释的   craving:n. 渴望   gladiator: n. 角斗士,与野兽搏斗者   masculinity:
男子气慨   spritze: (字幕上是shprritz但查不到)应该是针剂,打针的意思,引申为刺激怂恿   FYI: For Your Information   有趣的用法   acoustic sweet spot:听觉最佳点   tease you:逗你   爆炸级食品   white asparagus:白芦笋(有些牵强,不过鉴于是重要道具,故列举)   Sheldon语录   1.Sheldon:...of the handful of women leonard's been involved with, she(steph)'s the only one I have ever found tolerable.   太伤人了   2.Sheldon: Your hypothalamus is swimming in a soup of estrogen and progesterone and suddenly even Leonard seems like a viable sexual candidate.   Leonard也逃不掉这张嘴   3.Sheldon: when a female witnesses an exhibition of physical domination, she produces the hormone oxytocin. If the two of you then engage in intercourse, this will create the biochemical reaction in the brain which lay people naively interpret as “falling in love“.   “naively interpret as“   4.Sheldon: As long as you're vomiting, coitus is contra-indicated.   Leonard真可怜,不过之前他居然吐了。。。

  本集八卦   Leonard的所有密码都是kalel(kel el是超人前传里超人的儿子)   Leonard对乳糖过敏的官方表达是lactose intolerance   本集典故   关于Sheldon把他们四个还有Steph比作星际迷航startrek里的人物,   leonard是kirk,第二任舰长   sheldon是spock,科学官兼大副   howard是scotty,工程师   steph是mccoy,军医   raj是总被杀的那个(我也没看过,不清楚哪位) TBBT210学习笔记(Vartabedian难题)   1.俚语   swirly:把某人的头塞进马桶里。

  cootie:虱子   sold:对话中表同意   2.普通级词汇   relentless:不间断的;
不留情面的   narcissistic:自恋的,自我陶醉的   drone:雄蜂;
嗡嗡声   lingering:犹存的,苟延残喘的   ailment:微恙,小疾(尤指小病)   octave:(乐)八度音阶   rider:附加条款   cohabitation:(未婚)同居   implementation:贯彻,实行,履行(决定、计划、协议等)   quote:引号   consecutive:连续的,不断的;
接连而来的   initial:(尤指为批准或使之生效)用姓名首字母签署(文件)   sidekick:密友   hereby:(正式)(用于公文或宣布)特此,兹   communal:全体共用的; 分享的   latex:胶乳; (尤指)橡浆.   prostate:前列腺   mosey:漫步; 溜达   pajamas:睡衣裤   gall bladder:胆囊   floral:印花的   go down swinging:不见棺材不落泪   blend:混合; 搀和;
不同种类的混合物   buffet:自助餐; (自助餐的)食物   deviled:加辣的   veritable:名副其实的; 真正的   smorgasbord:自助餐   fall back on:借助于,依靠   cramp:痉挛; 抽筋   one way or another:总之,无论如何   entitle:给…权利,给…资格   dust ruffle:床裙   duvet:羽绒被   contemptible:可鄙的   3.爆炸级词汇   stethoscope:听诊器   sphygmomanometer:血压计   hiccup:
嗝   diaphragm:膈; 膈膜; 横膈膜   a cardiac stress test:心脏负荷试验   a full body MRI:全身核磁共振成像   an electromyogram:肌电图   CBC:complete blood count全血球计数   baseline glucose:葡萄糖基线测试   Upper GI:上消化道造影   an exploratory laparoscopy:腹腔镜检查   barium:钡,钡餐   larynx:喉   4.爆炸级食品   herbal tea:凉茶   5.本集精选   Sheldon:“A girlfriend shall be deemed quote living with un-quote Leonard when she has stayed over for A:ten consecutive nights,or B: more than nine nights in a three week period, or C: all the weekends of a given month plus three weeknights.   weeknight:除周六周日以外的晚上   Leonard:She's heard about you because we're,you know, involved and you haven't heard about her because...I never slept with her,I swear!   Sheldon:In Leonard's defense,it wasn't for lack of trying.   Leonard:but every time I talk to her about moving out,she cries and we have sex.   Raj:You're lucky. With me,it's usually the other way around.   到底是怎样的the other way呢? TBBT笔记(B版)211 沐浴用品礼物假设 普通级词汇   incinerate v. 焚化,毁弃   contaminate v. 弄脏,污染   pit stains 汗渍 pit=armpit 腋窝,腋下   miniaturizes vt. 使微型化   rhetorical a. 修辞学的   BFF= best friend forever   impersonation n. 扮演,装扮,模仿   humongousa. <俚>极大的,其大无比的   pagan n. 异教徒,无宗教信仰者 a. 异教的   reciprocity n. 相互性,互惠主义   commensurate a. 同样大小的,相称的   elf n. 小妖精,小精灵   writ n. 令状,文书,文件   pajamas n. 睡衣,宽长裤   scented a. 洒有香水的, 有香味的   agile a. 敏捷的,灵活的,轻快的   nauseated 想吐的   ovum n. 卵,卵子   cacophonous a. 发音不和谐的,粗腔横调的   eucalyptus n. 桉树   bayberry n. 月桂树的果实   vanilla n. 香草   lotions n. 洗涤剂(洗液,洗净)   foolproof a. 极简单的 n. 极简单   爆炸级词汇   Kryptonian a. 氪星的   positrons n. 正电子   galactic dark matter 银河系暗物质   Saturnalia [常用复数] (古罗马的)神农节(12月17日~23日)   solstice n. 至,至点,至日(夏至=summer solstice;
冬至雷同)   melanoma n. [医](恶性)黑素瘤,(良性)胎记瘤   subatomic a. 亚原子的   sultan n. 回教君主,土耳其皇帝   爆炸级食品   mustard n. 芥末,芥菜,强烈的兴趣   tequila n. 龙舌兰酒   eggnog 圣诞蛋酒   有意思的表达   Boo ya. (from Wiki) “Booyeah, also spelled booya or booyah, an interjection or catch phrase to indicate satisfaction or accomplishment.“   lotioins, bath oils, soaps = estrogen hat trick - from Howard   Big Whoop 表示激动等   lay the following conundrum at your feet 表示提出一个新的难题   live long and prosper 愿你多福多寿   爆炸级运动   tetherball 绳球,用绳将球系于柱顶,打球者持球拍分立两边,彼此将球对击,以使球绳完全绕于柱上   (还是不明白)   wii bowling   X-Box Band   Black Diamond Skier 很多雪场都有按技术分级的训练课程。从未滑雪的可以从第1级学起,在一般的雪场,第1,第2级可以上绿道,第3,第4级可以上蓝道,第5级起可上黑钻。(这家伙很强)   周边   MacArthur genius grant 麦克阿瑟奖被认为是美国的诺贝尔奖,genius grant必然是授予年轻有为的大牛了。

  另外,剧中饰演Dave的家伙是《太空堡垒卡拉狄加 Battlestar Galactica》中饰演Samuel Anders的Michael Trucco。

  Zac Efron 著名导演亚当·山克曼称他为当今美国最好的青少年演员;
出演High School Musical。

  Charlie Brown 就是Snoopy的主人。

  Bromance 应该是从romance改造来的吧(待考),不过今天意外发现一部叫Bromance的美剧刚发布第一集(不是做广告啊)。

  本集八卦   Leonard的父母住New Jersey   -------------------------------------------------------   在212之前赶快补上这一集,小葱日理万机,一切顺利啊。


TBBT212学习笔记(杀手机器人不稳定性) 1.俚语   doable:HOT; Attractive; Bootilicious; someone worth having sex with   throw down:fight   get over yourself:别臭美了   bust out:To pull something out   2.普通级词汇   servo:servo-mechanism(指机器)有伺服机构的(有控制较大机械装置的动力部件的),伺服电机   behold:看(尤指不寻常之物)   omnidirectional:全方位的   neutralization:使失效; 抵消; 中和   articulated:铰接的   exoskeleton:外骨架,外壳,外皮   tinted:淡淡的(颜色)   auspicious:有前途的,历史性的,开创性的   forward:
将(信件等)投递到新地址; 转递   carnal:肉体的; 性的; 感官的   repartee:妙语如珠的对话﹑ 对答等   erotic:色情的   to and fro:来来回回   succumb:不再抵抗(诱惑﹑ 疾病﹑ 攻击等); 屈从   peculiar:(指人)怪僻的, 古怪的   heads up:提醒;
警告   Popsicle:=ice lolly 棒冰   trash talk:指对手之间贬低或吹嘘的话   inferior:劣等的,次的;
下级的   be given to sth/doing sth:有做某事的习惯   glandular:腺体的,腺分泌的;
本能的   sloth:怠惰; 懒散   gluttony:暴饮暴食,贪吃   incapacitated:不能正常工作的,崩溃的   devastated:崩溃的,一蹶不振的   delightful:讨人喜欢的   overbite:龅牙   brace:牙箍(矫正牙齿的钢丝套, 尤为儿童所用)   thug:暴徒; 流氓; 恶棍   wedgie:恶作剧:把别人的内裤用力往上提,使其夹在股沟中   noogie:用指关节打脑壳   flaw:缺陷   fall prey to:成为牺牲品,成为……的猎物   way:(口)很远   spoil:战利品   hubris:傲慢   bounce:使某物)(碰到硬物)弹回   tub:浴缸   solder:焊接   carry away:入迷,兴奋   3.爆炸级词汇   polycarbonate:聚碳酸酯   grinding and flipping wheel:转动砂轮(磨轮)   icosahedral:有十二面体的   4.精选语录   Howard:Behold the Mobile Omnidirectional Neutralization and Termination Eradicator. Or...MONTE.Featuring one articulated razor-sharp killing saw,one polycarbonate grinding and flipping wheel, steel-armor plate exoskeleton top and bottom,and enough horsepower to drive a 110 pounds of mechanized death from zero to holy crap in 4.8 seconds.   behold,featuring,holy crap用法示例   Sheldon:It's an icosahedral dye floating in tinted blue water.   Raj:Man, call “spoiler alert“ before you say things like that.   到处都是“剧透”   Howard`s Mom:Howard, the phone is ringing!   Howard:Here's a crazy idea, Ma: Answer it!   Howard`s Mom:Hello? All right, hold on.It's your friend, Leonard! He wants to know why you're not at school today!   Howard:I don't go to school, Ma. I work at a university.   Howard`s Mom:That's a school! Now pick up the phone!   Howard:I don't want to talk to anybody.   Howard`s Mom:Should I ask Leonard to bring over your homework? !   Howard:I don't have homework.I'm a grown man with a master's degree in engineering!   Howard`s Mom:Excuse me, Mr. Fancy-Pants. Want me to get you a Popsicle?   Howard:Cherry, please!   Howard`s Mom:I ate the cherry. All that's left is green.   Howard:You make me want to kill myself.   Howard的老妈总是带给我们这么多的欢笑。

  Raj:Despite his hard and crusty shell, Howard is a very sensitive man.Do you know he writes poetry? Mostly about men from Nantucket and hermits named Dave, but he does it with real sensitivity.   Raj评价Howard,感性的可以。

  Leonard:Okay, don't take this as a criticism,but you kind of have that overexposed-to-gamma-rays thing going on.   Penny:What does that mean?   Leonard:
You know, like, most of the time, you're the easygoing Bruce Banner,but then, when you get angry, you kind of turn into, like, you know...   Penny:I turn into a bear?   Leonard:Seriously? Gamma rays? Bruce Banner? You didn't get The Incredible Hulk from that?   精彩的,闪烁着小智慧的绿巨人对话   Leonard:Never mind. Just, please go talk to him.   Penny:And say what? That I didn't mean it, because I meant it.   Leonard:Well, maybe you can go at it from a different angle, like, um,you see a glimmer of goodness in him and you only said what you said, because you want to nurture it and make it shine...Okay, let's try it this way.Remember the day that we first met and you asked me to go to your boyfriend's apartment to get your TV back and he was nine feet tall and he took my pants off and you said...What was that? What did you say? Oh, yes. You said you owed me one.   Penny:Okay, come on, that's not fair.   Leonard:I came home with no pants.   Penny:Fine, I'll go over there tomorrow.   Leonard的nerd劝人法与人情撒手锏   Howard:I don't want to talk to her.Ma!   Howard`s Mom:She ran past me.Was I supposed to tackle her?   母子俩的对话总是笑点之一   Howard:What do you want?   Penny:Okay, look. Howard, I just want to apologize...For some things that I have said...About you.I've been informed that you have feelings.And apparently, I have hurt them.So, I'm sorry.   最不像道歉的道歉   Sheldon:For years, merciless thugs like Kripke have made my life a series of painful noogies and humiliating wedgies and the insensitively named Indian burns.   Sheldon的童年真是倍受欺凌   Marcy Grossman is sunshine   On a cloudy day   When it's cold outside   Marcy Grossman is the month of May   I guess you'd say   What can make me feel this way   Marcy Grossman, Marcy Grossman, Marcy Grossman   Talking about Marcy Grossman   Howard的求爱歌,一个女孩子家竟叫grossman,汗。


TBBT213学习笔记(友谊算法) 1.俚语   knob:讨厌的人   for shizzle:=for sure,当然(是说唱巨星Snoop Dogg创造的)   2.普通级词汇   tapioca:木薯粉   axiomatically:不需证明的,不言自明的   handlebar:末端卷起的胡子   booze:(口)酒   cyanide:氰化物   indigenous:本地的; 土产的; 当地的; 土生土长的   cocoa bean:可可豆   ginormous:巨大的   befriend:亲近,做朋友   follow up:跟进,进一步了解情况   regarding:关于   whimsical:异想天开的,古灵精怪的   proximity:(空间或时间上的)邻近, 接近   devise:想出, 设计(计划﹑ 制度﹑ 工具等); 发明   questionnaire:
问卷; (尤指为作统计或调查用的)问题单, 调查表   hokum:胡说,忽悠   ruthless:坚决的; 永不停止的; 持久的   In deference to:考虑到   camaraderie:友谊与互相信任   avocado:鳄梨   rancher:农庄主   raccoon:浣熊   distend:膨胀   mothball:卫生球   sniff:嗅,闻   extrapolate:由已知事实估计(未知事物); 推断; 推知   cockatoo:鹦鹉   gerbil:沙鼠   anthropomorphize:人格化   hit it off with sb:相处很好   algorithm:算法   booth:售货摊; 摊位   deficiency:缺乏,不足;
缺点,缺陷   plague:困扰   distill:蒸馏,用蒸馏法提取;
吸取,提炼   ventriloquism:口技   monolithic:巨石的,巨大的   prudent:审慎的; 有先见之明的; 判断力强的   harness:
类似马具的装备(如降落伞背带或幼童的系带)   wacko:怪人   floss:丝棉,丝线   gum:牙龈,牙床   pot sticker:煎熟的饺子   futility:无用,无益   endeavor:努力,尽力,尝试   3.爆炸级词汇   manihot esculenta:木薯   benzene:苯   amino acid:氨基酸   Lysine:赖氨酸   asymptote:渐近线   inverse tangent function:反正切函数   glutamine:谷氨酰胺   4.爆炸级食品   pretzel:椒盐脆饼   salami:意大利腊肠   5.精选语录   Penny:How did you guys become friends?   Leonard:There was a flyer on the bulletin board at the university:“Roommate wanted.Whistlers need not apply.“   Penny:And you moved in anyway?   Leonard:I assumed he was joking.You'd be surprised how many particle physicists have a whimsical side.   Penny:What about Howard and Raj? I mean,how did he become friends with them?   Leonard:I don't know. How do carbon atoms form a benzene ring? Proximity and valence electrons.   生活的科学比喻,精彩外加一段小历史   Sheldon:Bernie Bunny Has Two Daddies Now.That's probably about homosexual rabbits.Gerry the Gerbil and the Bullies on the Bus.Read it. Not helpful.Oh,here we go.Stu the Cockatoo Is New at the Zoo.“Author Sarah Carpenter lives in Fort Wayne,Indiana with her husband and best friend,Mark, and their cockatoo Stu.“Hardly makes her an expert in making friends, wouldn't you agree?   有趣的书名,精彩的解说。

  Kripke: So what's the plan, Cooper?   Sheldon: Well, it's not exactly a plan, but I think I'm going to pass out.(Sheldon passes out)   做事之前要有计划   Kripke: Hello, I'm Barry.   Penny: Penny   Kripke: Ahh, it's not a very hot name. I'm gonna call you Roxanne.   Howard: Suddenly I'm looking pretty good, eh?   Petty good?Indeed.For shizzle.   6.地道表达   I put it to you:告诉你   That seems rather shortsighted coming from someone who is generally considered altogether unlikable.   简单单词,地道表达。

  7.本集八卦   Kripke的全名是Barry Kripke   Kripke的爱好:机器人大战,骑马,游泳,口技,攀岩   Sheldon喜欢猴子,火车   8.本集典故   Penny把Sheldon叫作Ichabod   Ichabod即Ichabod Crane,是Washington Irving于1820创造的短篇小说《The Legend of Sleepy Hollow》的主人公(断头谷传说,后来改编成电影断头谷Sleepy Hollow由Tim Burton导演,Jonny Depp主演),Ichabod Crane以其古怪的表现和形象著称。


  具体长相:http://www.douban.com/photos/photo/205196917/ TBBT214学习笔记(财政磁导率) 1.俚语   stay loose:别慌 Take it easy   honor:承认有效to accept and treat as valid (to honor a debt)   out of the blue:突然发生(when something happens randomly and unexpected)   2.普通级词汇   multiplex:多功能影厅   lumbar:
腰的; 腰部的   smuggle:(违反规章制度)偷运, 偷带   precedential:作为先例的   ad hoc:非事先计划(的); 非正式(的)   cut back:削减,缩减   expenditures:经费,费用,支出额;
花费,支出,消耗   adamantium:在漫画或电子游戏中出现的虚构金属,非常坚硬和昂贵   subscribe to:同意, 赞成(某观点﹑ 理论等)   belly:肚子,腹部   beret:贝雷帽   epaulet:肩章,肩饰   back order:由于缺货而不能按时交付   aggravate:加重(剧),使恶化;
激怒,使恼火   blunder:错误   biggie:大事,重要的事   tank top:吊带衫   leftover:剩饭   frivolous:(指活动)无聊的; 浪费的   larceny:盗窃   idiosyncrasy:特殊癖性或行为   cut corners:走捷径,节省开支   take a whiz:撒尿   outstanding:(指报酬﹑ 工作﹑ 问题等)未偿付的, 未完成的, 未解决的   urinate:撒尿   wimp out:胆怯   minstrel:游吟诗人   go a long way:大有帮助   notarize:公证   tuna:金枪鱼   epiphany:顿悟   indelible:擦不去的   lad:男孩,小伙子   3.爆炸级食品   moo shu pork:木须肉   shrimp lo mein:鲜虾捞面   fortune cookie:幸运饼(是一种脆甜的元宝状空心小点心,烘成金黄或杏黄色,内藏着印有睿智、吉祥文字的纸条,食用时轻轻将其拦腰掰开,便会得到印有中/英文的心语。)   Whopper:大汉堡   4.精选语录   Sheldon:Here. Take some. Pay me back when you can.   Penny:Wow, you got a lot of money in there.   Sheldon:That's why it's guarded by snakes.   S真是科学上的巨人,生活中的孩子   Sheldon:My expenses account for 46.9% of my after-tax income. The rest is divvied up between a small savings account,this deceptive container of peanut brittle and the hollowed-out buttocks of a superhero action figure who shall remain nameless for his own protection. Or her own protection.   S藏钱的地方真多啊   penny:Sheldon honey, I don't want things to be weird between us.   Sheldon:Won't it also be weird if I have to say hello to you every morning on my way to work and you're living in a refrigerator box and washing your hair with rain water?   penny:I'll pay you back as soon as I can.   Sheldon:Of course you will.It's impossible to pay me back sooner than you can.Assuming you subscribe to a linear understanding of time and causality.   S的逻辑教学又开始了   Leonard:Okay, is everyone clear on the plan?   Howard:Yes. Koothrappali's going to wet himself, I'm gonna throw up,Sheldon's gonna run away, and you're going to die.Shall we synchronize our watches?   Leonard:Guys, there are four of us and one of him.   Sheldon:Which means his triumph will be even larger.Minstrels will write songs about him.   猛男与宅男的区别   There once was a brave lad named Leonard   With a -fi fiddle dee-dee   He faced a fearsome giant   While Raj just wanted to pee.   S给L写的赞歌   5.地道表达   I'm just a little behind on my bills 缺钱花   I'm at a loss.真困惑   6.本集八卦   Raj一紧张就想嘘嘘   PS:经济危机已经影响到TBBT TBBT215学习笔记(母性电容) 1.普通级词汇   lawnmower:除草机   put off:推迟   trepidation:(担心可能出事的)惊恐, 恐慌   go with=choose:选择   phallic:生殖器崇拜的   psychosexual:性心理的   psychiatrist:精神病学家   Slugger:强棒击球员   consummation:圆满,顶点   swell:(口)excellent   menopausal:更年期的   hit it off with sb:相处很好   potty training:大小便训练   stall:小房间, 小隔间(通常 指供单人使用的)   border on:接近,近似   bassinet:有篷罩的柳条摇篮   pathological:无道理的; 非理智的; 病态的   ersatz:假的   unassailable:不容置疑的; 无可辩驳的   perky:活泼的,大胆的   mannequin:时装模特儿,假人   physiology:生理学,生理机能   empirical:(指知识)以观察或实验为根据的(非理论的)   workaday:平凡的; 不太有趣的; 普通的; 日常的   lime:酸橙(比柠檬小但更酸)   shush:安静! ; 嘘!   leave off:停止,中断   2.爆炸级词汇   mutism:缄默症   sodium:纳   iodide:碘   endorphin:内腓肽,恩多芬   3.爆炸级食品   Brussels sprouts:芽甘蓝   4.精选语录   Leonard:Here's your tea, Mother.   Beverly: Oolong?   Leonard: Yes.   Beverly: Loose, not bagged   Leonard: Yes.   Beverly: Steeped three minutes?   Leonard: Yes.   Beverly: Two-percent milk?   Leonard: Yes.   Beverly: Warmed separately?   Leonard: Yes.   Beverly: One teaspoon sugar?   Leonard: Yes.   Beverly: Raw sugar?   Leonard: Yes.   Beverly: It's cold.   Leonard: I'll start again.   S的翻版。

  Penny: Wait, wait, [Beverly] is not going to come here looking for you, is she?   Leonard: Relax, she took Sheldon into a hospital to get a brain scan.   Penny: Oh, my God, what happened?   Leonard: Nothing. Mother likes looking at brains, and Sheldon likes getting his brain scanned.   没事去医院扫描大脑玩。

  Sheldon:That was fast.   Beverly:Oh, the middle stall was occupied. I'll have to try again later.   Sheldon:That's totally understandable.In bladder voiding, as in real estate, it's location, location, location.   小解好比房地产,地点很重要。

  Beverly: Both selective mutism and an inability to separate from one's mother can stem from a pathological fear of women. It might explain why the two of you have created an ersatz homosexual marriage to satisfy your need for intimacy.   Raj和Howard现象的心理学解释   5.地道表达   We were just finding our sound.   I guess there's no other choice but to just go ahead and do it.   I'll walk you to the apartment.   6.本集八卦   L的妈妈叫Beverly Hofstadter   L的哥哥是哈佛法学院的终身教授,姐姐在长臂猿身上培育人类胰腺。

TBBT笔记(B版)216 沙发垫饱和度 1.普通级词汇   creek bed: n. 河床   pharmacology: n. 药理学,药物学   hopped up: v. 使兴奋(加足马力)   dumpsters: n. 垃圾大铁桶   ambush: n. 埋伏,伏兵 v. 埋伏突袭   baffle: v. 困惑,为难   civet cat: n. 麝猫,灵猫   dereliction: n. 废弃;玩忽职守,不负责任   court-martial offense: n. 军事法庭 vt. 交军事法庭审判   schmoe: n. <美俚>笨蛋, 愚人 (大概是因为court有皇室成员的意思吧,howard才将这两个词并列用)   discernible: a. 可辨别的   incessantly: ad. 不间断地   amputate: v. 切断   bouffant: [法语] n. (妇女)蓬松发式   strings: n. (乐器的)弦   black tie: 要求打黑色领结的活动   chunky: a. (人或动物)矮胖的   tux:n. 男士无尾半正式晚礼服   crouch: n. 蹲伏,蜷缩 v. 蹲下,蜷著,缩著   comfy adj. [口]=comfortable 舒服的,轻松的   cozy a. 舒适的   flank: n. 侧面,侧腹 v. 攻击侧面,守侧面   descend: v. 下降   anarchy: n. 无政府状态,混乱 black tie:要求半正式服装(着black tie)   2.爆炸级词汇   steroids: n. 类固醇   spider veins: 【医学】(尤指腿部的)蛛状静脉曲张   Cartesian coordinate system: 【数学】笛卡儿坐标系   transient idiopathic arrhythmia: 短暂 自发性 心率不齐   penicillin: n. 青霉素   CERN: n. 欧洲原子核研究委员会   Supercollider: n.【核物理学】(粒子)超级碰撞器,超级对撞机   3.爆炸级食品   cashew chicken: 腰果鸡丁   4.精选语录   Penny: oh, what are we gonna do?   Leonard: We? no, no, you had your chance to be “we“ for,like, a year and a half now. Right now, you are “you“, and you are screw---ed.   无赖的L,无奈的P   5.地道表达   scratch your backs: 帮助   shot to hell: 打成渣了 (hell的用法)   wackadoodle:(不知道是不是这样拼的) wack: n. 古怪的人 doodle: [古语]傻瓜,蠢人;
轻浮的人   arm candy: [俚语]膀子糖(因其吸引力而被选中的男性或女性约会对象)   6.本集八卦   四川饭店两年前倒闭了(highly doubt it)   Golden Dragon不合小谢胃口   Denny's应该还不错 TBBT笔记(B版)217 女终结者去耦合 1.普通级词汇   torx screwdriver: n.十字形螺丝刀   anarchy: n.无政府状态,混乱   daffodil: n.黄水仙   unicorn: n.独角兽   wand: n. 棒,扫描笔   argyle: adj.(尤指领带、短袜等织品)有多色菱形花纹的   panoramic: a. 全景的   vistas: n. 街景;远景   cinderblock: n.煤渣砖   wheelbase: n.轴距   plumbing: n.抽水马桶   infiltrate: v. 浸润,渗透   lull: vt.使安静;哄骗   succumb: v. 屈从,死   sober: a. 清醒的,稳重的   pyrite: n. 黄铁矿   diva: n. 歌剧中的首席女主角   2.爆炸级词汇   nonequilibrium Green's function approach: 非平衡格林函数方法   photoionization: n.【物理学】光致电离;
光化电离   anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation: 宇宙微波背景辐射的各向异性   RFID=Radio Frequency Identification Device 无线射频识别技术   Coast Starlight: 美国全国铁路公司Amtrak的11/14次(洛杉矶-西雅图)   CostCo: 好市多,会员制仓储批发卖场,在台湾有5家分店   Jiffy Lubes: 捷飞络,汽车维修与保养服务公司   Superliner: 加拿大庞巴迪和美国莫里森·努森公司为美国Amtrak公司研制的双层客车   placebo effect: 安慰剂效应(指病人虽然获得无效的治疗,但却“预料”或“相信”治疗有效,而让病患症状得到舒缓的现象。)   icosidodecahedron: n.【数学】三十二面体   3.爆炸级食品   pumpernickel: n. 裸麦粗面包   salami: n.[意大利语]蒜味香肠   4.精选语录   Leonard: Look, Penny's home. Why don't we just call her, have her go in the apartment, get your flash drive and e-mail you the paper?   Sheldon: But the flash drive is in a locked drawer in my desk.   Leonard: So?   Sheldon: The key is hidden in my room.   Leonard: So?   Sheldon: Penny would have to go into my room.   Leonard: So?   Sheldon: People don't go into my room!   sheldon逻辑   Howard: It's hot in here. Must be summer. It's hot in here. Must be summer. It's hot in here. Must be summer. ....   Raj: It's hot in here. Must be summer.   Summer: That's cute.   Raj: Really? I just made it up.    Have you seen Slumdog Millionaire?   Summer: Oh, yeah, I loved it.   Raj: It's loosely based on my life.   阿三的幽默和诡笑   5.地道表达   boiled potato: 蔫儿柿子   are you on crack?   6.本集八卦   George Fitzgerald Smoot III,2006年诺贝尔物理学奖获得者,影片中出现的是本人   Penny要饰演的Anne Frank是 德籍犹太人,15岁死于贝尔根─贝尔森集中营, 她的日记成为二次大战期间纳粹消灭犹太人的最佳见证,她的事迹后来被拍成电影-《安妮日记》   M. Night Charmalarmalon: “charming“和“M. Night Shyamalan“(印度演员,演过第六感)的完美结合   “Moonpie“   从LA到SF坐火车要11个小时??? TBBT笔记(B版)218 劳动号子纳米簇 1.普通级词汇   pawn: n. 典当,抵押物,人质   aerosol: n. 喷雾器   disinfectant: n. 消毒剂   rhinestones: n.莱茵石,人造钻石   deputize: vt.委托…为代表   indemnify: v. 赔偿,补偿,保护   bailment: n.(财物的)寄托,委托   chattles: n.动产   barrettes: n.(女用)条状发夹,发夹   snide: a. 讽刺的,含沙射影的   condescending: adj.屈尊的,有优越感的   bruise: n. 瘀伤,擦伤   shanty=chantey,海员的劳动号子   porous: a. 可渗透的,多孔的   intriguing: adj. 引起兴趣的;迷人的   hosted: n. 有主机的   clump: n. 丛,块   desiccant: n. 干燥剂   charcoal: n. 木炭,炭笔   tweak: vt. 对…稍作调整   camouflage: vt.伪装;掩饰   Luau: n. (常伴有文娱节目的)夏威夷式宴会   gazillion: n. 亿万的   massacre: n. 大屠杀   gynecologist: n. 妇科医生,略作GYN   grumble: vi. 抱怨,发牢骚   opiate: n. 鸦片   hallucinogenic: a. 引起幻觉的 n. 迷幻药   cricket: n. 蟋蟀   2.爆炸级词汇   cyanoacrylate: n.氰基丙烯酸盐黏合剂   silicone-RTV: 室温硫化硅橡胶(一种胶料)   turnkey system: n. 转钥系统   calcium sulfate: 硫酸钙   molecular sieve: 分子筛,又称泡沸石或沸石,用于气体和液体的干燥、纯化、分离和回收   Planck's Constant: 普朗克常数h,用以描述量子大小   entropy: n. 熵   3.爆炸级食品   Secret Agent Laser Obstacle Lunch 其实不是食物,是一种爆炸级吃法啦   4.精选语录   Sheldon: But if you took advantage of modern marketing techniques, and you optimized your manufacturing process, you might be able to make this a viable business.   Penny: And you know about that stuff?   Sheldon: Penny...I'm a physicist. I have a working knowledge of the entire universe and everything it contains.   Penny: Who's Radiohead?   Sheldon: ...........................I have a working knowledge of the important things in the universe.   sheldon遭遇radiohead   Raj: You know, if I wanted to spend my Saturday nights doing this, I could have stayed in India.   Howard: Oh, stop with the fake third world crap. Your father's a gynecologist. And you had a house full of servants.   Raj: We only have four servants. And two of them were children.   第三世界的玩笑   5.地道表达   pull off: (成功或艰苦地)完成;赢得   head off: vt. 阻止   6.本集八卦   Honoré Blanc: 1778在法国炮兵部队的资助下,在实验工场里成功地制造出了1000支标准化的枪支,但互换性零件是1720年左右由法国发明家Guillaume Deschamps应用于枪支的发射装置的。

  Dateline: MSNBC的新闻节目《Dateline NBC》   predators: n. 食肉动物,这里指Dateline节目中报道过的Sex predator,节目中的受害者正是13岁   Jim Bowie: 即James Bowie(1796-1836),Bowie Knife就以他命名;Bowie在“德州独立运动“(其实是夺取墨西哥领土)Alamo一战中牺牲   Davy Crockett: (1786-1836)美国著名的民间英雄人物,生于田纳西州,未受教育,选入州议会,竞选国会议员成功后连任3期,加入“德州独立运动“,同样在Alamo一战中牺牲   Alice和Red Queen都是《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)的人物   Jiminy:《木偶奇遇记》(匹诺曹)里的蟋蟀 TBBT219学习笔记(亡妓并置) 1.俚语   right up one`s alley:某人的专长   chow:食物   peep:Short for person or people   apples and oranges:两码事;
不可混为一谈   corn:形容女生非常性感,极其漂亮。

  cream one`s corn:抢了某人的风头   2.普通级词汇   stray:离群的; 走失的; 迷失的; 闲逛的; 偏离的   ravishing:使人欣喜若狂的; 使人入迷的; 可爱的   drape:窗帘,帘子   stomp:以重踏步方式的爵士舞步   tap-dance:踢踏舞   drift:潜台词   castanet:响板   area rug:小地毯   probation:试用期   shucks:表示中度的失望或尴尬   parlor:店铺;
客厅   stool:凳子   occasion:原因;
理由   pant:喘; 喘息; 气喘   satellite dish:圆盘式卫星电视天线(俗称锅盖)   filly:girl   dope:stupid   cream:打败,破坏,粉碎   3.爆炸级词汇   ammonia:氨水   PMS:premenstrual syndrome[医](月)经(期)前综合症   4.精选语录   Howard:Yeah,I thought about renting this apartment,but I'm really more of a “downtown loft“ kind of guy.   Alicia:Cool. So are you in a loft now?   Howard:Oh,actually,I'm,uh,living with a woman in Altadena.Purely platonic. She's also my maid.   Alicia:Sounds like a sweet deal.   Howard:I won't lie. It's pretty dope.   与老妈同住的Howard把自己说的如此“男人”。

  Penny:Anyway,so, this physicist goes into an ice cream parlor every week and orders an ice cream sundae for himself,and then offers one to the empty stool sitting next to him.This goes on for a while until the owner finally asks him what he's doing.The man says, “Well,I'm a physicist, “and quantum mechanics...teaches us “that it is possible for the matter above this stool to spontaneously turn into a beautiful woman who might accept my offer and fall in love with me.“The owner then says, “Well,lots of single beautiful women come in here ever day. Why don't you buy an ice cream for one of them, and they might fall in love with you?“ And the physicist says, “Yeah,but what are the odds of that happening?“   Penny的物理学家小笑话(好长好冷)   Sheldon:You know,Penny, there's something that occurs in beehives you might find interesting.Occasionally, a new queen will arrive while the old queen is still in power.When this happens, the old queen must either locate to a new hive or engage in a battle to the death until only one queen remains.   Sheldon经典的蜂王理论(理论联系实际)   Sheldon:Did you remember to ask for the chicken with broccoli to be diced,not shredded?   Penny:Yes.   Sheldon:Even though the menu description specifies shredded?   Penny:Yes.   Sheldon:Brown rice,not white?   Penny:Yes.   Sheldon:You stop at the Korean grocery and get the good hot mustard?   Penny:Yes.   Sheldon:Did you pick up the low-sodium soy sauce from the market?   Penny:Yes.   Sheldon:Good. See how it's done, Leonard?   Sheldon纠结菜品系列之Penny版(看多了就不那么搞笑了)   Penny:So,what do we got going on tonight,huh? Playing Halo watching Battlestar, drop some Mentos in Diet Coke?   从Penny口中得知天才们的休闲生活   5.地道表达   I mean,anything she wants,they go panting after her like trained dogs.   多形象的描写   6.本集八卦   Sheldon不喜欢蒸饺。(喜欢水煮的??)   PS:感谢Brian同学的16,17,18集的学习笔记。

TBBT220学习笔记(Hofstadter同位素) 2009-04-17 18:10:54 来自: 小葱蘸大酱(都一处) 1.俚语 bounce:离开(Let`s bounce=Let`s go) lock up:(For dudes only) to hook up with a chick after just meeting her hit it and quit it:To have sex with a girl then never contact her again 2.普通级词汇 rut:惯例,车辙 courtesy of=through the courtesy of =by courtesy of :蒙……的好意(或准许);
由于……的作用 crunch:处理(数据),计算 feeble:无力的 prurient:好色的 dent:凹陷; 凹部; 凹痕 briefs:内裤 jock:运动员 cowl:修士道袍上的)大兜帽 whiplash:颈椎损伤 stumble:绊倒;
跌跌撞撞地走 ventriloquist:口技演员 raison d'etre:存在的原因或理由 maul:粗野地对待;
伤害(人或动物)(撕裂其皮肉) rabid:疯狂的, 极端的 wolverine:狼獾 marshmallow:棉花糖 3.爆炸级词汇 multiverse:多重宇宙 4.爆炸级食品 Jello shots:杯装果冻 5.精选语录 Howard:You can modify it to calculate our chances of having sex by changing the formula to use the number of single women in Los Angeles,the number of those who might find us attractive, and what I call the Wolowitz Coefficient. Sheldon:The Wolowitz Coefficient? Howard:Neediness times dress size squared.Crunching the numbers, I come up with a conservative 5,812 potential sex partners within a 40-mile radius. Howard的艳遇方程(改自Drake方程) Leonard:Should we talk to some of these women? Howard:No.It's way too early in the night for that.See, first we let the lawyers and the jocks thin the herd, and then...we go after the weak and the old and the lame. Leonard:That's your system? Howard:That's my system.Oh, and if you spot a chick with a Seeing Eye dog, she's mine. Howard泡妞大法,最后一句实在是太寒酸了。

6.本集八卦 Wednesday is comic book night.周三是漫画之夜 The third Thursday of every month is Anything Can Happen Thursday PS:Drake方程 Drake方程是用来估计我们星系中科技文明的数量。

N = R* × fp × ne × fl × fi × fc × L R* 代表“适当”恒星的生成率 fp 代表有行星的恒星的部分 ne 代表每个行星系中像地球一样有生命生存的基本环境的行星的数量 fl 代表在有合适环境的行星之中能有生命产生的那部分 fi 代表有生命行星上有像人类这样的智慧生命产生的部分 fc 代表有智慧文明中能够发出可探测的无线电波信号的部分 L 代表这样的文明向太空中发出无线电波信号持续的时间 TBBT221学习笔记(赌城归一化) 2009-04-30 15:06:38 来自: 小葱蘸大酱(都一处) 1.俚语 rolling stone:形容没有常性的人,喜欢变化的人 beat around the bush:拐弯抹角 shoot from the hip:直来直去,直截了当 Mean Streets:纽约“小意大利”区 jammy:幸运;
A penis 2.普通级词汇 preposterous:完全违背理性或常识的; 荒谬的; 反常的; 愚蠢的; 无法容忍的 blowfly:绿头大苍蝇,绿豆蝇 compatriot:同胞; 同国人,伙伴,同事 folksy:朴实的; 亲切热情的; 平凡的 intoxicating:令人陶醉的,含酒精的 culinary:烹饪的; 烹饪用的 cuisine:烹饪(风味) helping:一份或一客食物 blister:水疱 wheeze:喘息;
呼哧呼哧地响 thingy:东西,玩意儿(当不知道用什么词来贴切的表述) musk:麝香 pheromone:外激素 skinny-dipping:裸泳 crick:抽筋 bosomy:胸部丰满的 exuberant:丰富的 eminently:非常的 3.爆炸级食品 Kadhai Paneer:印度奶酪 a bacon cheeseburger:培根芝士汉堡 4.精选语录 Sheldon:You know,I'm given to understand that there's an entire city in Nevada designed specifically to help people like Howard forget their problems. They can replace them with new problems such as alcoholism, gambling addiction,and sexually transmitted diseases. Raj:Is it me,or was that Sheldon's way of saying,“Vegas,baby!“? 小谢大话赌城 Penny:What smells so good? Sheldon:That is the intoxicating aroma of Kadhai Paneer, a perfect culinary representation of the freedom this evening holds. Not only is it Indian cuisine,which Koothrappali loathes, it contains a generous helping of peanuts, which would reduce Wolowitz to a wheezing 97-pound blister. And finally,its main ingredient is paneer, a farmer's cheese that would cause Leonard to render any room uninhabitable within minutes. Penny:Yum. Well,enjoy your big evening. Sheldon:Penny. I realize you're also on your own tonight,so if,at some point, you find yourself with nothing to do,please do not disturb me. 小谢的经典“自由食品”和精彩否定祈使句 Raj:What's wrong with you,dude? That woman was all up in my jammy. Leonard:Okay.I hate to break this to you and whatever your “jammy“ is, but I'm pretty sure she's a prostitute. Raj:What? No... Leonard:Let me put it this way: In your entire life, how many gorgeous women have walked straight up to you in a bar and asked if you wanted to party? Raj:Maybe I can save her. Leonard:Maybe,but I'm guessing it'll cost you about $500 an hour to try. Raj的搞笑Maybe Leonard:Hey,how's it going? Howard:Cut the crap. You set this up,didn't you? Leonard:Yes. Howard:She'a hooker,isn`t she? Raj:A prostitute,yes. Howard:You already gave her the money? Leonard:Yes. Howard:Thank you! 经典的Thank you Sheldon:Oh,good. You're finally home. Leonard:What were you doing at Penny's? Sheldon:Well,we had dinner,uh,played some games,and then I spent the night. You'll be happy to know that I now have a much better understanding of “friends with benefits.“ 好一个“friends with benefits“ 5.本集八卦 Howard体重97磅 Raj全名Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappali,讨厌印度风味的Kadhai Paneer 6.可爱的摇篮曲 Soft Kitty Soft kitty,warm kitty Little ball of fur Happy kitty,sleepy kitty Purr,purr,purr. TBBT笔记(B版)222 机密物质混乱 2009-05-15 10:32:02 来自: brian s2e22 The Classified Materials Turbulence 机密物质混乱 1.普通级词汇 number one:[委婉语、儿语]小号 number two:同上,大号(以后要慎用了) jeopardize:v. 危害,使受危困,使陷危地 valve:n. 阀门 teeny tiny:极小极细微的 jack in the box:盒里的弹簧人儿 juxtaposition:n.并置,并列 banality:n. 平凡,陈腐 comic fodder:笑料 glacial:adj. 冰的,冰川(期)的,冷漠的 sabotage:n. 怠工,破坏活动,破坏 v. 从事破坏活动,妨害,破坏 tensile:adj. 可拉长的,可伸长的 2.爆炸级词汇 cardinal numbers:n. 【数学】基数,纯数(区别于ordinal number序数) euphemism:n. 婉言,委婉的说法 ovary:n. [解]卵巢,[植]子房 Manhattan Project:曼哈顿计划,美国陆军部于1942年6月开始实施的利用核裂变反应来研制原子弹的计划。1945年7月16日美国成功进行了世界上第一次核爆炸,并按计划制造出两颗实用的原子弹。

3.爆炸级食品 Mountain Dew:山间之露汽水,出自百事(不是做广告-_-!!!) pasta latte meat loaf:肉糜糕,肉馅糕,瑞士肉包 bread crumbs:面包屑 4.精选语录 Howard: As we speak, the space shuttle is docking at the international space station where it will deploy the wolowitz zero-gravity waste disposal system. Raj: Oh, get over yourself. It's a high-tech toilet. Leonard: Just think. Thanks to your hard work, an international crew of astronauts will “boldly go where no man has gone before“. Howard: Is that supposed to be funny? Sheldon: I believe it is. The combination of the Star Trek reference and the play on words involving the double-meaning of the verb “to go“ suggests that Leonard is humorously mocking your efforts in space plumbing. Raj和Leonard恶搞Howard,Sheldon来做笑点详解,这是本集的爆笑模式 Howard: Ok, make your little jokes, but of the four of us, I'm the only one making any real- world contribution to science and technology. Raj: He's right. This is an important achievement, for two reasons, number one...and, of course, number two! Sheldon: Oh, clever! Playing on the use of cardinal numbers as euphemisms for bodily functions. (Typical laugh by Sheldon) 第二次 Howard: Hey, you said you were gonna be supportive. Raj: I'm trying, but you have to admit this is pretty damn funny. Sheldon: I agree. It's the juxtaposition of the high-tech nature of space exploration against the banality of a malfunctioning toilet that provides the comic fodder here. (Again, typical laugh by Sheldon) 第三次 Howard: All right, this is an exact duplicate of the wolowitz zero-gravity human waste disposal system as deployed on the international space station. Raj: Don't you mean the wolowitz zero-gravity human waste distribution system? Leonard: Good one. Howard: Yeah, it's hilarious....Now, here's an approximation of the spare parts available on the space station. We gotta find a way, using nothing but this, to reinforce this so the waste material avoids the spinning turbine. Raj: You mean so it doesn't hit the fan? Howard: (抓狂) Sheldon: Yeah, I have to say, I thought the toilet humer would get less funny with repetition. Apparently, there is no law of diminshing comedic returns with space poop. 应该是最后一次了吧 Howard: Well, they've deployed our solution. Let's just all hope it works. Sheldon: I don't see why I have to worry. My career's not hanging in the balance....That was a joke. It's funny, because it's true. Howard: (我要哭了) Sheldon领悟了joking的真谛,于是。。。

5.地道表达 knock your socks off:令人兴奋不已 hit the fan:酿成大乱,产生严重后果 off the top of my head:脑子一闪,即兴,随口 fyi=for your information 6.本集八卦 Leonard与前女友接吻时打过喷嚏 high five到这群nerds中间被改成了high one了(食指) TBBT笔记(B版)223 单极远征 2009-05-15 14:49:09 来自: brian 还真远,一去就是三个月,各位看官大可不必为三个月的美剧空档而苦恼,就连他们四个都out-going了,我们也要做一些不一样的事情,三个月后再来看我们和他们的变化:) --------------------------------------- s02e23 The Monopolar Expedition 单极远征 1.普通级词汇 prank:n. 开玩笑,恶作剧 sullen:adj. 愠怒的,沉沉不乐的 dioramas:n. 透视画 depict:v. 描述 tableau:n. 画面,生动的描写 moot:n. 大会,讨论会,辩论会 adj. 未决议的,抽象论的 anal:adj. 吹毛求玭过度的 nutbag:连环割喉杀手,源自真实故事,一个男子没有恼怒的原因就随意杀人 crossbow:n. 石弓,弩 well-hung:adj.能言善辩的 (其实还有别的意思,不知道这里是不是双关) gnat:n.琐事 sideburn:n.鬓角 namaste:n. (印度)合十礼 frostbite:n. 冻伤,冻疮 gangrene:n. 坏疽,脱疽 shenanigans:恶作剧;胡闹 icicle:n. 冰柱,冰锥 2.爆炸级词汇 bazinga:泡泡龙的英文名就是Bubble Bazinga Heisenberg's particles:Heisenberg WernerKarl是德国理论物理学家,量子力学第一种有效形式(矩阵力学)的创建者,获得1932年诺贝尔物理学奖。他在《原子核物理学》一书中提出:“有两个参数:微观粒子的位置和速度,可以确定该微观粒子的运动。不过,任何时候也不可能同时准确地了解这两个参数。如果进行实验测量,那么运动即遭到破坏,以致以后不可能重新找到该粒子。如果精确地测出它的速度,那么它的位置图像就完全模糊不清。

magnetic monopoles:磁单极子 Legolas:指环王中的莱戈拉斯,北方黑林王国瑟兰迪尔国王之子 3.爆炸级食品 macaroni:通心粉 hot chocolate with a stick of butter(看着就恶心) reconstituted Thai food(果然是泰国菜的死忠) mustard:芥末 brown rice:糙米 4.精选语录 Sheldon: I'm not good with cold, Leonard. How often have we had to leave a movie theater because I got a headache from drinking the Icee too fast? I can't go. Leonard: Well, then don't go. Sheldon: How can you say that? The scientific opportunity of a lifetime presents itself and my best friend says “Don't go“. Leonard: All right, then go. Sheldon: Listen to you. How can I possibly go? Leonard: Sheldon, what are the words I can say right now to end this conversation and let me go back to sleep? Sheldon: Odd, President Seibert posed the exact same question. Leonard: How was it resolved? Sheldon: It wasn't. His wife set their dogs on me and rendered the question moot. 做小谢的朋友真难 Howard: And you think you can put up with Sheldon? Raj: Well, I'm a Hindu. My religion teaches us that if we suffer in this life, we are rewarded in the next. Three months at the North Pole with Sheldon, and I'm reborn as a well-hung billionaire with wings! 小阿三的大梦想 Leonard: Terrific, it's just that I don't think Penny wants me to go. Sheldon: Assuming that's a valid reason not to go, which it isn't, how do you know this? Did she say it? Leonard: Not exactly. But she said she was gonna miss me and she gave me this. Sheldon: What is it? Leonard: It's a blanket with sleeves. Sheldon: Oh, that's clever. Let me see if I understand this correctly. Her missing you is an emotioinal state you find desirable? Leonard: Yes, obviously. Sheldon: All right. Well, given that missing you is predicated on you leaving, logic dictates you must leave. 小谢的逻辑 Penny: Oh, Leonard, what time is it? Leonard: It's 7:00 a.m.. I'm sorry it's early, but we're leaving soon and I needed to talk to you. Penny: Ok. Leonard: What do you mean when you said you're going to miss me? Penny: Um, I don't know. You'll be gone and I'll notice. Leonard: Ok, well, um, what about this? What does this (the blanket with sleeves) mean? Penny: Wine, credit card and late night television are a bad combination?! Leonard: All right, fine. What about that really long hug? What did that mean? Penny: That wasn't a long hug. Leonard: It was at least five Mississippis. A standard hug is two Mississippis, tops. Penny: Leonard, I don't know what to tell you. It was just a hug. Leonard: Glad we cleared that up. I guess I'll see you. Penny: Ok, have a safe trip. Leonard: Thank you. Bye. Penny: Ok, bye. (shut the door and lean on it) It means I wish you weren't going.... 这一集很多地方都笑不出来,尤其看过这一段之后。。。

5.地道表达 hover over:威胁,恐吓 Godspeed:祝幸运,祝万事如意 easy peasy:[儿童语言]非常非常简单,也作easy-peasy-lemon-squeesy double feature:两集联播 6.本集八卦 Sheldon每天早上8:00吃早餐,8:20肠道运动 校长名叫Seibert Sheldon三年级赢得Earth Science medal奖品Casio model 1175 calculator watch Howard17岁他未曾露面的母亲才把他床上的安全围栏拆下来 关于mississippi:正常人在读这个单词时需要1秒钟,所以一个mississippi=1 second TBBT笔记(B版)301 电子启瓶器波动 1.普通级词汇 sass:vt. 对…出言不逊,说无礼的话 effusive:adj. 流出的,感情奔放的 luau:n. (常伴有文娱节目的)夏威夷式宴会 toga:n. (古罗马)宽外袍,罗马主题 plummeting:adj. 骤然下降,像铅球那样急速垂直下降般 obnoxious:adj. 可憎的,不愉快的 dictator:n. 独裁者 Dickensian:adj. 如同狄更斯笔下的人物那样自私、消沉 repentance:n. 悔改 Mush:int. 走!,前进! trouper:n. 演员,老练演员 buoy:n. 救生圈 vt. 使浮起;鼓舞,激励 trajectory:n. 轨道 detour:n. 绕路,迂回 blunder:n. 大错 scathing:adj. 严厉的,尖刻的 doozy:n. 非常好或非常糟糕的东西 heathen:n. 异教徒 turtleneck:n. 高领 tumbleweeds:n. 风滚草 red-eye:n. 通宵航班 demon:n. 魔鬼 2.爆炸级词汇 post hoc ergo propter hoc:[拉丁语]发生于其后者必然是其结果(指一种普通的逻辑上的谬误,即后此谬误) Vulcan:瓦肯人(from the Star Trek),相信大家都不陌生了,Spock那群人,耳朵尖尖,听力好,有如葫芦娃里二娃的顺风耳(字幕组真是油菜) cosmological constant:宇宙常数,含宇宙常数项的场方程是R_uv-1/2*R*g_uv+L*g_uv=κ*T_uv,其中L代表宇宙常数,其物理意义是宇宙真空场。L*g_uv为宇宙常数项。R_uv为里契张量,代表空间的弯曲状况。T_uv为能量-动量张量,代表物质分布和运动状况。g_uv为度规,κ为系数,可由低速的牛顿理论来确定。“_“后字母为下标。爱因斯坦的由场方程解出宇宙是膨胀的,但他认为应该是平直的,于是加入了宇宙常数项,但后来被证明是错误的,于是他本人将该常数项拿掉,并称这是他“一生犯的最大的错误”。

Dark Energy:暗物质。继续上面的解释,今天物理学家们又重新引入宇宙常数项,但含义有所不同,表示暗物质项,而非为了得到平直的结论。

polyvinyl:n.[化]聚乙烯化合物 acetal:n. [化]乙缩醛 resin:n. 树脂 cyanoacrylates:n. [化]氰基丙烯酸酯黏合剂 monomers:n. [化]单体 polymerize:vt. [化](使)聚合,(使)成同式异量 Four for Texas:电影《德州四杰》(1963) Yellow Rose of Texas:民歌“德克萨斯黄玫瑰”,自南北战争起于民间传唱 Texas Chainsaw Massacre:电影《德州电锯杀人狂》系列 3.爆炸级食品 cheese sandwich Lone Star beer:孤星啤酒 diet Y-Hoo=diet coke 4.精选语录 Howard: Sheldon, you remember the first few weeks we were looking for magnetic monopoles and not finding anything and you were acting like an obnoxious, giant dictator? Raj: I thought we were going to be gentle with him. Howard: That's why I added the “tator.“ 脏话的构词学第一讲 Sheldon: You tampered with my experiment? Howard: We had to. Raj: It was the only way to keep you from being such a huge Dickensian. You see that? I add the “ensian.“ 脏话的构词学第二讲 Sheldon: Wolowitz has informed me of your grand deception. Do you have anything to say for yourself? Leonard: Yes, I feel terrible about it. I will never forgive myself, I don't expect you to, either, and I would really appreciate it if you would leave me with Penny for a session of self-criticism and repentance. Leonard可爱的道歉 Leonard: So write another e-mail. Set the record straight. It's no big deal. Sheldon: You're right, Leonard. It's not a big deal. All you did was lie to me, destroy my dream and humiliate me in front of the whole university...That, FYI, was sarcasm.... I, in fact, believe it is a big deal. Sheldon的讽刺来得如此突然 Raj: I like the new look. Howard: Thanks. I call it “the Clooney.“ Raj: I call it “the Mario and Luigi,“ but whatever. Howard扮超级马里奥兄弟 Sheldon: All right, I've had enough. Attention, everyone. I'm Dr. Sheldon Cooper. As many of you in the physics department might know, my career trajectory has taken a minor detour. Kripke: Off a cliff. Sheldon: My credibility may have been damaged. Kripke: Completely wrecked. Sheldon: But I would like to remind you that in science, there's no such thing as failure. There once was a man who referred to his prediction of a cosmological constant as the single “biggest blunder“ of his career. That man's name was-- surprise, surprise-- Albert Einstein. Kripke: Yeah, but research into Dark Energy proved that Einstein's cosmological constant was actually right all along, so you're still-- surprise,surprise-- a loser. 讨厌的Kripke,大舌头Kripke,超级大混球Barry Kripke Leonard: All right. New plan. Howard, you and Raj go to Texas. I'll stay here with Penny in her apartment. Penny: Well, you're not gonna go with them? Leonard: Well, you know, I gave you the snowflake and we were kissing and... Oh, come on, I don't want to go to Texas! Howard: Oh, right, and I do? My people already crossed a desert once. We're done. 出埃及记? Mrs. Cooper: By His hand we are all... Sheldon: fed. Mrs. Cooper: Give us, Lord, our daily... Sheldon: bread. Mrs. Cooper: Please know that we are truly... Sheldon: grateful. Mrs. Cooper: For every cup and every... Sheldon: plateful. Mrs. Cooper: Amen. 母子祷告 Leonard: Will you please take that stupid hat off? Howard: No, I want to blend in. Raj: To what? Toy Story? Howard扮Toy Story里的Woody Sheldon: Thanks to you, my career is over and I will spend the rest of my life here in Texas trying to teach evolution to creationists. Mrs. Cooper: You watch your mouth, Shelly. Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Sheldon: Evolution isn't an opinion, it's fact. Mrs. Cooper: And that is your opinion. Sheldon (to fellows): I forgive you. Let's go home. Mrs. Cooper: Don't tell me prayer doesn't work. 有神论横扫进化论 5.地道表达 hoot and a half:形容非常高兴,在加拿大东北的Cape Breton布雷顿角较为常用 first-come, first-serve:先到先得 catch a break:走好运 get a hankering for:渴望,想要 6.本集八卦 本集软广告有Amazon Kindle电子书阅读器、Pepsi Coke Howard在s02e13就提到想留一个George Clooney那样的胡子,如今,果然 Penny高中时被Valerie Mobacher(这个名字有什么寓意吗)抢去了拉拉队长的头衔 :D TBBT笔记(B版)302 蟋蟀猜想 1.普通级词汇 obliquely:adv. 斜地;
斜向地 a floppy disk:格式化软盘 albeit:conj. [古语]尽管,即使 euphemism:n. 婉言,委婉的说法 repulsed:adj. 被击退的 fine wine:顶级红酒 fine dining:美食,特指在高档次餐厅用餐 shiksa:n. [贬义]非犹太姑娘 ambient :adj. 周围的,包围着的 chirp:vi. (鸟、虫等)唧唧地叫 corrugated:adj. 缩成皱纹的 wager:n. v. 打赌 contentious:adj. 好争吵的 Voila:int. <法>那就是, 瞧(表示事情成功或满意之感叹词用语) fiasco:n. 惨败 Yiddish:n. 意第绪语(犹太人语言) entomology:n. 昆虫学 catatonic:adj. 紧张性精神症的 arachnid:n. 属于蜘蛛类的节肢动物 dung beetle:n. [动物]金龟子科,甲虫,蜣螂 two-bit:adj. 贱价的,俗气的,微不足道的 ornithologist:n. 鸟类学家 tramp:n. [俚语]荡妇 2.爆炸级词汇 ethyl alcohol:n. 乙醇,酒精 reuptake:n. (神经细胞对化学物质的)再吸收 neurotransmitters:n. 神经传递素 gamma-aminobutyric acid:n. γ-氨基丁酸,用于肝昏迷及脑代谢障碍。还可抗精神不安,对高血压也有改善作用 snowy tree cricket:雪白树蟋,在国内称为玉竹蛉,学名Oecanthus fultoni,15秒为一个间隔,计算这种蟋蟀鸣叫的次数,所得的次数加上40就能算出当前的温度(华氏) Amos Dolbear:Amos Emerson Dolbear (1837 – 1910) (剧中好像称他为为emilie dolbear -_-||| )美国物理学家和发明家,1897年发表了一篇名叫《The Cricket as a Thermometer》的文章。在其中,他总结出温度和蟋蟀鸣叫次数之间关系的Dolbear定律(WIKI link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolbear%27s_Law) Dymo:达美标签机 noogies:n.[俚语](表示亲热、开玩笑等,用两根手指头)刮(或轻击)头(或脸) “Why are you hitting yourself?“:美国30年代在小孩间流行的游戏,好像是大孩子欺负小孩子用的(ET同学可以考证一下哈) 3.爆炸级食品 scrambled eggs:炒鸡蛋 salami:n. [意大利语]蒜味香肠 Peppermint schnapps:薄荷杜松子酒 4.精选语录 Howard: No,no,not this time. I know insects,my friend. I spent many childhood years capturing them with nets, putting them in glass jars, sticking pins through them, mounting them on corrugated cardboard with Dymo labels underneath,identifying the genus and species....In Latin. Howard的童年 Howard: What's the matter,you chicken? Sheldon: I've always found that an inappropriate slur. Chickens are not,by nature, at all timid. In fact,when I was young, my neighbor's chicken got loose and chased me up the big elm tree in front of our house. Raj: Chickens can't climb trees. Sheldon: Thank God. Sheldon的童年 Howard: You're such a girl. They're just bugs. Raj: Yeah,well, I don't like bugs,okay? They freak me out. Sheldon: Interesting. You're afraid of insects and women. Ladybugs must render you catatonic....It was a joke. I made it to lessen your discomfort. You're welcome. 小谢的瓢虫笑话 5.地道表达 okay-dokay:又作okey-dokey, okay-doke, okey-doke, okee-doke, etc, 意同ok, 多用于对他人要求的正面回应 take the edge off:熟悉,熟识; 减弱 give me a freakin' break:给我打消这个奇想,少来这套 you can (cannot) hold your liquor:你酒量大(小) AKA = also known as take it to the bank:我向你保证 6.本集八卦 外卖更换通知:从本集起,Mumbai Palace将取代Tandoori Palace成为nerds外卖特许供应商,特此通告 Sheldon15岁就会拉丁语了 Howard 13岁学过功夫 Raj来自New Delhi TBBT笔记(B版)303 歌华特偏差 1.普通级词汇 conjugal:adj. 结婚的,夫妻之间的 extenuating:adj. 使减轻的, 情有可原的 abysmal:adj. 深不可测的,无底的 homunculus:n. 矮人, 侏儒, Perfectly formed miniature human being (defined by Leonard) limbless:adj. 无肢的 obnoxious:adj. 不愉快的,讨厌的 cemetery:n. 公墓,墓地 nostril:n. 鼻孔 tweak:vt. 对…稍作调整 fanny pack:腰包 squirt:v. 喷出,溅迸 intrigue:v. 密谋,激起...的兴趣 incongruous:adj. 不协调的,不一致的,荒唐的 hepatitis:n. 肝炎 stencil:n. 模版 amorous:adj. 多情的,表示爱情的 olfactory:adj. 嗅觉的 jasmine:n. 茉莉 honeysuckle:n. 金银花 ménage:[法语]本意是家庭,家务,谁知道Howard是怎么引申的 2.爆炸级词汇 There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.:在这天地间有许多事情是人类哲学所不能解释的,出自莎翁《哈姆雷特》第一幕第五个场景。Horatio是哈姆雷特大学里的密友。

Kiss Army:重金属乐队Kiss的粉丝团 “don't ask, don't tell“:1993年鲍威尔制定,克林顿签署,联邦法案通过的在美军内部应对同性恋问题的政策 Walgreens:美国连锁药店之王沃尔格林 John Grisham:约翰·格里森姆,美国知名畅销作家,写过多部法律悬疑小说,包括The Pelican Brief(鹈鹕案件,1992),the Client(终极证人,1993)。

Thorndike:Edward Lee Thorndike桑代克,美国心理学家,动物心理学的开创者,心理学联结主义的建立者和教育心理学体系的创始人。他提出了一系列学习的定律,包括练习律和效果律等。

B. F. Skinner:斯金纳,美国心理学家,新行为主义的主要代表。他引入了操作条件性刺激(operant conditioning techniques)。他还写了著名的小说《桃源二村》。

Kermit the frog:柯米特青蛙,布偶电视明星,1955年首次登上银幕,好莱坞星光大道上也有它的星星 3.爆炸级食品 oatmeal:燕麦粥 french toast:法式吐司(蘸鸡蛋牛奶后轻炸的面包片) syrup:
糖浆 cinnamon sugar:桂皮混和糖 light beer:低度啤酒 vodka and cranberry juice:伏特加小红莓汁 chex mix Blackened salmon:熏鲑鱼 4.精选语录 Leonard: You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Sheldon: You can catch even more flies with manure. 全民打“苍蝇” Sheldon: You know, using positive reinforcemt techniques, I could train that behavior out of her in a week. Leonard: No. Sheldon: If you let me use negative reinforcement, I can get it done before we go to bed. Leonard: You're not squirting her in the face with water. Sheldon: No, of course not. We're talking very mild electric shocks. No tissue damage whatsoever. 恐怖怪博士小谢 Penny: Oh, sorry guys. (higpitched, singsongy) That girl is freaky. Sheldon: Come again? Penny: (normal register): Freaky. Sheldon: (slightly lower register): Freaky? Penny: (low register): Ah, freaky. Sheldon: (very low register) have a chocolate. Penny: (very low register): Thank you. 小谢语音调教法 Howard: Okay, wait. How about this? We say there were four goth girls. The two girls in the club have two friends. Raj: I like it, I like it. Did they smell good despite their goth-like nature? Howard: What's that got to do with the story? Raj: Engaging my olfactory sense helps make it real for me. Howard: Fine, they smelled good. Raj: Oh, they did. Like jasmine and honeysuckle. Howard: Whatever. Raj: And then they held hands and did a sexy, demonic hokey pokey for us. Raj无敌的嗅觉yy Howard: So, we go back to their place. And then the six of us end up in a hot tub. Raj: But we just got tattoos. Wouldn't we be concerned about bacterial infection? Howard: True. Okay. Forget the hot tub. The point is, we each had a ménage with sexy goth girls. Raj: Wow. What a great night. Howard: Yeah. (silence) Howard: Hey, want to try a country bar tomorrow night? Raj: Maybe we'll get lucky with some sexy cowgirls. Howard: Coould happen. Raj: ...I wonder how they smell. 悲情二人组 5.地道表达 catch more flies with honey than with vinegar:用劝说和奉承比敌意和对抗更能赢得人心 stumble onto:偶然遇见,碰巧发现 6.本集八卦 开头Penny唱的是Shania Twain的Man! I Feel Like A Woman! douban link: http://www.douban.com/subject/1419488/ g link: http://www.google.cn/music/album?id=Be065d60d67a7da70 再就是Howard妈妈现在给Howard量体温改在口腔啦 Monday是Sheldon的燕麦粥早餐日 TBBT笔记(B版)304 海盗方案 1.普通级词汇 bleak:adj. 惨淡凄凉的,萧瑟的 Titan:n. 土卫六 sardonic:adj.讥讽的,嘲弄的 barb:n. 尖刻、刻薄的言语 protagonist:n. 主演,主角 annihilation:n. 湮灭 agonizing:adj. 苦恼的,痛苦难忍的 chauffeur:vt.为…开车 n. 司机 synchronize:v. 使同时,同时发生 spectrum:n. 光谱 apres:[法语]以后,之后 lamour:[法语]爱 matinee:n. 日场演出 rollerblad:v. 滑旱冰 doo-doo:[儿语]便便,同caca 2.爆炸级词汇 trans-neptunian objects:(TNOs)外海王星天体,指太阳系中所在位置或运行轨道超出海王星轨道范围的天体。海王星外的太阳系由内而外可再区分柯伊伯带(Kuiper belt)及奥尔特云(Oort cloud)区带。

Proxima Centauri:比邻星,位于半人马座(Centaurus),是半人马座α三合星的第三颗星,是距离太阳最近的一颗恒星(4.22光年)。

GeV=Giga-electron volts:[物理]十亿电子伏特 3.爆炸级食品 cranberry jelly:蔓越莓果冻 cranberry sauce:蔓越莓酱 tur-briska-fil: Turkey stuffed with a brisket stuffed with gefilte fish.火鸡包鸡脯鱼丸 chicken maharaja mac:印度鸡肉巨无霸 Elbow macaroni with ground hamburger and tomato sauce:曲管通心粉配牛肉酱和番茄酱(Sheldon的午餐) sherry:雪利酒 scrambled eggs and salami:炒鸡蛋和蒜味香肠 lox:熏鲑鱼 cream cheese:奶油芝士 bagels:百吉饼 4.精选语录 Penny: So, what are you guys doing? Howard: Celebrating Columbus Day. Leonard: We're watching Goonies, Gremlins and Young Sherlock Holmes. They're all written by Chris Columbus. Penny: Okay. What do you watch on thanksgiving? Sheldon: The parade. 很宅很有爱 Leonard: What do you mean he's getting deported? Sheldon: I believe it means that the U.S. Government is going to expel him from the country. He could then either return to his native India, emigrate to another country that he's willing to accept him, or wander the high seas as a stateless pirate... Personally, I'd choose pirate. Howard: Penny, would you mind stepping outside so we can speak to him? Penny: Fine. But the man really needs to work on his girl issues. Sheldon: Another reason to consider life of piracy. Even today, I understand, that's an all-male profession. Sheldon的海盗方案 Sheldon: And you've continued to take the university's money under false pretenses? Highly unethical for an astrophysicist. Although practically mandatory for a pirate. 总之你是当定海盗了 Howard: What do you mean you didn't get the job? How could you not get it? Raj: You know... He's British, I'm Indian. Ever since Gandhi, they haven't liked us very much. Raj特属的笑话 Howard: I'm really going to miss you. Raj: Will you come visit me in India? Howard: Gee, that's, like, a 17-hour flight. How about I meet you halfway? Raj: Halfway is 600 miles off the coast of Japan. Howard: Tell you what, we'll Skype. 好兄弟 Raj: You want me to work with you? Sheldon: For me. You're going to have to listen more careful when you're on the job. Raj: Ok, uh, please don't take this the wrong way, but I'd rather swim buck-naked across the Ganges with a paper cut on my nipple and die a slow, agonizing death from a viral infection than work with you. Raj的毒誓 Raj: I've reconsider your offer to let me work with you. Sheldon: For me. Raj: Yes, “for you“. I do, however, have a few conditions. First, at all times, I am to be treated as a colleague and an equal. Second, my contributions shall be noted in all published material. And third, you are never allowed to lecture me on Hinduism or my Indian culture. Sheldon: I'm impressed, Raj. Those are very cogent and reasonable conditions. Raj: Thank you. Sheldon: I reject them all. Raj: Then you leave me no choice. I accept the job. 你无耻来我无敌 Raj: What do you want, Sheldon? Sheldon: I looked over the board, and it turns out you were right. Raj: So you were wrong. Sheldon: I didn't say that. Raj: That's the only logical inference. Sheldon: Nevertheless, I didn't say it. 没有逻辑帅无赖 5.地道表达 take a stab:试试看 pull strings:在幕后拉线(秘密操纵,利用关系,暗中牵线帮忙) Yikes:呀! a term used to show shock or extreme surprise let's buckle down and work:开工吧 third wheel:电灯泡 I've got squat:我什么也没得到(我便便了) diddly-squat:啥也没有(我觉得这里是拿squat“一丁点“和“便便“来双关,anyway该处理解参见http://www.douban.com/group/topic/8307795/) 6.本集八卦 “don't feed the gremlins after midnight.“ “don't get the gremlins wet.“语出1984年美国电影Gremlins》,养小魔怪的三条法则,第三条是“no bright light“ Chris Columbus担任编剧的三部电影 Goonies七宝奇谋(1985), Gremlins小魔怪(1984) and Young Sherlock Holmes少年福尔摩斯(1984) Ra有个兄弟叫Sanjay在AT&T做客服,人称Dave Howard的星期天:和Raj去农贸市场搭讪嬉皮mm TBBT笔记(B版)305 猥琐外表推论 1.普通级词汇 phantom:n. 幻影,幽灵 warlord:n. 军阀,暴君 mystic:adj. 神秘的,秘密宗教仪式的 necromancer:n. 巫师 wraith:n. 鬼,幽灵 eidetic memory:[wiki] or photographic memory, is the ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with extreme accuracy and in abundant volume. ensign:n. 海军少尉 cadet:n. 军官学校学生,实习生 arduous:adj. 费力的,辛勤的,险峻的 maelstrom:n. 大漩涡,灾祸 Antares:n.心宿二,大火,天蝎座白星[亦作 Alpha Scorpii] serpent:n. 大蛇或毒蛇 ecstatic:n. 狂喜 frenzy:n. 狂暴,狂怒 nightshade:n.茄属(Solanum)植物 dryad:n. 森林的精灵 Dryad[希腊、罗马神话] 德律阿得斯 (树神,又称护树神女) Shabbos:n. (犹太教)安息日 aneurysm:n. 动脉瘤 lava:n. 熔岩,火山岩 skirmish:n. v. 遭遇战 luminescence:n.(发)冷光 nymph:n. 女神,蛹,美丽的少女 2.爆炸级词汇 Osiris:n.欧西里斯,埃及神话中的冥王 Morty:语出[Where's my shorty, Morty?]不是很明白这个笑点,难道是指宋飞传里宋飞的父亲Morty Seinfeld? Space Mountain:太空飞车,40英寸(约102厘米)以上乘坐 Bert and Ernie:出自美国1969开播的儿童节目Sesame Street(芝麻街) Betty and Veronica:1942年开始创作发行的美国漫画,讲述高中女生Betty和Veronica与男友三角恋的俗套故事(不知道为什么会出现在Stuart的店里)。

Wil Wheaton:Richard William Wheaton III (1972- )以出演1987-1994年的Star Trek: The Next Generation(星际旅行:下一代)中Wesley Crusher 一角而出名 Khan Noonien Singh:
即Khan,Star Trek里的人物, 小谢说的那句“He tasks me.He tasks me and I shall have him.“出自1982年的Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan(星际旅行2:可汗之怒)。“round the moons of Nibia and round the Antares maelstrom and round perdition's flames“也出自Khan之口。

body fat:体脂肪,以下是从松鼠会摘来的对照表 Description___Women___Men Essential fat__10–12%___2–4% Athletes_____14–20%____6–13% Fitness______21–24%___14–17% Acceptable___25–31%___18–26% Overweight___32-41%___27-37% Obese_______42%+____ 38%+ 3.爆炸级食品 red Icees 4.精选语录 Leonard: Oh,damn it. Can I have a napkin? Sheldon: I'm sorry, no. Leonard: But you have a whole bunch of 'em. Sheldon: Yes,I've moved to a four-napkin system. Lap,hands,face and personal emergency. If you like,starting tomorrow, I'll add a guest napkin, but I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for you today. 四张餐巾纸体系 Raj: Hey,Sheldon,guess what I heard today? Sheldon: I'd imagine you heard any number of things today. Raj: When you arrived at work, you undoubtedly heard, “Hello,Raj.“ “How are you,Raj?“ Given that you're wearing a new sweater-vest, you may have heard, “New sweater-vest?“ And possibly, though far less likely,“Nice sweater-vest.“ Raj: Why don't I just tell you what I heard today. Sheldon: That would probably save us some time. 终于拿毛背心开涮了 Sheldon: Wil Wheaton currently ranks sixth on my all-time enemies list--right between director Joel Schumacher, who nearly destroyed the Batman movie franchise, and Billy Sparks, who lived down the street from me and put dog poop on the handles of my bicycle. 小谢仇人排行榜 Raj: Sheldon,it's your play. Sheldon. Sheldon: My Enchanted Troll bludgeons your Screaming Harpy with a Cursed Mace. Game. Raj: Sorry,boys. Say hi to your mother when she picks you up. Or I could just tell her later tonight! We pwned them, dude! Up top! 狂人Rajesh Howard: So, Penny tells me you're working as a waitress to put yourself through grad school. That's pretty great. What are you studying? The girl: Microbiology. Howard: Oh,cool. So you could study me. The girl: I don't understand. Howard: Microbiology is the study of tiny living things. The girl: I know, I'm studying it. Howard: And I said you could study me 'cause I'm a tiny living thing... It's a joke. The girl: Are you sure? 讲笑话都这么累 Sheldon: I came here to defeat Wil Wheaton, the man who destroyed my dreams. But I can't defeat Wil Wheaton, the man who loved his Mee-Maw. 小谢眼中的Wheaton 5.地道表达 choke on that:噎死你/气死你 I have a bone to pick with you:我得跟你说道说道了 pinky swear:拉钩儿上吊一百年不许变 The heart wants what the heart wants:跟着感觉走,语出Woody Allen1992年的一次采访(9同学可以考证一下) stumble upon:偶尔发现 Game,set and match.:比赛结束,胜(最早是网球用语) We pwned them.:我们击败对手了。pwn一词是Warcraft开发人员一次误拼own一词而流传开的。

6.本集八卦 Howard八卦集锦:
3%的body fat 会六种语言,应该猜得出来是英语、法语、希伯来语、汉语、俄语和Klingon,另外还讲过印度语,模仿过爱尔兰口音(这一点上真的很佩服他) Howard妈每天打电话给Howard询问大便状况;
Howard的第一次是在Corolla里 ps:网上说他们玩的游戏mystic warriors of ka-ah是仿照The Wrath of Khar虚构出来的(剧组会开发这个周边吧),我也没找到相关资料,也就没有翻译各种牌的名字,只是翻了些偏词。

TBBT笔记(B版)306 加州客涡旋 1.普通级词汇 Cornhusker:n. 美国内布拉斯加州居民之绰号(意为剥玉米皮的乡巴佬) outflank:vt. 侧翼包抄,迂回,战胜 come-hither:adj. 诱惑人的, 吸引人的 bonobo:n.【动物】矮黑猩猩 copulate:v. 交配 ditch:v. 抛弃,把…舍弃于困境中 felony:n. 重罪 rambling:adj. 杂乱无章的,漫无边际的 pharmaceutical:adj. 药物的(医药的) scooter:n. 轻便摩托车,小孩滑板车 ubiquitous:adj. 到处都有的 peewee:n. 小朋友,矮小的人或东西 camouflage:v. 伪装,欺瞒 poindexter:n.聪明的人,天才(近似于nerd) racoon:n. 浣熊 canine:n. adj. 狗或其他犬科动物,犬牙 yardage:n. 码数;[美国英语]把橄榄球向前推进的距离 staleness:n. 陈腐,不新鲜 starch:n. 淀粉 mimesis:n. 模仿,拟态 indigenous:adj. 土著的,本土的,国产的 fauna:n. 动物群 saber-toothed cat:n. 剑齿虎 Pilates:n. 普拉提 douche:n. 脑残(该词慎用) 2.爆炸级词汇 富兰克林的发明:
Franklin stove:富兰克林壁炉式取暖炉(铸铁壁炉) bifocals:远近视两用眼镜,双焦镜片 flexible urinary catheter:活动导尿管,是富兰克林为弟弟的治疗发明的 The Dogs of War:最早出现于莎翁的《尤里乌斯凯撒》,此后也出现于1974年的小说《The Dogs of War》,Pink Floyd的歌,1980年的一部电影,一集Star Trek以及同名游戏、漫画。

Patang fighting kite:在印度,尤其在印度风筝最流行的古吉拉特,人们把风筝叫做Patang Vespa:n. 伟士牌小型摩托车(一种意大利制低座摩托车) sacks:成功在争球线后抱摔四分卫 football nom for when a quarterback is taced behind the line of scrimmage [from Sheldon]; 而对于Howard妈来讲,是指一家卖工作服的商店 Scrimmage:并列争球或争球线 The line of scrimmage is the imaginary transverse line separating the offense from the defense [from Sheldon] La Brea Tar Pits:洛杉矶化石博物馆(拉布雷亚沥青坑),挖出过剑齿虎、古象等许多史前生物(简直就是冰河世纪) Marie Callender's:1948年创办的美国西部连锁饭店,拥有139家分店,主营美式烹调,以派出名 插播广告http://www.mcpies.com/famous_pies/pie_menu.php 3.爆炸级食品 Cylon toast:赛昂土司(就是印有赛昂头像的土司-_-|||) chicken-fried meats:似鸡非鸡炸肉排 ie. frying meat that isn't chicken as if it were chicken (德州特产) 4.精选语录 Penny: Hey,guys. What cha doin'? Going out to discover electricity? Sheldon: If you're referring to the work of Benjamin Franklin, he did not “discover electricity,“ he merely used a kite to determine that lightning “consists“ of electricity. also invented the Franklin stove, bifocals and the flexie urinary catheter. 富兰克林轶事 Raj: Sheldon,I don't suppose there's any chance you could give me my kite back? Sheldon: I'm sorry,Raj,but the rules of aerial warfare dictate that the fallen kite go to the victor. And without rules, the competition has no meaning. And without meaning, the following would be an empty gesture. I have your kite. I have your kite. 你的风筝归我啦归我啦归我啦 Howard: Sheldon knows football? Leonard: Apparently. Howard: I mean,Quidditch,sure. But football? nerds也懂橄榄球 Leonard: So you could teach me? Sheldon: Football or chicken-fried meats? Leonard: Football. I'm going to Penny's on Saturday to watch a game with her friends and I don't want to look like an idiot. I want to blend in. Sheldon: If you want to blend in with Penny's friends, I'd think looking like an idiot would be the perfect camouflage. Penny和她的傻朋友们 Howard: Hey,at least I can talk to women without being drunk. Raj: Excuse me, I have selecve mutism, a regnized medical disorder. You're just a douche. Howard: No. You know what? Maybe that's what this whole thing's about. You're not mad at me, you're mad at yourself. Raj: No,I'm mad at you. I hate myself, but I'm mad at you. 选择性缄默 vs Douche Penny's friend A: Oh,where's the flag? That's intentional grounding. Penny's friend B: Totally. Leonard: That completely was a forward pass, which they threw intentionally incomplete to avoid loss of yardage or to conserve time. I can't believe they're not being penalized with the loss of a down and by having to move the line of scrimmage back to the spot of the foul. 听Leonard解说橄榄球 Sheldon: You shouldn't keep your bread in the refrigerator. Staleness is caused by crystallization of the starch molecules, which occurs faster at cool temperatures. Penny: On Earth, we say “thank you.“ 冰箱里的面包会变硬 5.地道表达 pull a hammy:大腿拉伤 pimp out:装饰,改装 grind on:纠结,坚定地、无情地向前移动 Nudge,nudge,wink,wink.:俚语,影射房事,语出英剧Monty Python's Flying Circus 6.本集八卦 Howard体重80磅 (约36公斤,gee) Sheldon12岁开始读大学 (gee again) TBBT笔记(B版)307 吉他男扩增 1.普通级词汇 cyclotron:n. 粒子回旋加速器 Platonic:adj. 柏拉图式的 euphemism:n. 婉言,委婉的说法 retina:n.视网膜 bunk bed:n. 带梯子的双层床 spat:n. 口角,争执 alchemy:n. 炼金术 concession stand:n. 小卖部 synonyms:n. 同义词 fast:vi. n. 斋戒 transgression:n. 违反,逸出,越轨 plethora:n. 过量,过剩 tardiness:n. 缓慢,迟延 2.爆炸级词汇 Large Hadron Collider:大型强子对撞机,就是位于瑞士日内瓦的LHC,是目前全球最大的粒子加速器,建造在位于瑞士日内瓦的目前世界上最大的物理实验室:欧洲粒子物理实验室CERN,它将有助于完善粒子与力的标准模型,有助于人类对宇宙的进一步认识 helium-argon laser:氦氩激光器,核泵浦激光器的一种,利用小型核裂变反应所释放出的能量来激励工作物质产生激光 Lollapalooza:Lollapalooza音乐节是一个每年八月在芝加哥的Grant Park举行的音乐节,其门票收入都会贡献给Parkway Foundation用来改善芝加哥的公共设施 Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan:阿拉伯炼金术士,通常也称为吉伯(Geber),是阿拉伯历史上第一位也是最杰出的炼金术士,同时还奠定了化学实验的基础 Niels Bohr:尼尔斯·亨里克·戴维·玻尔,丹麦物理学家,他提出的原子理论奠定了原子科学的基础 Colorado Boulevard:科罗拉多大道,南加州一条东西贯穿的主干线,穿过Pasadena Go, go, Power Rangers,go!:出自《恐龙战队》,美国的一档科幻连续剧 Time Bandits:科幻片《时间劫匪》,英国导演特里·吉列姆早起的成名作,拍摄于1981年 “If you like it,you shoulda put a ring on it.“:Beyonce《Single Lady (put a ring on it)》里的歌词 Sheldon:Sheldon这个名字的意思是“紧邻海岸的农场” Richard Feynman:理查德·费曼的《费曼物理学讲义》以及列夫·朗道、阿尔卡迪·栗弗席兹合著的\N《理论物理学教程》被并称为物理学最经典的两套教材 Franklin Mint:一家专门制作成套收藏(collectible)品的公司,产品种类包括模型,玩偶,古币,图书,刀具,桌面游戏等等 3.爆炸级食品 snow cone:刨冰 lemonade:柠檬水 meatloaf:烘肉卷 4.精选语录 Sheldon: Leonard, when that woman moved in three years ago, I told you not to talk to her, and now look, we're going to be late for the movies. 好有预见性啊 Sheldon: Stop it,both of you! All this fighting, I might as well be back with my parents! “Damn it, George, I told you if you didn't quit drinkin' I'd leave you!“ “Well, I guess that makes you a liar. 'Cause I'm drunk as hell and you're still here!“ “Stop yelling! You're making Sheldon cry!“ “I'll tell you what's making Sheldon cry! That I let you name him Sheldon!“ 小谢的童年阴影 Sheldon: I have a few questions. First,I notice that you offer soup and a half-sandwich? Penny: Yes. Sheldon: Where exactly does the half-sandwich come from? Are you giving me half of someone else's sandwich, or do I have to wait for someone else in the restaurant to order the other half? Penny: No, no, Sheldon, they just make a half-sandwich. Sheldon: You can't make a half-sandwich. If it's not half of a whole sandwich, it's just a small sandwich. Penny: Okay, fine, it's soup and a small sandwich. Is that what you want? Sheldon: Of course not. I'll have my usual. 半份三明治 Penny: I hear you don't like my stuffed animals, my driving or my punctuality. Leonard: What? Who would tell you something like that? (turn to Sheldon) Why would you tell her something like that? 谁会那样做,你为什么那样做 Penny: All right,what's going on? Leonard: It's a little hard to explain. He does this thing where he pretends he's in an alternate dimension that occupies the same physical space we're in, but he can't perceive us. Sheldon: Don't flatter yourself. I'm just ignoring you. 您少自作多情了 5.地道表达 have (quite) the edge:更胜一筹 hold your horses:耐心点儿 below the belt:不正当的(原指拳击中击打腰带以下部位) 6.本集八卦 Penny奥马哈的前男友Justin玩吉他 Raj有个表兄叫Sanjay Raj27岁 TBBT笔记(B版)308 怪鸭防滑垫缺失 1.普通级词汇 azimuth:n. 地平经度,方位角 humerus:n. 肱骨 glenoid socket:n. 肩臼 impasse:n. 僵局,困境 damsel:n. 少女,姑娘 cactus:n. 仙人掌 yon:adj. 那边的 menopause:n. 经绝期 tie-dyed t-shirt:n. 扎染的T恤,迷幻风格 concussion:n. 脑震荡 inexplicably:adv. 难以理解地 diabetes:n. 糖尿病 migraines:n. 偏头痛 mole:n. 色素痣 lesion:n. 皮肤损伤 2.爆炸级词汇 34. 48 degrees north, 118.31 west, azimuth 168. 22 degrees relative to magnetic north with an elevation of 49.93:根据谷歌地球,位于美国加州Santa Clarita郊区山上某条沟里 Dune:《沙丘》,大卫·林奇拍摄于1984年、根据弗兰克·赫伯特的同名科幻小说改编的电影 Stardate 63345.3:星历是《星际迷航》系列中用来在各个星系间协调的通用历法,有一套复杂的计算方法 Leonid meteor shower:狮子座流星雨,大约33年一次,最近一次是2009年11月17日,也就是故事发生的时间 Rama IV:aka. King Mongkut (18 October 1804-1 October 1868), 泰文名??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????, 1851至1868统治暹罗, 提倡西化, 被称为暹罗科技之父. Sheldon说他分割暹罗给殖民者, 大概说的是1854年港督Bowring与暹罗代表签署的“Bowring条约“, 条约将暹罗关税主权拱手让出, 在进行社会和经济改革的同时, 为英国等殖民入侵打开了大门. 另外, Rama IV的儿子娶了日后对泰国历史产生深远影响的英国女子Anna, 于是有了周润发的电影《安娜与国王》 Yelp.com:一个类似大众点评网的网站 Grateful Dead:“感恩而死”是美国六七十年代的一支摇滚乐队,第一支在吸毒后即兴表演的乐队 Lot:洛特王,《圣经·旧约·创世纪》,上帝要毁灭索多玛时派遣天使来拯救洛特一家,洛特的老婆因为无视上帝的警告、回首张望而变成了死海边上的盐柱。

Perseus and Medusa:珀尔修斯和美杜莎。希腊神话,美杜莎的头上长满毒蛇、凡人与之对视便会石化,被珀尔修斯所杀。

Orpheus and Eurydice:希腊神话,奥菲士试图救回死去的恋人欧律狄刻,却因离开地狱时回头张望而失败。

Up above the world so high, like little diamonds in the sky:《小星星》的歌词 Doodle Jump:iPhone上最受欢迎的游戏之一 Tourette's:Tourette综合症或抽动秽语综合症,是指以不自主的突然的多发性抽动以及在抽动的同时伴有暴发性发声和秽语为主要表现的抽动障碍 WeBeLoS:童军的一种,年龄大概在10岁上下 3.爆炸级食品 assorted appetizers plate:什锦小吃 golden treasure:金宝贝(这两个是Sheldon在Siam Palace点的) pickled herring:腌鲱鱼 lettuce:莴苣 pudding cup:布丁 slim jim:一种在美国很受欢迎的肉干类小吃 Otter Pops:一种类似于棒棒冰的食品,蓝色的是覆盆子口味的 S'mores:一种野营食品,脆饼夹棉花糖和巧克力 4.精选语录 Sheldon: Hello. Penny: I slipped in the shower, and I think I dislocated my shoulder. Sheldon: Not surprising. You have no safety mat or adhesive stickers to allow for purchase on a surface with a low coefficient of static friction. Penny: (confused as always) What? Sheldon: Tubs are slippery. Penny: I know. I slipped. Sheldon: I have a series of whimsical duck stickers on the bottom of my tub. Penny: Yeah,okay,whatever. Will you just turn the water off and help me up? Sheldon: They're holding umbrellas. Penny: What? Sheldon: The ducks in my tub. They're whimsical because ducks have neither a need for, nor the ability to use, umbrellas. Penny: Oh,my god. I gotta go to the emergency room. Sheldon: Well,assuming you're correct that your right humerus is no longer seated in the glenoid socket, I would certainly think so. 天要下雨,娘要嫁人,Penny要滑倒 Howard: So,when do the meteors get here? Raj: The meteors don't get here. The earth is moving into their path. Leonard: I can feel it. I can feel the earth moving. It's moving too fast. Raj,slow it down. Raj: (after a while of staring at the sky) Okay,how's that? Leonard: Better. Thanks. Raj,帮我把地球转慢点儿 Sheldon: Now,where is the switch to adjust the passenger side mirror? Penny: It's right there. Sheldon: Where is the passenger side mirror? Penny: In a parking lot in hollywood. Penny的副驾后视镜 Sheldon: There, there... Everything is going to be fine... Sheldon's here... Sheldon安慰法 Sheldon: Now remember,you were given powerful pain medication and a muscle relaxer, so,uh,don't operate heavy machinery. Try not to choke on your own drool. Penny: Wait. You have to help me get into bed. (snickering) Sheldon has to get me into bed. Bet you never thought i'd say that. Sheldon: Yes. The charm of your drug-addled candor knows no bounds. Sheldon的建议和药物的副作用 5.地道表达 t-minus:
倒计时几分几秒 hard up:经济困难,饥渴 knows no bounds:to have no limit, 该用法稍显正式 a fairly labored metaphor:蹩脚比喻 6.本集八卦 据Sheldon Lee Cooper说,他曾经在网站发恶评让一家松饼店关门 Raj想成为兔爷,在众小兔面前吃掉所有的莴苣 Leonard讨厌自己名字里有nerd,反倒喜欢Angelo这个名字,因为既angel又jell-o Howard大爆料,在叔叔Murray的葬礼上失身给自己的远房表妹Jeanie,从此对腌鲱鱼有阴影 Penny右臀上有一个汉字刺青,不是“汤”就是“勇”,但我相信Sheldon:D TBBT笔记(B版)309 复仇方程式 1.普通级词汇 snail:n. 蜗牛 homie:adj. 宅的; n. 宅男 homette:n. 宅女 catchy:adj. 拉风 saggy:adj. 松懈的,下垂的 wrapped up:v. 掩饰, 伪装 caramel:n. 焦糖,糖色 propagation:n. 增殖,繁殖 riot:n. 非常有趣的人(或事物) nozzle:n. 喷嘴 villains:n. 坏人,恶根 autopsy:n. 验尸 non-lethal:adj.不致死的 whoopee cushion:n. 放屁坐垫 flatulent:adj. 肠胃气胀的 little weasel:n. 胆小鬼 smack:n. 打击 quirky:adj. 狡诈的 dish soap:n. 洗洁精 exothermic:adj.【化学】放热的 foamy:adj. 全是泡沫的,起泡沫的,泡沫的 janitor:n. 守卫,门警 plasma:n. 等离子体 malevolent:adj. 有恶意的,恶毒的 spiral:n. 背摔 2.爆炸级词汇 NPR:National Public Radio美国国家公共电台,成立于1970年,节目以新闻及综述为主,是美国国内收听率最高的广播电台,由于提供深入、透彻、公正的新闻报导,所以NPR在美国广播界处于主流地位 Total Recall:《全面回忆》或《宇宙威龙》,1990年施瓦辛格、莎朗斯通主演的科幻惊悚片 M-theory:弦理论的一种扩展理论 Munchkin:来自《绿野仙踪》里的小矮人种族,有一幕是三个Munchkin男孩唱We Represent the Lollipop Guild来欢迎多萝西来到Munchkinland Arkham Asylum:蝙蝠侠中的阿克汉姆精神病院 Gotham:蝙蝠侠里的哥谭市 Scarlett Johansson:斯嘉丽·约翰逊,曾担任《迷失东京》《戴珍珠耳环的女孩》的主演 Wonder Woman:神奇女侠,DC漫画公司1941年发行的漫画,先后多次改编为影视作品,并在1987年重新发行漫画 Lex Luthor:曾经是超人的朋友,聪明绝顶的科学家及精明的商人,后来不断向自己证明他比超人更加优秀 关于氦气:
人的声音一般经由空气传递。当空气的成份由78% 氮和21% 氧改变为80% 的氦气和20% 的氧气,密度变为正常空气的三分之一,此成份改变导致声音传播的速度快了接近三倍, 所以吸入氦气的人说话的声音会变高频率. 这个有趣的现像, 使得吸入氦气的人说话尖声细气 关于那个实验:
hydrogen peroxide:过氧化氢 saturated potassium iodide:饱和碘化钾 过氧化氢+碘化钾会发生催化反应,化合反应生成碘单质+氢氧化钾,氢氧化钾是发泡剂的一种,洗碗剂的成分十二烷基磺酸钠具有发泡性能 3H2O2+2KI=2KOH+2H2O+I2+O2 ET的youku里有一个实验视频 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTMzNzM3MjQw.html Howard的曲子取自The Four Tops的一首歌《Bernadette》(链接如下),词是自己编的 http://g.top100.cn/12174704/html/player.html?id=Sc86808076a7f9581&type=song&amp;autoplay=true#loaded 3.爆炸级食品 Mountain Dew 4.精选语录 Sheldon: I have something to announce,but out of respect for convention, I will wait for you to finish your current conversation. What are you talking about? Leonard: The cultural paradigm in which people have sex after three dates. Sheldon: I see. Now, are we talking “date,“ the social interaction, or “date,“ the dried fruit? 约会还是枣 Howard: Hey,just because you settled doesn't mean I have to. Leonard: Excuse me,I'm sitting here. Penny: Hey,I did not settle for Leonard. I mean,obviously,he isn't the kind of guy I usually go out with... you know,physically. Leonard: Again,I'm right here. Penny: My point is,I do not judge a book by its cover. I am interested in the person underneath. Leonard: I am here,right? (turn to Sheldon) You see me. Sheldon: ......? 无视Leonard Leonard: All right, he got you. You can get him back. Sheldon: I refuse to sink to his level. Raj: You can't sink. With all that helium in you, you're lucky you don't float away. 氦气和Raj吐槽的威力 5.地道表达 struck out:三振出局 scrap the bottom of the barrel:滥竽充数 fiddle with:摆弄,玩弄 make a boo-boo:失误 hat tip to:脱帽致敬 6.本集八卦 美国杰出的犹太谐星有Seinfeld(宋飞传)、Lisa Kudrow(老友记Phoebe)、Woody Allen、Ben Stiller (拜见岳父)、Larry King(CNN脱口秀)、Sarah Silverman(Monk、宋飞传)、Adam Sandler(美利坚向英雄致敬)、Jack Black(橘子郡男孩).......【欢迎补充】 Raj也上过广播,新德里Fever104调频第四个说一句话就能拿钱的人 Howard最喜欢的2位女星Megan Fox(变形金刚)和Katee Sackhoff(太空堡垒卡拉狄加) TBBT笔记(B版)310 雅典重现 1.普通级词汇 womenfolk:n. 妇女,由指男性主导社会中的女性群体 Gals:n. 姑娘,年轻女子 voltage:n. 电压,伏特数 yeast:n. 酵母 gut:vt. 取出内脏 rudimentary:adj. 基本的,初步的 agora:古希腊的广场,露天集市 hanker:v. 渴望 aperture:n. 孔,缝隙 2.爆炸级词汇 Aharonov-Bohm quantum interference effect:阿哈伦诺夫-博姆量子干涉效应(A-B效应),即电磁场标量势φ和矢量势A对于带电粒子量子状态的量子干涉现象的影响。1959年这两位科学家对电子束的量子干涉现象进行讨论,指出量子力学认为矢量势和标量势没有实质意义的看法不正确,因为两相干电子束通过电磁势场会产生量子干涉现象。

phase shift:相位偏移,对于一个波来说,相位(phase)是指在一个波的循环中的位置,如果用X(t)=A*sin(2πft+θ),那么2πft+θ就是该时刻的相位,θ就是相位偏移 electric potential:电势,即电场中,某点电荷的电势能跟它所带的电荷量之比,电势是从能量角度上描述电场的物理量,而电场强度则是从力的角度描述电场 tunnel junction:隧道结,一种利用量子隧穿效应搭建的结构,可用来设定电压 supernova:超新星,是一种恒星爆炸,而非星星。理论而言,质量介于太阳的8-25倍之间的恒星会在一场超新星爆炸中结束自己的生命 spinning electron:自旋电子,自旋是电子的基本性质之一,即电子内禀运动或电子内禀运动量子数的简称。

spinning galaxy:自转星系,星系中除了恒星围绕星系核心公转的运动之外,还存在星系的自转问题,与暗物质有关。

KoKo the gorilla:可可是旧金山动物园的一只大猩猩,能听懂大约2000个单词,还会上网 Hanukkah:修殿节,哈努卡是希伯来文,直译为“人们到了二十五日不再忧虑敌人骚扰“,这里的二十五日指犹太历十二月二十五日,一般发生在公历十一月底或十二月,有时与圣诞节重合。节日持续8天,人们点亮哈努卡灯,故修殿节又称光明节。

electron beam:电子束,又称电子注,在真空汇集成束,可采用静电场聚焦,磁场聚焦等方法。电子显微镜和电视机就是利用电子束形成影像的 3.爆炸级食品 lima bean:青豆,利马豆 lamb stew:炖羊肉,Howard妈用Le Sueur peas作配料(Le Sueur是明尼苏达州的一个地名) Fig Newtons:无花果牛顿饼干是纳贝斯克Nabisco旗下的一个品牌,经营无花果酱夹心的曲奇饼fig roll。Newton是19世纪末费城面包师为了在麻省Newton地区推销用他的方法批量生产的fig roll时想到的营销手段。p.s.真的长得很像驴打滚 4.精选语录 Howard: I told my girlfriend Bernadette she could join us for dinner. Leonard: Sure. The more, the merrier. Sheldon: Wa - no, that's a false equivalency. More does not equal merry. If there were 2,000 people in this apartment right now, would we be celebrating? No, we'd be suffocating. 我们会庆祝吗?我们会憋死的! Penny: Hey, Sheldon, can I talk to you for a second? Sheldon: It's not about shoes, is it? I don't think I could go through that again. Penny: It's not about shoes. Sheldon: Then speak. Penny: Um, actually, can we do it in private? Sheldon: All right. (turn to Raj) Go away. I agree, it's rude, but she asked for privacy. Raj: (of course speechless) GO AWAY! Sheldon: All right, let us begin. Where's your notebook? Penny: Um, I don't have one. Sheldon: How are you going to take notes without a notebook? Penny: I have to take notes? Sheldon: How else are you gonna study for the tests? Penny: There's gonna be a test? Sheldon: Test-sss. (give Penny a notebook) Here. It's college-ruled. I hope that's not too intimidating. Penny: (being insulted again) Thank you. 小样,没读过大学吧 Sheldon: It's a warm summer evening, circa 600 BC. You've finished your shopping at the local market, or agora......and you look up at the night sky. There you notice some of the stars seem to move, so you name them “planetes,“ or “wanderer.“ 物理学第一章,那是一个炎热的夏夜。。。

Sheldon: Now, if “ma“ equals “mg,“ what does that imply? Penny: I don't know. Sheldon: How can you not know? I just told you. Have you suffered a recent blow to the head? Penny: Hey! You don't have to be so mean! Sheldon: I'm sorry. (sweetly) Have you suffered a recent blow to the head? Penny: No, you just suck at teaching. Really? Sheldon: Of those two explanations, which one seems the most likely? 脑袋被门挤了 Leonard: (to Bernadette) Glad you enjoyed it. Most people aren't that interested in what I do. Penny: (clearing throat) Actually, that's not true, Leonard. In fact, recently I've been thinking that given the parameters of your experiment, the transport of electrons through the aperture of the nanofabricated metal rings is qualitatively no different than the experiment already conducted in the Netherlands. Their observed phase shift in the diffusing electrons inside the metal ring already conclusively demonstrated the electric analogue of the Aharonov-Bohm quantum interference effect. 谁还说我是物理小白 5.地道表达 willy-nilly:不容分辨的,什么都不顾的 fo'shizzle:for sure,that is correct表示同意,常后跟nizzle(指黑人nigga),Howard为了押韵于是造了nerdizzle这个词,另外,Fo' Shizzle my Nizzle的用法来自说唱歌手Snoop Doggy Dogg的一首歌 street cred:街头信誉,街头风格 light up:照亮,呈现高兴的情绪 play innocent with:装无辜 Ignorance is bliss:无知是福 rip off:宰客 get a bone to pick with:找...算账 come off:看上去显得... 6.本集八卦 Leonard的工作内容是研究亚原子粒子的运动规律 Howard曾因卡在高领毛衣里引发恐慌症 Howard妈称呼Howard小屁脸“tushy face“ TBBT笔记(B版)311 母性相称 1.普通级词汇 congestive:adj. 充血的 succumb:vi. 屈从 ephemera:n.蜉蝣,瞬息,短命动物 manger:n. 马槽 reindeer:n. 驯鹿 solstice:n. 至,winter solstice冬至 baffling:adj. 令人困惑的 latent:adj. 潜在的 loathsome:adj. 令人憎恶的,令人呕吐的 Yikes:int. 呀(表惊讶) lousy:adj. 讨厌的 surrogate:adj. 代理的,替代的 buzz:n. 受某种刺激后产生的兴奋 buttock:n. 半边臀部 hungover:adj. 宿醉的 intoxicated:adj. 喝醉的 2.爆炸级词汇 Grinch:金凯瑞2000年电影《圣诞怪杰》(How the Grinch Stole Christmas)中的人物,心胸狭隘,心脏只有正常人的四分之一大 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:HCM or HOCM,肥厚型心肌病 Bose condensate:或Bose-Einstein condensate(BEC)玻色-爱因斯坦冷凝物,2001年诺贝尔物理学奖获奖研究 limbic system:大脑边缘系统,由边缘叶和相关的皮质及皮质下结构组成,边缘系统有两个神经组织,即杏仁核与海马,前者关系情绪的表现,后者与记忆有关 Jungian crisis:荣格心理危机,由瑞士心理学家荣格Carl Jung提出,随着年龄的增长,人对失去的东西会越发悲哀 Weltschmerz:[德语]厌世,悲观主义,因意识到自身缺陷是由身体缺陷或社会现实所致而无法改变所造成的心理伤害 Del Taco:1964年成立的风靡北美的墨西哥风味快餐连锁店 3.爆炸级食品 fruitcake:每次圣诞节Sheldon都要和妈妈去教堂,然后回家吃水果蛋糕 4.精选语录 Leonard: We didn't have a tree when I was growing up. Penny: Really? Why not? Leonard: Mmm, in my family, holidays weren't so much celebrated as studied for their anthropological and psychological implications on human society. Penny: Oh, sounds festive. Did you at least give presents? Leonard: Mmm, in a way. We presented papers. And then broke off into focus groups and critiqued each other. Leonard家的圣诞节 Penny: What is it? Sheldon: You're kidding, right? It's a bust of Sir Isaac Newton. Penny: Oh, sure, sure. Very Christmasy. Sheldon: Wait, excuse me, but it's much more “Christmasy“ than anything you've put on the tree. Leonard: Here we go. Sheldon: December 25, 1642, Julian calendar, Sir Isaac Newton is born. Jesus, on the other hand, was actually born in the summer. His birthday was moved to coincide with a traditional pagan holiday that celebrated the winter solstice with lit fires and slaughtered goats. Which, frankly, sounds like more fun than 12 hours of church with my mother followed by a fruitcake. Leonard: Merry Newton-mas, everyone. 牛诞节快乐 Sheldon: If I can interject again. Leonard comes from a remarkably high-achieving family, who have all chosen high-achieving partners. He probably feels that it's doubtful that his mother will be overly impressed with his dating a woman whose most significant achievement is memorizing the Cheesecake Factory menu. Penny: Hey, it's a big menu. There's two pages just for desserts. Leonard: I know. And those specials... They change every day. Penny: Okay, you know what? It's lame when I say it. It's just ridiculous when you pile on. Leonard: Okay. Sorry. 您就甭添油加醋了 Leonard: What do you want, Sheldon? Sheldon: What I want is to be departing Starship Enterprise in a one-man shuttle craft headed to the planetoid I rule known as Sheldon Alpha Five. Sheldon的梦想 Beverly: And I want you to take very good care of this young woman. Penny: Oh, thank you, Beverly. Beverly: You're welcome. She doesn't have much in the way of career prospects. Don't make her responsible for her own orgasms as well. 临别时的嘱咐 5.地道表达 what a buzzkill that was:多令人扫兴啊 root for:支持 talk some sense into you:讲讲理 pile on:夸张,添油加醋 make a fuss:大惊小怪,小题大做 6.本集八卦 Bernadette的祖母去世了 Leonard的弟弟订婚了,女方是新泽西州最年轻的上诉法院法官和两届奥运会铜牌获得者 Leonard妈离婚了,据说是因为他爸和大学餐厅的女招待出轨 Leonard的狗Mitzy在他父母离婚前一周死了 TBBT笔记(B版)312 通灵师涡旋 1.普通级词汇 Namaste:n. (印度)合十礼 broncos:n. 北美洲野马 saddle:vi. 装马鞍 hoot:n. 叫嚣,猫头鹰叫声 mixer:n. 联谊 strut:v. 趾高气扬地走,支撑 stifled:adj. 窒息的,憋闷的 hexagon:n. 六边形 skeletonize:v. 使成骸骨,吃掉 rodent:n. 啮齿动物 phony:n. 骗子 chintzy:adj. 吝啬的 copulate:vi. 交配 gynecologist:n. 妇科医生 monogamous:n. 一夫一妻的 abduct:vt. 诱拐,绑走 gullible:adj. 易受骗的,轻信的 probing:adj. 好探索的,尖锐的 puny:adj. 微小的,不足取的 lint:n. 线头 ignition:n. 点火,起火 voodoo:n. 巫术,巫毒教 2.爆炸级词汇 Watchmen:09年3月上映的科幻片,改编自同名漫画 Glendale Galleria:加州Glendale一处三层大型shopping mall,为洛杉矶地区第二大 Macy's:美国一家中高档连锁百货商店 zoot suit:20世纪四五十年代在美国黑人、墨西哥裔意大利裔美国人等中间流行的一种服饰,西裤肥大,上装夸张 The zoot suit riots:二战期间洛杉矶地区发生的一系列骚乱的统称,主要发生在当地征兵部门和墨西哥裔美国人之间,并一度造成当地与墨西哥人社区之间的紧张气氛 Flatland:1884年一位英国牧师Edwin A. Abbott(1838-1926)所撰写的一本小册子,小说里构造了一个全新的世界──二维世界,整个小说分成两个部分,前一部分系统地描述这个二维世界,第二部分二维世界中的主人公拜访了一维世界同时又接触了三维世界,整个世界大乱 Stan Lee:美国漫画大师,创造出蜘蛛侠、神奇四侠、X战警、绿巨人、钢铁侠等角色 芬兰语教学篇 The dog...koira The roof...katto Grapes...ryp leet Come in...Sis n supplication...vetoomus 3.爆炸级食品 screwdriver:伏特加橙汁鸡尾酒 root beer float:漂浮沙士 shirley temple:与秀兰邓波同名,因此是大人让小孩初次体验鸡尾酒常用的无酒精混合饮品,也称Grenadine Lemonade 4.精选语录 Raj: Come on,Sheldon,the world is filled with people doing things outside. Let's go outside. Outside is good. Sheldon: If outside is so good,why has mankind spent thousands of years trying to perfect inside? Raj: I don't know,it's a marketing scheme. 室内户外之争 Leonard: Come on,Howard,Bernadette,you're both scientists. Help me out here. Howard: What do you think-- want to jump right in the middle of another couple's argument? Bernadette: No,thank you. Howard: Sorry. 瞧着小两口儿 5.地道表达 what's what:事情之真相 lie through my teeth:故意欺骗 Attaboy:好啊,常用于鼓励或肯定男孩/男人做某事,常见于父亲教儿子棒球 squeeze in:腾出,挤出 au contraire:[法语]正相反 Whatever floats your boat:你想咋地就咋地 6.本集八卦 Penny的上一次演出是在一家保龄球馆上的剧场演出安妮日记 Penny相信通灵、鬼魂、占星术、巫术,但是不相信水晶魔法 TBBT笔记(B版)313 波兹曼反应 1.普通级词汇 hobo:n. 无业游民,流浪汉 typo:n. 打印错误 audacity:n. 厚颜无耻,大胆 ransack:vt. 洗劫,掠夺 bludgeon:vt. 恫吓,用棍棒打 dead bolt:固定栓 jamb:n. 门框,窗框 infrared:n. 红外线 spasm:n. 痉挛 elude:vt. 逃避,躲避 torment:vt. 折磨,纠缠 lurk:vi. 潜伏,埋伏 loony bin:疯人院 maudlin:adj. 感情脆弱的,伤感的 bracing:adj. 令人振奋的,凉爽的 invigorating:adj. 爽快的,精力充沛的 embodiment:n. 体现,具体化 chamber of commerce:商会 2.爆炸级词汇 Corleone‘s:corleonespizza,一家意大利餐馆,《教父》里的教父就是这个姓,所以指代黑帮 gedanken experiment:假想实验,thought experiment的德语表达 Bochco:去Leonard家调查盗窃案的助手的名字。笑点在于有一个叫Steven Bochco的编剧制作了多部犯罪侦破类剧集,包括Hill Street Blue(1981-1987)、LA Law(1986-1994)、NYPD Blue(1993-2005)。

General Zod:General Dru-Zod,超人永远的敌人 Phantom Zone:超人漫画里一片用作监狱的地区 Higgs Boson Particle:希格斯玻色子,即“God Particle“上帝之子,被认为是物质的质量之源,它是“标准模型”这一粒子物理学理论中最后一种未被证实的粒子,但是它的存在却是整个“标准模型”的基石。英国科学家彼得·希格斯Peter Higgs希望在欧洲核子研究中心(CERN)地下隧道深处实施的大规模实验最终能证实一种神秘的、不稳定粒子的存在。

Daniel Boone:18世纪美国拓荒者,是美国早期民族英雄之一 ,他的肖像出现在1934-1938年美国50美分硬币的背面。北卡的布恩市Boone就是为了纪念他而以他的名字命名的。

3.爆炸级食品 General Tso's Chicken:左宗棠鸡 Shrimp in lobster sauce:虾酱糊(P.F.Chang's的菜单写成了Shrimp in mobster sauce) 4.精选语录 Penny: I can't believe it. If I hadn't been working the dinner shift,I would've run right into the robbers. Leonard: Hey,there's no reason for you to be scared. Penny: I'm not scared. (with a bat in hand) I would've gone all Nebraska on their asses. 集合全内布拉斯加的力量打他们的屁屁 小谢的咒语I am the master of my own bladder. Leonard: What do you want? Sheldon: It's not what I want, it's what evolution wants. Human beings are primates. Primates have evolved to live in groups,both for protection and support. Leonard: But you don't like other people. Sheldon: I do tonight. 今夜我爱人类 Sheldon: My new computer came with Windows 7. Windows 7 is much more user-friendly than Windows Vista. I don't like that. 小谢与Windows 7 Howard: Oh,come on. So you were the victim of a crime. That's part of life. When my great-grandfather first came to this country, he put all his hopes and dreams into this little butcher shop he ran on the Lower East Side of New York. You know what happened? Every customer who walked into that butcher shop and asked for a pound of liver,got ripped off. But... those people moved on,and so should you. Howard曾祖父的“辛酸史” Sheldon: Greetings. As you know,I'm not comfortable with prolonged good-byes and maudlin displays of emotion, so I prepared this short video. The four of you are three of my closest friends and one treasured acquaintance. Though I cannot state categorically that my life will be diminished by not having you in it, I am comfortable if you choose to believe that. Since you intend to remain in this lawless metropolitan area, statistics suggest that you will succumb to tragic and gruesome ends before we meet again. Live long and prosper. 小谢的告别 5.地道表达 quench sb‘s thirst:解渴 drat::“尿裤子了”的可爱说法 state-of-the-art:最先进的 sleep continues to elude me:依然难以入睡 get ripped off:买东西挨宰 6.本集八卦 Leonard和Sheldon一共丢了TV一台,laptop两只,四个移动硬盘,PS2、PS3、X-Box、X-Box 360、classic Nintendo、Super Nintendo、Nintendo 64、Wii共计八台游戏机。还有各色游戏盘如下:
光晕系列Halo 1,Halo 2,Halo 3, 使命的召唤Call of Duty 1, Call of Duty 2,Call of Duty 3, 摇滚乐团Rock Band,Rock Band 2, 最终幻想Final Fantasy 1 thru 9, 塞尔达传说The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, 超级玛丽Super Mario Brothers,Super Mario Galaxy,Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympics...and 吃豆女士Ms. Pacman. Howard是Sheldon的treasured acquaintance难得的点头之交 TBBT笔记(B版)315 大型强子碰撞 1.普通级词汇 zombie:n. 僵尸 farfetched:adj. 牵强的,靠不住的 colloquial:adj. 白话的 asinine:adj. 驴的,愚蠢的 heinousness:n. 极恶,十恶不赦 nuke:v. 加热 old chum:老伙计 Mecca:麦加圣地 gastrointestinal:adj. 胃肠的 ramification:n. 衍生物,后果 thermal:adj. 热的,保温的 Gesundheit:【德语】(别人打喷嚏时说)祝你健康 scrupulous:adj. 小心谨慎的,一丝不苟的 2.爆炸级词汇 positional good:地位商品。1976年,出生于维也纳的英国沃里克大学经济学教授Fred Hirsch弗雷德·赫希(1931-1978)发表了题为Social Limits to Growth《增长的社会限制》的专著,书中提出了增长社会限制论、地位商品等概念。Hirsch将人类消费的个人产品和公共产品分类为物质商品和地位商品。他认为,当人们的衣食住等物质商品得到满足以后,家庭支出中用于地位商品或带有地位商品特性的物品和劳务的比重就要增加。地位商品的特点就是使用时能产生满足感,而这种满足感正来源于其稀缺性。常用来举例的地位商品包括知名团体的成员身份、高档餐厅的预定座位、名气等等。地位商品不能被创造,而只能被重新分配,因此对地位商品的竞争是零和博弈。地位商品的价值很大程度上取决于满足所有者欲望的程度,即positionality。

Large Hadron Collider:LHC大型强子对撞机,于2008年9月10日正式启动运行,但于9月19日发生事故停机。经过一年多的维修,LHC于2009年11月20日重新启动,并于11月23日实现第一次对撞。CERN欧洲核子研究中心拥有这一物理研究最前沿的设备。

Matterhorn:马特洪峰,阿尔卑斯最著名的山峰,位于瑞士和意大利边境。剧中提到的马特洪峰时加州迪斯尼乐园和奥兰多迪斯尼世界按1:100的比例仿造的假山,并推出Matterhorn Bobsleds马特洪雪橇过山车的娱乐项目。


Benedict Arnold:本尼迪克特·阿诺德(1741—1801)是美国独立战争革命家和军事家,1779年他向英国方面出卖美军情报,1780年9月阴谋通敌的计划败露后脱逃,后来作为英军的一名准将, 1781年率兵对康涅狄格的新伦敦进行袭击。他被华盛顿判处缺席死刑,名字也被作为“叛徒”的代名词。


Bath & Body Works, LLC:
1990年在美国成立的专营沐浴乳的零售连锁店,现已发展到1600多家分店,该公司为Limited Brands公司所有。

3.爆炸级食品 rotisserie chicken:烤鸡 fondue:奶酪火锅 Swiss Miss instant cocoa:Swiss Miss牌速溶可可 burrito:玉米煎饼 butterscotch scone:奶油糖果司康饼 crisco:植物白油 cholermus:瑞士奶酪蛋饼 4.精选语录 Leonard: Hey, what are you and Bernadette doing for your first Valentine's Day? Howard: Yeah, I am pulling out all the stops. There's a $39.95 lover's special at P.F. Chang's. Egg rolls, dumplings,bottomless wok, and you get your picture taken on the big marble horse out front. Sheldon: Given that Saint Valentine was a third century Roman priest who was stoned and beheaded, wouldn't a more appropriate celebration of the evening be taking one's steady gal to witness a brutal murder? Howard: I understand your point, but given a choice, Jews always go with Chinese food. 犹太人的中国餐,情人节的谋杀案 Sheldon: Hello. Penny: Hello. Sheldon: All right, let's dispense with the friendly banter. I believe you know why I'm here. Penny: Well, I always figured it was to study us, discover our weaknesses, and report back to your alien overlords. 外星人的间谍 Leonard: Do you want an allergy pill? Cause I have 'em all. Prescription, nonprescription,foreign, domestic, experimental. Penny: Do any of them work? Leonard: Not really, I'm just an ecthusiast. 抗过敏药物收藏家 Penny: Here's your soup. Sheldon: Chicken? Penny: Yes. Sheldon: With the little stars? Penny: Yes. Sheldon: Heated to 180 degrees? Penny: Why don't I pour it in your lap and you can tell me? 180度的愤怒 5.地道表达 lovey-dovey:多情的,卿卿我我 neener-neener:表示嘲讽,效果类似吐舌头,常用于同辈之间,不过小谢说这是1976年以前的用法 pull out all the stops:全力以赴,绞尽脑汁 bugs me:让我抓狂 butter me up:奉承我 6.本集八卦 Raj的情人节模式:Buying a rotisserie chicken from the supermarket, taking it home, standing over the sink and eating it out of the package with my bare hands like an animal. Leonard喜欢收集抗过敏药物 Leonard和Sheldon的《室友协议》Roommate Agreement:
Friendship Rider in Appendix C: Future Commitments. No. 37: In the event one friend is ever invited to visit the Large Hadron Collider, now under construction in Switzerland he shall invite the other friend to accompany him. 其他规定:
1. 如果一方赢得MacArthur Grant后应该... 2. 如果一方获得超能力应该... 3. 如果一方被zombie咬到,即使变异也不应被杀害 4. 如果一方被邀请与Bill Gates游泳,则应带上室友 5. Sheldon每天要问候Leonard “How are you“ 6. 每天22点以后Sheldon不准进行生物危害演习 7. 不准Sheldon练习Tuvan喉唱 ----------------------------------------- P.S. Sheldon的喉唱真的很厉害 TBBT笔记(B版)316 独行侠获取 1.普通级词汇 sequel:n. 续集 action-packed:adj. 充满激情的,老当益壮的 dermatologist:n. 皮肤科医生 contagious:adj. 会蔓延的,感染性的 albeit:conj. 即使,虽然 artifact:n. 手工艺品,人工制品 hoi polloi:n. 【古希腊语】民众,大众 fandom:n. 运动迷,影迷 Neosporin:n.【商标、药物】新斯波林,新孢子菌素 goofy:adj. 傻瓜的,愚笨的 snide:adj. 卑鄙的,暗讽的 summons:n. 传唤,传票 plead:vt. 为...辩护 vernacular:n. 方言 pro se:【拉丁语】for oneself dicey:adj. 不确定的,危险的 Imodium:n. 如洛哌丁胺,止泻药 stool:n. 凳子 sociopathic:adj. 反社会的 2.爆炸级词汇 Stan Lee:原名Stanley Martin Lieber,生于1922年,1941年起使用Stan Lee的笔名开始创作漫画作品,由他创作或主创的漫画人物有神奇四侠(Fantastic Four)、绿巨人(Hulk)、钢铁侠(Iron Man)、X战警(X-Men)、奇怪博士(Doctor Strange)、夜魔侠(Daredevil)以及蜘蛛侠(Spider Man)。

Stanley Tucci:意大利裔美国演员,生于1960年11月11日,出演电视剧《神探阿蒙》(Monk)《急诊室的故事》(ER)等。

quod est necessarium est licitum:【拉丁文】需要即合法 Sixth Amendment:《联邦宪法》第六修正案,是权利法案中规定刑事诉讼的一部分,该修正案规定的权利包括1、被告人有权要求获得陪审团审判;

Excelsior:独行侠,后改称Loners,漫画人物,最早出现于惊奇漫画(Marvel Comics)获奖漫画Runaways(vol. 2) #1 介绍一下Raj纠缠不清的让人抓狂的漫画人物:
Bruce Banner:在变身为绿巨人之前他就是Dr. Bruce Banner Reed Richards:即《Fantastic Four神奇四侠》其中的一个成员Mr. Fantastic Sue Storm:即Invisible Girl和Invisible Woman,神奇四侠之一,Reed的妻子 Stephen Strange:即Dr. Strange出自《Strange Tales怪谈故事》 Otto Octavius:蜘蛛侠中一个发疯的博士 Silver Surfer:神奇四侠里的反派 Peter Parker:就是蜘蛛侠了 J. Jonah Jameson, Jr.:《神奇的蜘蛛侠》中他是报社编辑,给蜘蛛侠制造负面舆论,同时又是蜘蛛侠现实生活的领导,当然他不知道他手下的这个摄影记者就是蜘蛛侠啦 Dum Dum Dugan:惊奇漫画虚拟组织S.H.I.E.L.D.的成员 Green Goblin:《神奇的蜘蛛侠》里他是蜘蛛侠的对手 Matt Murdock:全名Matthew Michael “Matt“ Murdock,即Daredevil夜魔侠本人是也 Pepper Potts:钢铁侠的爱人 Victor Von Doom:神奇四侠里的反派 Millie the Model:惊奇漫画一部长篇幽默系列漫画(1945-1973)的女主角 Fantastic Four:神奇四侠,Stan Lee与惊奇漫画的第一次合作 Daredevil:夜魔侠 Invincible Iron Man:钢铁侠 Happy Hogan:全名Harold “Harry“ Hogan,钢铁侠的实验室助手 Curt Connors:又叫作The Lizard,蜘蛛侠的对手 Fin Fang Foom:一条怪龙,在《怪谈故事》和《钢铁侠》中出现过 3.爆炸级食品 burrito:玉米煎饼 gelato:(意大利语)冰淇淋 4.精选语录 Howard: Sheldon, why do you have all these unopened paychecks in your desk? Sheldon: Because most of the things I'm planning to buy haven't been invented yet. Howard: There-there must be thousands of dollars here. Why don't you put it in the bank? Sheldon: I don't trust banks. I believe that when the robots rise up,ATMs will lead the charge. 起义军领袖ATM机 Sheldon: I call your attention to the events of November 16. Do you remember that date? Penny: “Darn tootin', I do. If the court will excuse my homespun, corn-fed Nebraskan turn of phrase. “ Sheldon: That's excellent. Go on. Penny: “The reason that date is, like, so totally fixed in my memory is that I had the privilege to be witness to one of the most heroic acts I've ever seen in, like, ever. “ Sheldon: “And who performed that heroic act?“ Penny: “Why, you did, sir. You. Dr. Sheldon Cooper. And may I add, it is a privilege to know you. “ Sheldon: “There's no need for compliments. This court is only interested in the facts. “ Penny: “But it is a fact that it's a privilege to know you. Totally. “ 导演小谢和演员盆妮 Sheldon: Like a milking stool, my case rests on three legs. I will demonstrate that I was improperly instructed in driving by a woman whose lack of respect for society borders on the sociopathic. I will argue that the emergency met the legal doctrine of quod est necessarium est licitum...that which is necessary is legal. But first,I will raise a Sixth Amendment issue. I'm unable to confront my accuser,a non-human entity, to wit, a camera. So, to sum up: improper instruction; quod est necessarium est licitum; Sixth Amendment. My milk stool is complete. 小谢的挤奶凳三足鼎立辩护 Leonard: Hey, where've you been? Sheldon: I'll tell you where I've been. You boys may have had gelato with Stan Lee and gotten autographed comics, but I saw the inside of his house and got an autographed application for a restraining order. Howard: Sweet. Sheldon: Plus, I get to hang out with him again at the hearing. This is going to look great hanging next to my restraining order from Leonard Nimoy. 小谢的特殊礼物 5.地道表达 Oh, balls.:表示失落失望 Darn tootin':等于yes of course wound up:上足发条 preside over:主持,负责 cheese him off:使他不开心 Knock yourself out:别客气,随便点 piss him off:烦死他了 get stood up:被人放鸽子 6.本集八卦 Sheldon因为闯红灯被罚了533刀,驾照也被扣了3分,他还没拿到驾照呢 Stuart邀请Penny和Leonard去他表妹的婚礼,L要假扮成P的表哥 P.S. Raj能发声的T恤很拉风 TBBT笔记(B版)317 宝贝分裂 1.普通级词汇 ragtag:n. 贱民,乌合之众 beanstalk:n. 豆茎 roughage:n. 粗饲料,粗粮 slime:n. 黏液 engrave:v. 在…上雕刻 seedy:adj. 破烂的 underbelly:n. 黑帮,黑市,原意是腰带之下下腹部,引申为易受攻击的部位 replica:n. 复制品 maritime:adj. 海的,海事的,沿海的 jet ski:n. 摩托艇 prop:n. 道具 brooch:n. 胸针 futile:adj. 无用的,徒劳的 plie:芭蕾里的挺背曲膝动作,站起是releve faucet:n. 水龙头 leaky:adj. 漏的 gutter:n. 檐沟 suede:n. 小山羊皮 2.爆炸级词汇 Alf doll:Alf是1986-1990年在美国播出的一部同名电视剧中的外星人角色,ALF=Alien Life Form,Alf被设定为出生于1756年的Melmac星(Howard正是希望他爸爸从这个星球回来) eHarmony:一个婚恋社交网站 connect-the-dots:AKA. dot to dot or join the dots,按照编号连接一些点从而得到一个完整图形的儿童游戏,可以加强儿童对图形的认识 Aquaman:潜水侠,亚特兰蒂斯国王,上世纪五六十年代开始流行的漫画人物 Elvish:魔界中的精灵语 Rosh Hashanah:犹太教的新年,2009年9月18日是犹太教5770年的开始,2010年9月8日是他们5771年的开始 3.爆炸级食品 grilled cheese:烤芝士 ketchup:番茄酱,据小谢说,ketchup最早是各种酱的统称,一般是混合草本植物(herbs)和香料(spices)的蘑菇或腌鱼(fish brine),早期的混合物还可能是蓝莓、凤尾鱼(anchovy)、牡蛎(oyster)、四季豆(kidney bean)或者葡萄 4.精选语录 Leonard: Why do I always have to carry the heavy stuff? Sheldon: Well, it's very simple. In our ragtag band of scientists with nothing to lose, I'm the smart one, Wolowitz is the funny one, and Koothrappali is the lovable foreigner who struggles to understand our ways and fails. That leaves you, by default, as the muscle. Leonard: Oh. One more floor, and I'd be the pulled muscle. 小谢对四人的经典定位 Sheldon: Leonard, what do the two of you talk about after the coitus? Howard: My guess is, “Hey, four minutes! New record!“ That's why I'm the funny one. Funny one! Howard: Oh, my God. An Alf doll. When I was 11, my mother got me one to help me sleep after my dad left. I used to pretend that my dad had moved to the planet Melmac, and Alf was going to bring him back to me. But he never did. Where's my daddy, puppet? Where is he? 猥琐男的玩偶情结 Penny: Okay, just to be clear, the first piece of jewelry my boyfriend gives me is a prop from a movie, and I don't even get to keep it? Howard: If you had gone out with me three years ago, by now, you'd have my great Aunt Ida's brooch that she smuggled out of occupied Belgium in a cat. Leonard: How am I looking now? 道具戒指vs大婶胸针 Sheldon对自己母亲的评价:
She is a kind, loving, religiously fanatical right-wing Texan with a slightly out-of-scale head and a mild Dr. Pepper addiction. Sheldon: Waterfalls. Crashing waves. Babbling brooks. Howard: What are you doing? Sheldon: Subliminal messaging. I'm going to make you want to pee. Dripping faucets. Leaky gutter.....Peeing. 我喷 5.地道表达 cut to the chase:切入正题,开门见山 done and done:表示同意,就这么办,类似于consider it done tear sb. a new one:小心我揍你,表示威胁 play hardball:动真格的,来硬的 tuck into:塞到...里 6.本集八卦 Raj有个律师表哥Venkatesh Koothrappali Sheldon曾花两个半小时和惠普客服人员抱怨客服态度问题 Leonard陪Penny看完了六季Sex and City






